
  1. To provide support for Mathematics TAs - to make the TA's job easier!
  2. To develop and improve TA teaching skills

Participants: The participants are Mathematics TAs in their first semester of teaching at Illinois or teaching a "stand-alone" class for the first time.

Mentors: The mentors are experienced, successful Mathematics TAs who have training and ongoing supervision in their role as mentors.


  1. Workshops and case-study discussions throughout the semester on practical, teaching-related topics.
  2. Your mentor will visit your classroom several times to observe your teaching and to give you confidential feedback.
  3. Your mentor will meet with you to discuss the results of informal midterm feedback from your students. This is also confidential.
  4. Your mentor is available to answer your questions and to consult with you informally about your teaching.

Important Note: Your mentor's job is to help you develop your teaching skills and to provide support. The Mentoring Program is not used for evaluation of teaching. Mentors do not report on individual TAs to Prof. Ahlgren or to anyone else.

To sign up as a participant, please contact:
Karen Mortensen
Director of TA Mentoring Program
244-4128, kmortens@illinois.edu

Professor Scott Ahlgren
Associate Chair
333-1625, sahlgren@illinois.edu