This annual lecture series honors the memory of Professor Waldemar J. Trjitzinsky who came to the United States from Russia, and taught and researched in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Illinois from 1934 to 1969. The lecture series began in 1978 and was made possible from the gifts of Trjitzinsky's former Ph.D. students; Bing K. Wong, one of Trjitzinsky's students was the person responsible for setting up the Trjitzinsky fund. Each series of three lectures is aimed at a general mathematical public and graduate students.

Year Lecturer Lecture Title
1978 Richard Hamming
Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California
On the unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics
Introduction to digital filters
1979 Paul R. Halmos
Indiana University
A decade of progress in operator theory
Integral operators as "continuous" matrices
Linear algebra made difficult
1980 Charles F. Miller, III
University of Melbourne
Decision problems in algebra
Embedding theorems for groups
Homology of finitely presented groups
1981 B. Alan Taylor
University of Michigan
The Pompieu problem and ideals of analytic functions
Applications of capacities in several complex variables
The complex Monge-Ampere operator and capacities in several complex variables
1982 Hugh L. Montgomery
University of Michigan
Uniform distribution and harmonic analysis
An introduction to Turan's method
The statistical behavior of partitions
1983 Gene Golub
Stanford University
The singular value decomposition: applications and computation
Iterative methods for solving sparse systems of equations arising from elliptic PDE's
Inverse Eigenvalue problems
1984 Richard A. Askey
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Gamma and beta functions and integrals in one and several variables
Orthogonal polynomials old and new
A new look at an old inequality
1985 Idun Reiten
University of Trondheim, Norway
Manifestations of Dynkin diagrams
1986 Donald G. Higman
University of Michigan
Finite Combinatorial Structures
1987 Eric Bedford
Indiana University
Mapping of strongly pseudoconvex domains
Introduction to Monge-Ampere
Capacities in Cn
1988 Marvin Knopp
Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
Recent advances in the theory of modular forms and modular integrals
1989 Ed Perkins
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Brownian Motion on the Sierpinski Gasket
Measure Valued Markov Processes
1990 Karen K. Uhlenbeck
University of Texas, Austin
Using non-linear analysis to understand topology
1991 Charles F. Osgood
Director of the Mathematical Sciences Program and the
Sabbatical Program, National Security Agency
Approximation of algebraic functions
Approximation in Nevanlinna Theory
Dummy parameters in approximation theory
1992 Ronald Evans
University of California at San Diego
Integral formulas of Mehta and Dyson and Selberg Identities of classical analysis over finite fields I, II
1993 Eugenio Calabi
University of Pennsylvania
Some differential geometric methods in calculus of variations
1994 Jeffrey Vaaler
University of Texas
The number of irreducible factors of a polynomial
The Beurling-Selberg extremal functions for a ball in Euclidean space
Diophantine approximation in projective space and effective measures of irrationality
1997 John Lewis
University of Kentucky
Symmetry Problems and Related Topics
1998 Tsit-Yuen Lam
University of California at Berkeley
Quadratic Forms: Ideas and Examples
Ring Theory: Ideas and Examples
Two Great Algebraists: Artin and Brauer
2000 Elliott Lieb
Princeton University
The Quantum Mechanical World View: A Highly Sucessful but still Incomplete Theory
The Mathematics and Physics of the Second Law of Thermodynamics
The Bose Gas: A Subtle Many-Body Problem
2001 Martin Davis
Professor Emeritus, NYU
Visiting Scholar, University of California at Berkeley
Unsolvability and Undecidability in the Diophantine Realm
Gödel's Legacy
Beyond the Zermelo-Fraenkel Axioms
2003 Herbert Wilf
University of Pennsylvania
Recounting the Rationals
The WZ Method
Permutation Patterns
2005 Jean Bourgain
Institute for Advanced Study
A Combinatorial Approach to Exponential Sum Estimates and Applications
2007 Michael Lacey
Georgia Institute of Technology
Irregularities of Distribution and Related Questions
Hankel Matrices, Commutators and Product BMO
2011 Karen Vogtmann
The topology and geometry of the automorphism group of a free group
2012 Robert Ghrist
University of Pennsylvania
Sheaves and the Global Topology of Data
2012 Akshay Venkatesh
Stanford University
I. The Cohen-Lenstra heuristics
II. The topology of arithmetic manifolds
III. Langlands program for torsion classes
2013 Rodrigo Banuelos
Purdue University
Martingale inequalities and applications
2014 Andrei Okounkov
Columbia University
Symplectic resolutions and Lie algebras
2015 Sergey Fomin
University of Michigan
Computing without subtracting (and/or dividing)
Quiver mutations and beyond
Webs, invariants, and clusters
2016 Vaughan Jones
Vanderbilt University
1. What is it about the plane?
2. Subfactors and the plane
3. Subfactors, conformal field theory and the Thompson group
2017 Alexander Kechris
A descriptive set theoretic approach to problems in harmonic analysis, ergodic theory and combinatorics
2018 Carl Pomerance
Dartmouth College
1. What we still don't know about addition and multiplication
2. Random number theory
3. Primality testing: then and now