Illinois Geometry Lab students host poster session in Altgeld Hall
On December 8, 2022, members of the Illinois Geometry Lab (IGL) presented results of their Fall 2022 projects in 239 Altgeld Hall.
Among the seven projects hosted this fall, an interdisciplinary group worked to prepare the collection of mathematical models in Altgeld Hall for their transition to a new space (as part of the Altgeld-Illini Hall project), identifying their mathematical importance to enhance the impact they will have in the renovated Altgeld Hall. Two groups of students studied datasets related to the Russia-Ukraine conflict to analyze the effects on critical infrastructure and supply chains. Other projects examined phase retrieval in X-rays, fractal Fourier Series, and topics related to quantum mechanics and quantum information theory.
The Illinois Geometry Lab's mission is to enhance and support undergraduate research within the Department of Mathematics and to support departmental efforts to engage local, state, and national communities through outreach. Membership is open to students across the University of Illinois, regardless of their affiliation with the mathematics department. To learn more about IGL and upcoming projects for spring 2023, visit https://math.illinois.edu/research/igl.
The Illinois Risk Lab presents semester-long research results

Members of Illinois Risk Lab (IRisk Lab) gathered on Reading Day this year to discuss the results of their semester-long research projects. The presentations were held in 314 Altgeld Hall.
Projects examined a number of topics related to risk analysis and advanced analytics, including algorithm bias and interpretable AI and representation learning for insurance products, among others. One project used historical accident and traffic data to create mathematical models that could potentially provide guidance on auto insurance geo-risks. Another explored the potential of federated learning as a tool to facilitate collaboration among distinct stakeholders without violating consumer privacy.
IRisk Lab is an industry-academic collaboration hub that facilitates the integration of discovery-based learning experience for students and showcases state-of-the-art research.
Four IRisk Lab projects, including continuations of projects from the fall, have been announced for spring 2023. Membership is open to all undergraduate and graduate students at Illinois, and applications for the upcoming semester are now open. The application form contains detailed student position descriptions, project descriptions, and prerequisites. For full consideration, please apply by 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, January 3.