PME logoPi Mu Epsilon (PME) is the National Mathematics Honorary Society that serves to promote scholarly activity in mathematics among the students in academic institutions.

Since its foundation in 1914 at Syracuse University, the Society has grown to include over 360 chapters at colleges and universities throughout the United States. Established in 1924, the Chapter at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (PMEILA) was the first (Alpha) chartered Chapter in the Illinois state and the 7th overall.

Pi Mu Epsilon, Fall 2019


To be elected as a member to the Illinois Alpha Chapter of Pi Mu Epsilon, a person must either be:

  • An undergraduate student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign who has met all of the following requirements:
    • Completion of the calculus sequence through MATH 241.
    • Completion of at least two post-calculus courses in mathematics all of which lead to the fulfillment of the requirements for a major in the mathematical sciences at the University of Illinois.
    • a GPA of at least 3.5  in all mathematics courses that lead to the fulfillment of the requirements for a major in the mathematical sciences.
    • a GPA of at least 3.2 in all courses that lead to the fulfillment of the requirements for an undergraduate degree at the University of Illinois.
  • A graduate student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign whose mathematical work is at least equivalent to that required of a qualified undergraduate and who has a 3.0 or higher math GPA during his/her last school year prior to his/her election
  • A member of the faculty at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in mathematics or related subjects
  • In the very rare case, a person who has achieved distinction in a mathematical science, but is not described by 1–3.


To become a member of PME, you will have to pay a $35 initiation fee ($30 go to the national PME organization and $5 stay with the local chapter) in addition to any merchandise you order. After you have been notified that you have been accepted as a member of PME, you will receive an email with instruction how to make the payment.

Please join our mailing list PME-Illinois-Prospectives if you wish to be notified when the next application window opens.

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