Contact Information
801 S Wright St
Champaign, IL 61801
Research Areas
I am a 6th year Ph.D student. My advisor is Professor Rinat Kedem.
Research Interests
- Cluster Algebra of Surface Type
- Representation Theory
Research Description
My research is about finding out combinatorial interpretation of cluster algebra. I am interested in a combinatorial formula that allows for the Laurent expansion of a cluster variable within any cluster algebra originating from a punctured orbifold. The other thing I'm interested in is a combinatorial expansion formula that provide skein relations for elements within a cluster algebra derived from a punctured surface, specifically for cluster algebras of surface type.
- Yonsei University, B.S. in Mathematics(2018)
Awards and Honors
- Susan C. Morisato IML Scholarship, 2024
- R.H. Schark Scholarship, 2023
- Teaching Award Finalist, 2022-2023
Courses Taught
- Spring 2025: Math 285, Intro Differential Equations(Merit)
- Fall 2024: Math 257, Linear Algebra with Computational Applications
- Spring 2024: Math 257, Linear Algebra with Computational Applications
- Fall 2023: Math 285, Intro Differential Equations(Merit)
- Spring 2023: Math 231, Calculus II(Merit)
- Fall 2022: Math 220, Calculus(Merit)
- Spring 2022: Math 241, Calculus III
- Fall 2021: Math 241, Calculus III
- Spring 2021: Math 234, Calculus for Business I
- Spring 2020: Math 234, Calculus for Business I
- Fall 2019: Math 115, Preparation for Calculus
Recent Publications
Skein relations for punctured surfaces (with E. Banaian and E. Kelley), Submitted, preprint available at: arXiv: 2409.04957 (pdf)
Skein relations for punctured surfaces (with E. Banaian and E. Kelley), Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire in the proceedings for Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics 2024, Issue 91B Link to the Proceeding (pdf)
Accelerated Evaluation of Ollivier-Ricci Curvature Lower Bounds: Bridging Theory and Computation (with H. Park) preprint: arXiv: 2405.13302 (pdf)