The Department of Mathematics has selected six graduate students to receive honors for academic excellence.
The Phillipe Tondeur Dissertation Prize, which recognizes students in their final year of the mathematics PhD program, was awarded to two recipients: Hung Chu and Grigory Terlov. Hung Chu is working with adviser Timur Oikhberg. The title of his dissertation is "Relaxations of the Optimality Requirement on the Thresholding Greedy Algorithm for Bases of Banach Spaces." Grigory Terlov is working with advisors Partha Dey and Anush Tserunyan. The title of his dissertation is "Conditional Stein's method and maximal spanning forests."
Venkata Sai Bavisetty received the Wolfgang Haken Prize in Geometry and Topology, which is awarded annually to a mathematics PhD student for outstanding research in geometry and topology. Venkata is interested in Picard groups in homotopy theory; their adviser is Vesna Stojanoska.
The Kuo-Tsai Chen Prize in Mathematics, awarded in recognition of outstanding scholastic achievement by a graduate student whose research interests relate to the intersection of analysis and either geometry or algebra, went to Brannon Basilio. Brannon is a member of the graduate chapter of the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) at Illinois. His adviser is Nathan Dunfield.
PhD candidate Robert Dicks and sixth-year graduate student Maria Siskaki were jointly awarded the 2023 Bateman Prize in Number Theory.
Shelby Koehne