Contact Information
322 Illini Hall, MC-382
1409 W. Green Street
Urbana, IL 61801
Research Areas
Research Description
Differential geometry, gauge theory, holomorphic vector bundles, moduli spaces.
PhD, University of Chicago, 1988
Additional Campus Affiliations
Professor, Mathematics
External Links
Recent Publications
Álvarez-Cónsul, L., & Bradlow, S. (2024). Preface: IJM Special Volume Dedicated to Prof. Oscar García-Prada's 60th Birthday. International Journal of Mathematics, 35(9), Article 2402001.
Bradlow, S., Collier, B., Garc__a-Prada, O., Gothen, P. B., & Oliveira, A. (2024). A general Cayley correspondence and higher rank Teichmuller spaces. Annals of Mathematics, 200(3), 803-892.
Bradlow, S., & Czubak, M. (2023). Advice from Our Advisor: Karen Uhlenbeck. Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 70(3), 409-414.
Biswas, I., Bradlow, S., Dumitrescu, S., & Heller, S. (2021). Uniformization of branched surfaces and Higgs bundles. International Journal of Mathematics, 32(13), Article A152.
Bradlow, S., Branco, L., & Schaposnik, L. P. (2021). Orthogonal Higgs bundles with singular spectral curves. Communications in Analysis and Geometry, 28(8), 1895-1931.