Summer Funding
Many PhD students receive summer support, in amounts ranging from $2,000-$6,000 for 1-3 summer months depending on duties and source of funding. Students must apply for the funding in order to be considered. In summer 2017, about 135 continuing PhD students received summer funding.
Research Assistantship from any Professor's grant
To apply: inquire during the Spring semester with your adviser and other professors with whom you are working.
Number of positions: 60 approx. in summer 2017
Research Assistantship from Geometric Structures and Representation Varieties (GEAR) Grant
To apply: follow the online application procedures.
Number of positions: variable.
Research Assistantship from Gene H. Golub gift funds
To apply: respond to the email announcement sent by the Director of Graduate Studies, probably around the end of March.
Number of positions: 20
Teaching Assistantship from Mathematics Department
To apply: respond to the email announcement sent by the Director of Graduate Studies, probably around the end of March.
Number of positions: 14
Teaching Assistantship from NetMath
To apply: respond to the email announcement sent by the Director of NetMath, in the Spring semester.
Number of positions: 4
External fellowships and Graduate College fellowships generally include summer support.
Students are encouraged to find internships at companies, national labs, government agencies, and scientific labs on campus. See the PI4 and career information webpages, and view our list of student internship experiences. Please talk to the Director of Graduate Studies if you are interested in getting internship experience.