On November 17, 2023, the Mathematics Development Advisory Board (MDAB) convened for its 14th annual meeting at the Alice Campbell Alumni Center in Urbana, IL.
The MDAB is comprised of UIUC mathematics alumni, advancement officers from the College of LAS, and special liaisons from the mathematics department. The board acts in an advisory capacity to department leadership, helping them gain knowledge and organize activity to support the students and the growing community of mathematics alumni they serve.
At this year’s annual meeting, mathematics department leadership presented to the board several reports on the department’s activity. Board members presented on the progress of their respective committee project and set goals for the coming year.
Bill Schwegler (BS, ’89, actuarial science) ended his three-year term on the board this November, as three new members joined. The newest inductees include Lisa Hays (BS; ’89; mathematics, economics), chief actuary at Great American Insurance Company; Jo Jones (BS, ’63, teaching of mathematics), retired business manager at the University of Iowa Museum of Art; and Matthew Ando, former associate dean for life and physical sciences in the College of LAS.
Professor Sheldon Katz was also presented with a plaque recognizing his contributions to the continued success of board activities; Katz was prominently involved with the establishment of MDAB and served as its chair for thirteen years.
The meeting culminated in a tour of Altgeld Hall; board members were shown around the construction site and provided information about the plans for the building's renovation and restoration.
Since its inception, MDAB has created and funded an undergraduate scholarship program, endowed professorships, and an alumni awards program. Past board administrations established a funding mechanism for the Illinois Mathematics Lab, enabling research experiences for undergraduate students. Board members have also organized opportunities for alumni engagement and provided essential support for the Altgeld and Illini Hall project.
Correction: An earlier version of this article noted Prof. Sheldon Katz as the former faculty liaison to MDAB; in fact, he served as the MDAB chair for thirteen years.