Doctoral Graduates


Name PhD Date Dissertation Title Dissertation Director First Job Information
Basilio, Brannon 5/15/24 Closed surfaces in knot complements and 3-manifolds Dunfield, Nathan Data Science Intern, Horrocks Engineering
Bavisetty Venkata Sai Narayana 5/15/24 Descent and Picard group of Q(2) Stojanoska, Vesna Research Scientist, UF Health
Kim, Hanna 5/15/24 Upper Bounds of Second Laplacian Eigenvalues on the Sphere and the Projective Space Laugesen, Richard Postdoc, UNC Chapel Hill
Malionek, Joseph 5/15/24 Algorithmic problems in 3-manifold topology and geometry Dunfield, Nathan Sandia National Laboratories
McCourt, Grace 5/15/24 On optimal structures in hypergraphs Kostochka, Alexandr Postdoc with Shira Zerbib, Iowa State University
Ng, Tsz Hin 5/15/24 Some optimal control problems in financial and actuarial mathematics Chong, Wing Fung Assistant Professor, The Ohio State University
Nguyen, Anh-Tuong 5/15/24 Coend elements of a Hopf algebra in a braided rigid monoidal category Walton, Chelsea Global Alpha Researcher, Trexquant Investment LP
Sun, Qiang 5/15/24 Half-integral weight Kloosterman sums and integer partitions Ahlgren, Scott Post doc, Laboratoire Paul Painleve at the University of Lile, France
Xiao, Shuyu 5/15/24 Abelianization of groupoids and Lie algebroids Loja Fernandes, Rui Unknown
Zwaan, Luka 5/15/24 Duistermaat-Heckman measures for Hamiltonian groupoid actions Loja Fernandes, Rui Postdoc, KU Leuven
Adhikari, Nachiketa 8/15/24 Shifted Symplectic structures and derived moduli spaces Katz, Sheldon Research Scientist, Upstart
Gao, Shiliang 8/15/24 Three Topics in Combinatorial Representation Theory Yong, Alexander NSF Postdoc, Cornell University
Jayasinghe, Mahaarachchige Gayana Sarajakumara 8/15/24 Lefschetz fixed point theory and morse inequalities on stratified pseudomanifolds Albin, Pierre Unknown 
Krueger, Robert 8/15/24 Extremal Properties of Some Random Combinatorial Systems Balogh, Jozsef NSF Math Research Postdoc, Carnegie Mellon University
Liu, Di 8/15/24 Zeros and Moments of L-functions and Applications Zaharescu, Alexandru Unknown 
Nahvi, Mina 8/15/24 Problems in Graph Reconstruction and Set Pair Systems Kostochka, Alexandr Postdoc, Northwestern University
Hsiao, Ting-Yang 12/15/24 Unstable Stokes waves in constant vorticity flows Hur, Mi Kyoung Postdoc, SISSA, Italy
Kaushik, Vivek 12/15/24 Cyclicity analysis of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process Barsyshnikov, Yuliy Ebay

Name PhD Date Dissertation Title Dissertation Director First Job Information
Chesser, Marissa 5/15/23 Stable Subgroups of Handlebody Groups Leininger, Christopher Asssistant Professor, Dordt University
Chu, Hung Viet 5/15/23 Relaxations of the Optimality Requirement on the Thresholding Greedy Algorithm for Basees of Banach Spaces Oikhberg, Timur Visiting Assistant Professor, Texas A & M
Dicks, Robert 5/15/23 Modular Forms, the Shimura Correspondence, and Arithmetic Applications Ahlgren, Scott Assistant Professor, Clemson University
Gonzalez Pagan, Oscar 5/15/23 Effective Estimates for Sums of Kloosterman Sums, Modular Forms, and Applications Ahlgren, Scott Researcher, NSA, Maryland
Jaffe, Grace 5/15/23 Topics in Analytic Number Theory Reznick, Bruce Visiting Assistant Professor, Oberlin College
Krishnan, Kesav 5/15/23 Assorted Problems in Statistical Mechanics Dey, Partha PIMS Postdoc, Univ. of Victoria
Le, Phuong 5/15/23 Applied Topology Through the Lens of Analytic Combinatorics Baryshnikov, Yuliy Analyst, Wells Fargo
Morales Miranda, Adriana 5/15/23 Quantifying the Effect of Climate on Respiratory Viruses: From Seasonality to Interannual Variability Martinez Vargas, Pamela Cancer Prevention Fellow, National Cancer Institute
Orelowitz, Gidon 5/15/23 Enumeration, Algorithms, and Complexity in Algebraic Combinatorics Yong, Alexander Analyst, Goldman Sachs
Souktik, Roy 5/15/23 Two Topics in Arithmetic Combinatorics Balogh, Jozsef Quantitative Researcher, Optiver
Shinkle, Emily 5/15/23 Combinatorial Complexes Associated to Surfaces Leininger, Christopher Postdoc, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Siskaki, Maria 5/15/23 Analytic and Ergodic Properties of Certain Classes of Euclidean Algorithms Boca, Florin Lecturer, Yale University
Terlov, Grigory 5/15/23 Conditional Stein’s Method and Maximal Spanning Forests Dey, Partha RTG Postdoc, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Wang, Weihang 5/15/23 Algorithms for New Objectives in Graph Partitioning and Generalizations Chandrasekaran, Karthekeyan Analyst, Cadence
Zhang, Linfeng 5/15/23 Applications of Actuarial and Data Science Techniques to Emerging Topics in Risk Management Feng, Runhuan Assisttant Professor of Actuarial Science, The Ohio State University
Blanchard, Eion 8/15/23 Decidability Bounds for Extensions of Presburger Arithmetic Hieronymi, Philipp  Postdoc, MSRI
Chrontsios Garitsis, Efstathios Konstantinos 8/15/23 Quasiconformal Mappings and Fractal Geometry Hinkkanen, Aimo Postdoc, University of Tennessee
Kelm, Justin 8/15/23 D-Modules, V-Filtrations, and b-Functions in Mixed Characteristic Dodd, Christopher Researcher, Sandia National Laboratory
Lee, Chaeryn 8/15/23 Counting Surfaces in 3-manifolds Dunfield, Nathan Unknown
Nam, Sungwoo 8/15/23 Local Enumerative Invariants of some Gorenstein Surfaces and Orbifolds Katz, Sheldon Postech
Schulz, Christian 8/15/23 Definability and Decidability for Expansions of Arithmetic by Sets Definable From Positional Numeration Systems Hieronymi, Philipp Postdoc, Waterloo
Wu, Peixue 8/15/23 Dynamical Approach in Quantum Information Theory Song, Renming Postdoc, Institute for Quantum Computing at Unversity of Waterloo
Wu,  Qiang 8/15/23 Cluster Expansion Approach and Fluctuation Results in Mean Field Spin Glass Theory Dey, Partha Dunham Jackson Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota
Jin, Kexin 12/15/23 A Lattice Structure on Code Metrics and Beyond f-vectors of Matroids Duursma, Iwan Quantitative
Researcher, JPMorgan Chase & Co
Simpson, Sarah 12/15/23 Stability Bounds for Nonlinear Dispersive Hamiltonian Partial Differential Equations Bronski, Jared R&D Computer Scientist, Sandia National Laboratories
Xie, Yong 12/15/23 Nonlinear Dependence and its Application in Finance Linders, Daniel Researcher, Amazon


Name PhD Date Dissertation Title Dissertation Director First Job Information
Abdikerimova, Samal 05/15/2022 Peer-to-peer insurance and risk sharing Feng, Runhuan Risk Manager of Segment Actuarial Function Dept. at ERGO Group AG, Düsseldorf, Germany
Clemen, Felix 05/15/2022 Variation of Tur’ An’ S Theorem Balogh, Jozsef Postdoc at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany. 
Jin, Longhao 05/15/2022 Capital allocation and risk management in insurance Feng, Runhuan Research Scientist at Meta
Kielty, Derek 05/15/2022 Spectral theory: minimizing Robin gaps, and singular limits for sign-changing weights Laugesen, Richard Unknown
Neidinger (Neidmann), Dana 05/15/2022 Exact Covering System Digraphs: A Number-Theoretic Family of Directed Graphs on the Integers Reznick, Bruce Visiting Assistant Professor, Centre College (2 yrs)
Park, Shinhae 05/15/2022 Dynamics of Multiple Populations Interactions  Rapti, Zoi Model Validation Analyst, Citi
Robichaux, Colleen 05/15/2022 Equivariant Schubert Calculus and Applications Yong, Alexander Postdoc, Hedrick Assistant Adjunct Professor, UCLA 
Rudd, Cameron 05/15/2022 Stable isoperimetric ratios and hyperbolic geometry Dunfield, Nathan Postdoc, Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik in Bonn
Yang, Yuji 05/15/2022 An Ordinary Rank-Two Case of Local-Global Compatibility for Automorphic Representations of Arbitrary Weight Over CM Fields Allen, Patrick Postdoc, Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research
Zirlin, Dara 05/15/2022 Cycle structure of graphs and hypergraphs: extremal problems and reconstruction Kostochka, Alexandr Data Scientist, Ameren
Zomback, Jenna 05/15/2022 Pointwise ergodic theorems via descriptive set theory Tserunyan, Anush Visiting Asst. Prof., Williams College, 22-23.
Postdoc, University of Maryland, 23-26.
Bhardwaj, Neer 08/15/2022 The Pila-Wilkie theorem and analytic Ax-Kochen-Ersov theory van den Dries, Lou Postdoc, The Weizmann Institute of Science,  Israel
Huynh, Chi 08/15/2022 A study of dimension estimates in the context of spherical Talbot effect and Besov  Erdogan, Mehmet Associate at the Analysis Group, Boston
Linz, William 08/15/2022 Topics in extremal and algebraic combinatorics Baolgh, Jozsef Postdoc in Data Science RTG,  University of South Carolina 
Rennie, Robert 08/15/2022 Quasicategorical Galois Theories Rezk, Charles Visiting Assistant Professor, Colorado College 
Robichaux, Colleen 08/15/2022 Equivariant Schubert Calculus and Applications Yong, Alexander Postdoc, Hedrick Assistant Adjunct Professor, UCLA 
Sadoveanu, Vlad 08/15/2022 High frequency bound states in nonlinear Schr odinger equations Kirr, Edward Unknown
Shin, Brian 08/15/2022 Norms and transfers in motivic homotopy theory Heller, Jeremiah Postdoc, Assistant Adjunct Professor, UCLA
Tatum, Elizabeth 08/15/2022 On a Spectrum-level Splitting of the BP<2>-Cooperations Algebra at Primes Larger than 3 Stojansoka, Vesna Postdoc, Stockholm University.
Wojtalewicz, Nikolas 08/15/2022 Discontinuous Differential Equations Hirani, Anil Vision Scientist,  Vision Systems Inc. (VSI)
Zhang, Yuxuan 08/15/2022 Local symplectic groupoids and the SGA equation Loja Fernandes, Rui Software engineer, Hive
Ihli, Dakota 12/15/22 Describing Generic Elements of Polish Groups Tserunyan, Anush unknown



Name PhD Date Dissertation Title Dissertation Director First Job Information
Block Gorman, Alexi 8/15/2021 Pairs and predicates in expansions of o-minimal structures Hieronymi, Philipp Postdoc, Fields and McMaster
Huang, Jesse 8/15/2021 Toric mirror symmetry and GIT windows Pascalef, James Postdoc, PIMS/U of Alberta
Jing, Yifan 8/15/2021 Some arithmetic Ramsey problems and inverse theorems Balogh, Jozsef
Li, Xiaochun 
Postdoc, University of Oxford
Li, Haojian 8/15/2021 Noncommutative Sobolev type inequalities Junge, Marius Postdoc, Baylor
Lin, Mingyan 8/15/2021 Generalized Backlund-Darboux transformations for Coxeter-Toda systems on simple Lie groups Kedem, Rinat Postdoc, Singapore
Loa,Christopher 8/15/21

Free products of abelian groups in mapping class groups

Leininger, Christopher Unknown
Okano, Tsutomu 8/15/2021 A motivic norm structure on equivariant algebraic K-theory Heller, Jeremiah Facebook
Wang, Hsin-Po 8/15/2021 Complexity and second moment of the mathematical theory of communication Duursma, Iwan Postdoc, Academica Sinica
Wu, Shukun 8/15/2021 Some new results related to the Bochner-Riesz problems Li, Xiaochun Postdoc, Taussky-Todd Instructorship, Caltech
Zhao, Lutian 8/15/2021 Gopakumar-Vafa invariant and Macdonald formula Katz, Sheldon Postdoc, University of Maryland
Balderrama, William 5/15/2021 Deformations of homotopy theories via algebraic theories Rezk, Charles RTG Postdoc, University of Virginia
Chebao, Yusuf 5/15/2021 Zeros of solutions of certain differential equations Hinkkanen, Aimo Lecturer, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand
Donepudi, Ravi Kiran 5/15/2021 Special Fibers of Shimura varieties in the Torelli Locus Allen, Patrick Associate, Goldman Sachs
Gramcko-Tursi, Mary Angelica 5/15/2021 Topics on the geometry and classification of Banach lattices Oikhberg, Timur Senior signal processing engineer, Lockheed Martin, Orlando, FL
Han, Xiaolong 5/15/2021 Norms on cohomology, harmonic forms, eigenvalues and minimal surfaces in hyperbolic manifolds Dunfield, Nathan Postdoc, Yau Mathematical Science Center
Heath, Emily 5/15/2021 The Erdős-Gyárfás problem and ordered size Ramsey questions Balogh, Jozsef Postdoc, Combinatorics RTG, Iowa State University
Kaplan, Elliot 5/15/2021 Derivations on o-minimal fields van den Dries, Lou NSF Postdoc, Fields Institute (1 yr); Postdoc, McMaster University (2 yrs)
Karve, Vaibhav 5/15/2021 Graphical structure of unsatisfiable boolean formulae Hirani, Anil Senior data scientist, SimSpace Corporation, Boston, MA
Kim, Heejoung 5/15/2021 Generalizations of quasiconvexity for finitely generated groups Kapovich, Ilya Ross Assistant Professor, Ohio State University
Liu, Chongda 5/15/2021 Variable annuity guaranteed lifetime withdrawal benefit and decentralized

Feng, Runhuan

Analyst, Castleton Commodities International
Quan, Hadrian 5/15/2021 Microlocal analysis of asymptotically complex hyperbolic manifolds and their conformal contact boundaries Albin, Pierre Postdoc, University of Washington, Seattle



Name PhD Date Dissertation Title Dissertation Director First Job Information
Ahmed, Iftikhar 5/15/2020 Mathematical modeling of infectious diseases Rapti, Zoi  
Burson, Hannah 8/15/2020 Combinatorial approaches to problems about integer partitions and q-series Berndt, Bruce Postdoc, University of Minnesota
Carmody, Daniel 8/15/2020 cdh descent for homotopy Hermitian K-theory of rings with involution Heller, Jeremiah Postdoc, MIT Senseable City Lab
Dunn, Alexander Jason 5/15/2020 Analytic and arithmetic applications of half integral weight automorphic forms Ahlgren, Scott, and Zahrescu, Alexandru Tausky & Todd postdoc, CalTech
Fassina, Martino 5/15/2020 Singularities and multiplier algorithms for real hypersurfaces D'Angelo, John P. Postdoc, University of Vienna
Postdoc, Indiana University
Field, Elizabeth C. 5/15/2020 Trees, dendrites, and the Cannon-Thurston map Kapovich, Ilya Postdoc, Utah
Gartland, Christopher J. 5/15/2020 BiLipschitz embeddings and nonembeddings of metric spaces and related problems Tyson, Jeremy Postdoc, Texas A&M
Harris, Terence Lee John 5/15/2020 Restricted projection families and weighted Fourier restriction Erdogan, Burak Kesten postdoc, Cornell
Klajbor-Goderich, Stefanie 5/15/2020 Equivariant dynamics and categories of equivariant vector fields Lerman, Eugene NetMath, UIUC
Li, Lina 5/15/2020 Enumerating combinatorial objects with limited sub-configurations Balogh, Jozsef Postdoc, Waterloo
Li, Shixuan 8/15/2020 Low dilatation pseudo-Anosovs on punctured surfaces and volume Leininger, Christopher  
Li, Xiao 5/15/2020 On error correcting codes for distributed storage Duursma, Iwan  
Li, Xujun 8/15/2020 Extremal problems on special graph colorings Kostochka, Alexandr Coordinated Science Lab, UIUC
Linden, Christopher 5/15/2020 Continued fractions and representations of graphs Boca, Florin  
Pynn-Coates, Nigel Adam 5/15/2020 On asymptotic valued differential fields with small derivation van den Dries, Lou Postdoc, Ohio State
Roman-Garcia, Fernando Yahdiel 5/15/2020 Projections, slicings and Fourier transforms in the Heisenberg group Tyson, Jeremy Instructor, Colegio San Ignacio de Loyola, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Sisneros-Thiry, Simone 8/15/2020 Combinatorial number theory through diagramming and gesture Reznick, Bruce Assistant professor, California State University, East Bay
Wang, Lan 5/15/2020 Dynamics on networks Bronski, Jared Research Scientist, VISA
Wen, Joshua 8/15/2020 Wreath Macdonald polynomials as eigenstates Nevins, Thomas Zelevinsky Postdoctoral Fellow, Northeastern University
Zhang, Ningchuan 5/15/2020 L-functions and J-spectra Ando, Matthew Postdoc, UPenn



Name PhD Date Dissertation Title Dissertation Director First Job Information
Butler, Stacey 5/15/2019 Network structure and stability criteria for complex ecological systems O'Dwyer, James Postdoc, Plant Biology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Gao, Xinghua 8/15/2019 Orderability of homology spheres obtained by Dehn filling Dunfield, Nathan Postdoc, KIAS
Hong, Euijin 5/15/2019 Two problems in the theory of curves over fields of positive characteristic Duursma, Iwan & Haboush, William Lecturer, University of Colorado at Boulder
Kim, Hee Yeon 5/15/2019 Bifurcations in nonlinear Schrodinger equations with double well potentials Kirr, Eduard-Wilhelm Samsung Display
Koutsaki, Kalliopi 8/15/2019 Distribution of sequences related to L-functions Zaharescu, Alexandru Quantitative Analyst, ABN Amro Bank, Netherlands
Livesay, Michael 5/15/2019 Stable configurations for population and social dynamics DeVille, Lee Sandia National Labs
Loving, Marissa 8/15/2019 Least dilatation of pure surface braids Leininger, Christopher NSF Postdoc, Georgia Tech
Luo, Ruth 8/15/2019 Extremal problems for cycles in graphs and hypergraphs Kostochka, Alexandr NSF Postdoc, University of California, San Diego
Menon, Dileep 8/15/2019 Equivariant elliptic cohomology and twisted equivariant k-theory Ando, Matthew Data Scientist,, Amsterdam
Merriman, Claire 8/15/2019 Geometric and ergodic properties of certain classes of continued Boca, Florin Ross Assistant Professor, Ohio State
Mousley, Sarah 5/15/2019 Boundaries and hierarchically hyperbolic spaces Leininger, Christopher Postdoc, Lawrence Livermore National Lab
Nell, Travis 8/15/2019 Distality in pairs Hieronymi, Philipp Principal Associate, Data Science, Capital One Financial
Obeidin, Malik 8/15/2019 Local properties of random link diagrams Dunfield, Nathan Software Engineer, Google
Penciak, Matej 8/15/2019 A spectral description of the spin Ruijsenaars-Schneider system Nevins, Thomas Postdoc, Northeastern University
Pratt, Kyle 5/15/2019 Topics in analytic number theory Ford, Kevin Postdoc, Oxford
Rawig, Siraprapa 12/15/2019 Poisson structures and degenerations of integrable systems related to y(gl2) Bergvelt, Maarten TT job, Thailand
Rivera-Quinones, Vanessa 8/15/2019 Mathematical models of Daphnia epidemics Rapti, Zoi Data science consultant, Equilo
Schmidt, Arnold James 12/15/2019 Morphisms of networks of hybrid open systems Lerman, Eugene Fraud protection, Chicago
Shakan, George 5/15/2019 The sum-product problem Ford, Kevin Postdoc, Oxford
Shen, Shiyu 8/15/2019 Tamely ramified geometric Langlands correspondence in positive characteristic Nevins, Thomas Postdoc, University of Toronto
Shi, Yun 8/15/2019 On motivic Donaldson-Thomas invariants on the local projective plane Katz, Sheldon Postdoc, Harvard
Tichenor, Scott 8/15/2019 Annular breadth of hinges & hinge exit paths of annuli Alexander, Stephanie Assistant Professor, Perimeter College at Georgia State University
Tran, Minh 8/15/2019 Model theory of partially random structures van den Dries, Lou Postdoc, Notre Dame, NSF and Hale Assistant Professorship
Yager, Derrek 8/15/2019 Sufficient degree conditions for graph embeddings Kostochka, Alexandr Sandia National Labs



Name PhD Date Dissertation Title Dissertation Director First Job Information
Jung, Derek 12/15/2018 Lipschitz and Holder mappings into jet space Carnot groups Tyson, Jeremy Data Scientist, Macy's, New York
Kirkoryan, Artur 12/15/2018 Design principles for linear systems: stability and optimality Baryshnikov, Yuliy Visiting Scholar, Coordinated Science Lab, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Wang, Xiao 12/15/2018 Spatial statistical-physical systems Baryshnikov, Yuliy Data Scientist, Parkland Center for Clinical Innovation (PCCI), Dallas
Bernshteyn, Anton 8/15/2018 Coloring Problems in Combinatorics and Descriptive Set Theory Kostochka, Alexandr & Tserunyan Anush Postdoc, Carnegie Mellon University
Caulfield, Erin 8/15/2018 Classifying Expansions of the Real Field by Complex Subgroups Hieronymi, Philipp Postdoc, McMaster University
Chung, Jooyeon 8/15/2018 Fourth Order Spectral Theory and Diffusion-Driven Instability Laugesen, Richard Senior Engineer, Samsung SDS
Dong, Dong 8/15/2018 Multilinear operators in harmonic analysis:methods and applications Li, Xiaochun Research Associate, University of Maryland, College Park
Ekvittayaniphon, Sakulbuth 8/15/2018 On sequences related to binary partition function and the Thue-Morse sequence Reznick, Bruce Lecturer, Rajamangala University of Technology, Phra Nakorn, Bangkok, Thailand
Gao, Li 8/15/2018 On Quantum Euclidean Spaces: Continuous deformation and Pseudo-Differentials Operators Junge, Marius Visiting Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University
Hakobyan, Tigran 8/15/2018 Algebraically closed fields with characters; differential-henselian monotone valued differential fields van den Dries, Lou Facebook
Lanius, Melinda 8/15/2018 Generically nondegenerate Poisson structures and their Lie algebroids Albin, Pierre Research Postdoc, University of Arizona
Li, Junxian 8/15/2018 Extreme Values of L-Functions Zaharescu, Alexandru Postdoc, University of Gottingen
Mastroeni, Matthew 8/15/2018 Betti Numbers of Koszul Algebras and Codimension Two Matrix Factorizations Schenck, Hal Postdoctoral Fellow, Oklahoma State University
Monical, Cara 8/15/2018 Polynomials in Algebraic Combinatorics Yong, Alex Computer Scientist (Senior Level), Sandia National Labs
Ochoa de Alaiza, Itziar 8/15/2018 Stratifications of representations and cyclic quivers Nevins, Tom Lecturer, Yale  University
Rasekh, Nima 8/15/2018 A Theory of Elementary Higher Toposes Rezk, Charles Postdoc, Max Planck Institute, Germany
Tamazyan, Albert 8/15/2018 Visibility of Lattice Points in high dimensional spaces and extreme values of combinations of Dirichlet L-Functions Berndt, Bruce & Zaharescu, Alexandru Microsoft
Toprak, Ebru 8/15/2018 Global Dynamics of Schrodinger and Dirac Equations with Obstructions Erdogan, Burak Postdoc MSRI (Fall 2018), then Visiting Assistant Professor, Rutgers University
Villatoro, Joel 8/15/2018 Stacks in Poisson Geometry Fernandes, Rui Postdoc, KU Leuven
Weigandt, Anna 8/15/2018 Prism Tableaux and Alternating Sign Matrices Yong, Alex Postdoc, University of Michigan
West, Argen 8/15/2018 Linear Search Problem with Low Sensing on Two Rays Zharnitsky, Vadim Data Scientist, Ascend-Innovations
Zhao, Mingyu 8/15/2018 Smoothing Estimates for Noncommutative Spaces Junge, Marius Facebook
Camacho, Santiago 5/15/2018 Truncation in Differential Hahn Fields van den Dries, Lou Postdoc, Illinois Wesleyan University
Ferguson, Timothy 5/15/2018 Dynamical Systems on Networks Bronski, Jared Postdoc, Arizona State University
Kosar, Nicholas 5/15/2018 Generalizations of No k-equal Spaces Baryshnikov, Yuliy Personify
Kydonakis, Georgios 5/15/2018 Gluing Constructions for Higgs Bundles over a Complex Connected Sum Bradlow, Steve Postdoc, Institut de Recherche Mathematique Avancee (IRMA), Universite de Strasbourg, France
Michiels, Daan 5/15/2018 Symplectic Foliations, Currents, and Local Lie Groupoid Fernandes, Rui Quantitative Researcher, G-Research (
Oyengo, Michael Obiero 5/15/2018 Chebyshev-like Polynomials, Conic Distribution of Roots, and Continued Fractions Stolarsky, Kenneth Lecturer, Maseno University, Kenya
Pandey, Ashish 5/15/2018 Modulational Instability in some Shallow Water Wave Models Hur, Vera  Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, IIIT-Delhi, India
Skabelund, Dane 5/15/2018 Covers and Invariants of Deligne-Lusztig Curves Duursma, Iwan Instructor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Sun, Hao 5/15/2018 W-Operators and Generating Functions of Hurwitz Numbers Bergvelt, Maarten Postdoc, Sun Yat-Sen University, China
Wagner, Zsolt Adam 5/15/2018 On Some Problems in Extremal, Probabilistic and Enumerative Combinatorics Balogh, Jozsef Postdoc, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland



Name PhD Date Dissertation Title Dissertation Director First Job Information
Etedadi Aliabadi, Mahmood 12/15/2017 Generic Behaviour of a Measure Transformation Solecki, Slawomir Postdoc, University of North Texas at Denton
Romney, Matthew 12/15/2017 Metric geometry of the Grushin plane and generalizations Tyson, Jeremy Postdoc, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Smith, Mychael 12/15/2017 Equivariant E-infinity algebras Rezk, Charles Assistant Professor, University of New Mexico-Valencia County Branch
Tian, Hongfei 12/15/2017 On the center of the ring of invariant differential operators on semisimple groups over fields of positive characteristic Haboush, William Software Engineer, DataScience Inc.
Yi, Bingji 12/15/2017 On Intrinsic Ultracontractivity of Perturbed Lévy Process and Applications of Lévy Process in Actuarial Mathematics Feng, Runhuan Quantitative Strategist, Sunrise Futures
Addabbo, Darlayne 8/15/2017 Q-systems and Generalizations in Representation Theory Bergvelt, Maarten Postdoc, University of Notre Dame
Albar, Wafaa 8/15/2017 Non commutative version of arithmetic geometric mean inequality and crossed product of ternary ring of operators Junge, Marius & Ruan, Zhong-Jin Assistant Professor, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
Chaubey, Sneha 8/15/2017 Correlations of Sequences Modulo one and Statistics of Geometrical Objects Associated to Visible Points Zaharescu, Alexandru Postdoctoral Researcher, mathematics Institute, University of Gottingen, Germany
Du, Xiumin 8/15/2017 A Sharp Schrodinger Maximal Estimate in R2 Li, Xiaochun Member, Institute for Advanced Study; Postdoctoral Fellow (2 years), University of Maryland
Gehret, Allen 8/15/2017 Towards a Model Theory of Logarithmic Transseries van den Dries, Lou NSF Postdoctoral Fellow and Assistant Adjunct Professor, UCLA 3 yrs
Jang, Mi Young 8/15/2017 On the Super Hilbert Scheme of Constant Hilbert Polynomials Katz, Sheldon Hans Rademacher Instructor, University of Pennsylvania
Karr, William 8/15/2017 Convexity & Curvature in Lorentzian Geometry Alexander, Stephanie Data scientist,
Liu, Shiya 8/15/2017 Asymptotically optimal shapes for counting lattice points and eigenvalues Laugesen, Richard Software Engineer, Google
Loeb, Sarah 8/15/2017 Coloring and Covering Problems on Graphs West, Douglas Visiting Assistant Professor, College of William and Mary
Malik, Amita 8/15/2017 Partition Asymptotics and Zeros of Zeta Functions Berndt, Bruce Hill Assistant Professor, Rutgers University
Meng, Xianchang 8/15/2017 The distribution of k-free numbers and integers with fixed number of prime factors Ford, Kevin Postdoctoral fellow, Centre de Recherches Mathematiques, Montreal
Panagiotopoulos, Aristotelis 8/15/2017 Structures and Dynamics Solecki, Slawomir Bateman Instructor, California Institute of Technology
Qin, Wei 8/15/2017 Information, Insider Trading and Takeover Announcements Sowers, Richard Supercomputing Applications, National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Tebbe, Amelia 8/15/2017 Computing the Goodwillie-Taylor Tower for Discrete Modules McCarthy, Randy Assistant Professor (tenure track), Indiana University Kokomo
Tokcan, Neriman 8/15/2017 Relative Waring Ranks of Binary Forms Reznick, Bruce Postdoctoral Assistant Professor, University of Michigan (Mathematics, and Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics)
Turmunkh, Bolor 8/15/2017 Nakajima (q,t)-Characters as Quantum Cluster Variables Kedem, Rinat Data Scientist,
Uyanik, Caglar 8/15/2017 Dynamics of Free Group Automorphisms and a Subgroup Alternative for Out(F_N) Leininger, Chris & Kapovich Ilya Non-tenure-track Assistant Professor (3 years), Vanderbilt University
Villeta-Garcia, Juan 8/15/2017 Stabilizing Spectral Functors of Exact Categories McCarthy, Randy Lecturer in Mathematics and Computer Science, Emory University
Wolbert, Seth 8/15/2017 Symplectic Toric Stratified Spaces with Isolated Singularities Lerman, Eugene Teaching postdoc, Saint Louis University
Compaan, Erin 5/15/2017 Smoothing Properties of Certain Dispersive Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations Tzirakis, Nikolaos NSF Postdoctoral fellow, and Pure Mathematics Instructor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cong, Lin 5/15/2017 Stability Thresholds for Signed Laplacians on Locally-Connected Networks DeVille, Lee Pure Mathematics Developer, Wolfram Research
Delcourt, Michelle 5/15/2017 Viewing Extremal and Structural Problems Through a Probabilistic Lens Balogh, Jozsef Research Fellow, University of Birmingham, England
Duarte, Eliana 5/15/2017 Syzygies and Implicitization of Tensor Product Surfaces Schenck, Hal Postdoctoral Position, Max Planck Institute, Leipzig, Germany
Fieldsteel, Nathan 5/15/2017 Some Problems in Polynomial Interpolation and Topological Complexity Schenck, Hal Postdoctoral Scholar, University of Kentucky
Heersink, Byron 5/15/2017 Applications of Dynamical Systems to Farey Sequences and Continued Fractions Boca, Florin Ross Assistant Professor, Ohio State University
Huan, Zhen 5/15/2017 Quasi-Elliptic Cohomology Rezk, Charles

Research Associate, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China

McConvey, Andrew 5/15/2017 Sufficient Conditions for the Existence of Specified Subgraphs in Graphs Kostochka, Alexandr Quantitative Associate (Strat), Securities Division, Goldman Sachs
Nawaz, Tayyab  5/15/2017 Applications of Stein's Method and Large Deviations Principle's in Mean-Field O(N) Models Kirkpatrick, Kay Assistant Professor (tenure-track), COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan
Petrickova, Sarka 5/15/2017 Extremal Problems on Counting Combinatorial Structures Balogh, Jozsef Lecturer, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Pho-on, Witsarut 5/15/2017 Gromov Boundaries of Complexes Associated to Surfaces Leininger, Chris Srinakharinwirot University, Thailand
Rezvani, Sepideh 5/15/2017 Approximating Rotation Algebras and Inclusions of C*-Algebras Junge, Marius Software Development Engineer, Yahoo
Tokcan, Neriman 5/15/2017 Relative Waring Ranks of Binary Forms Reznick, Bruce Postdoctoral Assistant Professor, University of Michigan (Mathematics, and Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics)
Vichitkunakorn, Panupong 5/15/2017 Cluster Algebras and Discrete Integrable Systems Kedem, Rinat Lecturer (tenure-track), Prince of Songkla University, Thailand



Name PhD Date Dissertation Title Dissertation Director First Job Information
Klamsakul, Natawat 12/15/2016 A look at T1 and Tb theorems on non-homogeneous spaces through time-frequency analysis Li, Xiaochun Lecturer, King Mongkut's University of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand
Spinoza, Hannah 12/15/2016 On Some Problems in Reconstruction West, Douglas Instructor, NetMath, University of Illinois
Andersen, Nickolas 8/15/2016 Arithmetic of Maass Forms of Half-Integral Weight Ahlgren, Scott Assistant Adjunct Professor, UCLA
Aramyan, Nerses 8/15/2016 A Construction of Extended Topological Field Theories Ando, Matthew Zorn Postdoctoral Fellow, Indiana University
Gupta, Neha 8/15/2016 Certain Free Group Functions and Untangling Closed Curves on Surfaces Kapovich, Ilya Preceptor in Mathematics, Harvard University
Huo, Zhenghui 8/15/2016 A New Computation of the Bergman Kernel and Related Technigues D'Angelo, John Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow, Washington University, St. Louis
Lu, Qu 8/15/2016 Intrinsic Contractivity for Some Non-Symmetric Levy Processes with Non-Local Operators Song, Renming &
Feng, Liming
Associate in Market Risk Management & Analysis, Goldman Sachs
Nelson, Peter 8/15/2016 A Small Presentation for Morava E-Theory Power Operations Rezk, Charles Postdoctoral position, University of Haifa (Israel)
Pechenik, Oliver 8/15/2016 K-Theoretic Schubert Calculus and Applications Yong, Alexander Hill Assist. Prof., Rutgers Univ. (1 yr); Postdoc Assist. Prof., Univ. of Michigan (3 yrs)
Santana, Michael 8/15/2016 Extremal Problems on Cycle Structure and Colorings of Graphs Kostochka, Alexandr Assistant Professor (tenure track), Grand Valley State Univ., Grand Rapids, MI
Sharifzadeh, Maryam 8/15/2016 Embedding Problems and Ramsey-Turan Variations in Extremal Graph Theory Balogh, Jozsef Postdoctoral Position, University of Warwick
Wise, Jennifer 8/15/2016 Games on Graphs, Visibility Representations, and Graph Colorings West, Douglas Instructor, Virginia Tech
Ackermann, Colleen 5/14/2016 Quasiconformal Mappings on Planar Surfaces Hinkkanen, Aimo & Tyson, Jeremy Visiting Assistant Professor, St. Mary's College of Maryland
Collier, Brian 5/14/2016 Finite Order Automorphisms of Higgs Bundles: Theory and Application Bradlow, Steven NSF Postdoc, University of Maryland, College Park
Galiardi, Meghan 5/14/2016 Mathematical Models in Evolutionary Dynamics DeVille, Lee Systems Research Senior Analyst, Sandia National Labs
Hasler, Jordan 5/14/2016 Stochastic and Deterministic Epidemic Models DeVille, Lee Teacher, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Kim, Ki Yeun 5/14/2016 Dynamics of Bouncing Rigid Bodies and Billiards in the Spaces of Constant Curvatures Zharnitsky, Vadim Postdoctoral Position, Pennsylvania State Univ.
Work, Grace 5/14/2016 Transversals to Horocycle Flow on the Moduli Space of Translation Surfaces Athreya, Jayadev Assistant Professor (non-tenure-track), Vanderbilt University
Yeakel, Sarah 5/14/2016 Goodwillie Calculus and I McCarthy, Randy Visiting Assistant Professor (3-year), University of Maryland, Collge Park



Name PhD Date Dissertation Title Dissertation Director First Job Information
Liu, Hong 12/21/2015 Extremal Graph Theory: Supersaturation and Enumeration Balogh, Jozsef Research Associate, University of Warwick
Zhou, Sishen 12/21/2015 Topology of Configuration Space on Trees Baryshnikov, Yuliy Associate, Goldman Sachs
Berning, Stephen 8/15/2015 Dynamics of a fully stochastic discretized neuronal model with excitatory and inhibitory neurons DeVille, Lee Information Analyst, Caterpillar
Demirbas, Seckin 8/15/2015 A Study on certain Schrodinger equations Erdogan, M. Burak & Tzirakis, Nikolaos Research Instructor, Northeastern University (15-16)
Postdoctoral Researcher, University of British Columbia (16-)
DiPasquale, Michael 8/15/2015 Splines on Polytopal Complexes Schenck, Hal Visiting Asst. Prof., Oklahoma State Univ.
Hockensmith, Daniel 8/15/2015 A Classification of toric, folded-symplectic manifolds Lerman, Eugene Visiting Lecturer & Director of the Mathematics Assistance Center, University of Pittsburgh
Mahoney, Thomas 8/15/2015 Online choosability of graphs West, Douglas Asst. Prof., Emporia State Univ.
McDonald, Daniel 8/15/2015 Competitive versions of vertex ranking and game acquistion, and a problem on proper colorings West, Douglas Civilian Contractor, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific
Reiniger, Benjamin 8/15/2015 Coloring and constructing (hyper) graphs with restrictions Kostochka, Alexandr Postdoctoral Fellow, Ryerson University
Roy, Arindam 8/15/2015 Ramanujan's identities, voronoi summation formula, and zeros of partial sums of zeta and L-functions Zaharescu, Alexandru G.C. Evans Instructor, Rice University
Searles, Dominic 8/15/2015 Root-theoretic young diagrams and Schubert Calculus Yong, Alexander Asst. Prof., Univ. of Southern California
Jang, Donghoon 5/15/2015 Symplectic Circle Actions with isolated Fixed Points Tolman, Susan Postdoc Research Fellow, Korea Inst. for Advanced Study
Liang, Jian 5/15/2015 Operator-valued Kirchberg Theory and its connection to tensor norms and correspondences Ruan, Zhong-Jin Senior, Quantitative Advisory Services, Ernst & Young
Phaovibul, M. Tip 5/15/2015 Extensions of the Selberg-Delange Method Berndt, Bruce & Zaharescu, Alexandru Unknown
Yeager, Elyse 5/15/2015 Extremal Problems in Disjoint cycles and graph saturation Kostochka, Alexandr Tenure-Track Instructor, Univ. of British Columbia



Name PhD Date Dissertation Title Dissertation Director First Job Information 
Reuter, Victoria 12/15/2014 Hypergeometric Functions, Continued Fractions for Products of Gamma Functions, and q-Analogues Berndt, Bruce Assistant Professor, Univ. of Wisconsin-Platteville
Shan, Jianyun 12/15/2014 Ideals of Powers of Linear Forms Schenck, Hal Senior Analyst, Quantitative Advisory Services, Ernst and Young
Wang, Han 12/15/2014 On the Topology of the Spaces of Coverings Baryshnikov, Yuliy Postdoc Research Scholar, Dept. of ECE, North Carolina State Univ.
Zhao, Min 12/15/2014 Ramsey Theory and its Applications Solecki, Slawomir Revenue Science Analyst, Fedex
Anders, Katherine 8/15/2014 Properties of Digital Representations Reznick, Bruce Assistant Professor, University of Texas, Tyler
Benson, Brian 8/15/2014 Sturm-Liouville Estimates for the Laplacian and Cheeger Constant Dunfield, Nathan Visiting Assistant Professor, Kansas State Univ.
Hu, Ping 8/15/2014 Extremal Graph Theory: Flag Algebras, Ramsey-Turan Numbers, Chromatic Thresholds, and Sparse Hypergraphs Balogh, Jozsef Research Fellow, Department of Computer Science, Univ. of Warwick, Coventry
Lukyanenko, Anton 8/15/2014 Geometric Mapping Theory of the Heisenberg Group, Sub-Riemannian Manifolds, and Hyperbolic Spaces Tyson, Jeremy RTG Assistant Professor, University of Michigan
Puleo, Gregory 8/15/2014 Problems in List Coloring, Triangle Covering, and Pursuit-Evasion Games West, Douglas Postdoctoral Research Associate, Coordinated Science Laboratory, U of Illinois
Ravat, Uma 8/15/2014 On the Analysis of Stochastic Optimization and Variational Inequality Problems Shanbhag, Vinayea & Sowers, Richard Lecturer in Statistics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Schultz, Daniel 8/15/2014 Cubic Theta Functions and Identities for Appell's F1 Function Berndt, Bruce Research Associate, Pennsylvania State University
Shen, Jiashun 8/15/2014 Multiplicative Codes of Reed-Muller Type Duursma, Iwan International Business Department, Kunshan Rural and Commercial Bank (Suzhou, Jiangsu, China)
Song, Rui 8/15/2014 Clearing Financial Network and its Stability Sowers, Richard Predictive Modeler, Plymouth Rock Assurance Company
Spiegelhalter, Paul 8/15/2014 Asymptotic Formulae for Certain Arithmetic Functions Produced by Fractional Linear Transformations Zaharescu, Alexandru & Hildebrand, A.J. Data Science Consultant, Adomic
Suwannaphichat, Sineenuch 8/15/2014 Extremal Functions Related to Convexity and Martingales Hinkkanen, Aimo Lecturer, (equiv. to assistant Professor), Silpakorn University, Thailand
Tangjai, Wipawee 8/15/2014 Density and Spacing Properties of Some Families of Non-Standard Ternary Representations Reznick, Bruce Lecturer, Mahasarakam University, Thailand
Vellis, Vyron 8/15/2014 Quasisymmetric spheres constructed over quasidisks Wu, Jang-Mei Research Postdoctoral Position, University of Jyaskyla, Finland
Wong, Yat Sen 8/15/2014 J-holomorphic curves and their applications Tumanov, Alexander Research Scientist,
Zeng, Qiang 8/15/2014 Poincare Inequalities in Noncommutative Lp Spaces Junge, Marius &
Song, Renming
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow in Mathematics, Harvard University
Choi, Ilkyoo 5/15/2014 Extremal Problems on Variations of Graph Colorings Kostochka, Alexandr Postdoctoral researcher, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
Fu, Ser-Wei 5/15/2014 Rigidity of Length Functions over Strata of Flat Metrics Leininger, Christopher Asst. Prof., Temple University
Im, Mee Seong 5/15/2014 On Semi-Invariants of Filtered Representations of Quivers and the Cotangent Bundle of the Enhanced Grothendieck-Springer Resolution Nevins, Thomas Assistant Professor of Mathematics, United States Military Academy
Kim, Jaehoon 5/15/2014 Extremal Problems Involving Forbidden Subgraphs. Kostochka, Alexandr Research Fellow, University of Birmingham
Konstantoulas, Ioannis 5/15/2014 Effective Multiple Mixing in Weyl Chamber Actions Athreya, Jayadev Wylie and Burgess Assistant Professor Lecturer, Univ. of Utah
Li, Chunyi 5/15/2014 Deformations of the Hilbert Scheme of Points on a del Pezzo Surface Nevins, Thomas Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Edinburgh
Ray, Brian 5/15/2014 Rigidity in Free Groups Kapovich, Ilya Senior Analyst, Daniel H. Wagner Associates
Son, Sarah Soojin 5/15/2014 Spectral Problems on Triangles and Disks; Extremizers and Ground State Laugesen, Richard Visiting Instructor, Korea National University of Education
Weber (Lansing), Jennifer 5/15/2014 On the Stern Sequence and a Related Sequence Reznick, Bruce Academic adviser, Dept of Mathematics, Univ of Illinois
Xiao, Lechao 5/15/2014 Sharp Estimates for Trilinear Oscillatory Integral Forms Li, Xiaochun Hans Rademacher Instructor for Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania



Name PhD Date Dissertation Title Dissertation Director First Job Information
DeJarnette, Noel 12/15/2013 Self Improving Orlicz-Poincaré Inequalities Tyson, Jeremy Assistant Director, Mathematics and Science Support Center, University of Cincinnati
Temur, Faruk 12/15/2013 Linear and Bilinear Restriction Estimates for the Fourier Transform Erdogan, M. Burak Asst. Prof., Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey
Bankovic, Anja 8/15/2013 Length Functions in Flat Metrics Leininger, Christopher Visiting Assistant Professor, Boston College
Carty, Thomas 8/15/2013 Analysis of A 1D Approximation of the Boltzmann Equation: The Subclass of Grossly Determined Solutions and the Asymptotic Behavior of the Class of General Solutions Muncaster, Robert Assistant Professor, Bradley University
Jahanbekam, Sogol 8/15/2013 Extremal Problems for Labelling of Graphs and Distance in Digraphs West, Douglas Postdoc, Univ. of Colorado, Denver
Jeon, Bo Gwang 8/15/2013 Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds of bounded volume and Trace Field Degree Dunfield, Nathan Ritt Assistant Professor, Columbia University
Xiao, Jiajie 8/15/2013 Distribution of Some Arithmetic Sequences Zaharescu, Alexandru unknown
Xu, Ping 8/15/2013 Identities Involving Theta Functions and Analogues of Theta Functions Berndt, Bruce Information not released
Yancey, Kelly (Funk) 8/15/2013 Uniformly Rigid Homeomorphisms Rosenblatt, Joseph Postdoc, Univ. of Maryland
Bonnell, Chris 5/15/2013 Combinatorics of a Family of Stochastic Differential Equations with an Eye Towards Topological Temperature DeVille, Lee Associate Predictive Modeler, Allstate Insurance
Eid, Abdulla 5/15/2013 Invariant Embeddings of the Deligne-Lusztig Curves with Applications Duursma, Iwan American University in Cairo
Jao, Fang-Kai 5/15/2013 On Vertex Degrees, Graph Decomposition, and Circular Chromatic Ramsey Number West, Douglas Summer intern at Facebook, and M.S. study in Computer Science
Kim, Eunmi 5/15/2013 Root Distribution of Polynomials and Distance Sums on the Unit Circle Stolarsky, Kenneth Postdoc, National Institute for Mathematical Sciences (NIMS), Korea
Liu, Chih-Chung 5/15/2013 The Analytic and Asymptotic Behaviors of Vortices Bradlow, Steven Non-tenure Track Assistant Professor, National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan
Maungchang, Rasimate 5/15/2013 Curves on Surfaces Leininger, Christopher Instructor,Walailuk University, Thailand
Park, Hyunchul 5/15/2013 Potential Theory of Subordinate Brownian Motions and their Perturbations Song, Renming
Visiting Asst. Professor, College of William and Mary
Vandehey, Joseph 5/15/2013 Error Term Improvements for Van Der Corput Transforms Ford, Kevin &
Boca, Florin
Postdoc, Univ. of Georgia, Athens
Yancey, Matthew 5/15/2013 Sparse Color-Critical Graphs and Rainbow Matchings in Edge-Colored Graphs. Kostochka, Alexandr Research Staff Member, Institute for Defense Analysis



Name PhD Date Dissertation Title Dissertation Director First Job Information
Beder, Jesse 12/15/2012 The Grade Conjecture and Asymptotic Intersection Multiplicity Dutta, Sankar Software Engineer, Google R&D, Chicago
Curcic, Milos 12/15/2012 Lattice Polytopes with Distinct Pair-Sums Reznick, Bruce Research Analyst, Bazaarvoice, Austin, TX
Zheng, Zhi 12/15/2012 Stochastic Stefan Problems: Existence, Uniqueness, and Modeling of Market Limit Orders. Sowers, Richard Management Associate, Citigroup
Avsec, Stephen 8/15/2012 Gaussian-like Von Neumann Algebras and Noncommutative Brownian Motion Junge, Marius Visiting Prof., Besancon, France, Postdoc NSERC
Butterfield, Jane 8/15/2012 Forbidden Substructures: Induced Subgraphs, Ramsey Games, and Sparse Hypergraphs Balogh, Jozsef Univ. of Minnesota
Choi, Jin Won 8/15/2012 Enumerative invariants for local Calabi-Yau threefolds. Katz, Sheldon Research Fellow, Korea Institute for Advanced Study
Cummins, Desmond 8/15/2012 The Dehn Function, Word Problem, and Bounded Word Problem For Finitely Generated Decidable Group Presentations Ivanov, Sergei Visiting Asst. Prof., West Point
Dixit, Atul 8/15/2012 Transformation Formulas Associated with Integrals Involving the Riemann Xi Function and Rank-Crank Type PDE's in Partition Theory Berndt, Bruce Postdoc, Tulane University
Hu, Yi 8/15/2012 Discrete Fourier Restriction Phenomenon Associated with Some Periodic Dispersive Equations Li, Xiaochun Postdoc, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ
Kinnersley, William B. 8/15/2012 Degree Ramsey Theory, Game and Roman Domination and Game Saturation in Graphs West, Douglas Research Postdoc, Ryerson Univ.
Kwiatkowska, Aleksandra 8/15/2012 Dynamics of Polish Groups Solecki, Slawomir Postdoc, UCLA
Lior, Dan 8/15/2012 Computing the Goodwillie-Taylor Tower of Discrete Modules McCarthy, Randy Postdoc, Northwestern
Mak, Kit Ho 8/15/2012 On Congruence Function Fields with Many Rational Places Duursma, Iwan Postdoc, Georgia Tech
Polanco Encarnacion, Geremias 8/15/2012 Beatty Ratios, Algorithms Related to Sturmian Sequences and Uniform Distribution Theory Stolarsky, Kenneth Visiting Asst. Prof., Illinois Wesleyan
Tran, Khang 8/15/2012 Discriminants: Calculation, Properties, and Connection to the Root Distribution of Polynomials with Rational Generating Functions. Stolarsky, Kenneth Visiting Asst. Prof., Truman State University
Vlasic, Andrew 8/15/2012 Stochastic Stability of Replicator Dynamics with Random Jumps Muncaster, Robert & Song, Renming Visiting Asst. Prof., Indiana University-East
Jun, Chanyoung 5/15/2012 Pursuit-Evasion and Time-Dependent Gradient Flow in Singular Spaces Alexander, Stephanie Postdoc, Univ. of Pennsylvania
Kim, Kunwoo 5/15/2012 New Results in Stochastic Moving Boundary Problems Sowers, Richard Wylie Asst. Professor, Univ. of Utah
Kumbhat, Mohit 5/15/2012 Colorings and List Colorings of Graphs and Hypergraphs Kostochka, Alexandr Visiting Prof., Sungkyunkwan Univ., Korea
Sirikci, Nil Ipek 5/15/2012 Obstructions to the Existence of Displaceable Lagrangian Submanifolds Kerman, Ely Research Asst., Middle East Technical Univ.
Skulkhu, Ruth 5/15/2012 Asymptotic Stability and Completeness in 2D Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation Kirr, Eduard-Wilhelm Lecturer, Mahidol Univ., Bangkok, Thailand
Slutskyy, Kostyantyn 5/15/2012 Extending Partial Isomorphisms Rosendal, Christian Postdoc, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Sriponpaew, Boonyong 5/15/2012 The Order of Growth of the Fourth Painleve Transcendents Hinkkanen, Aimo Lecturer, Khon Kaen University
To, Jin Hyung 5/15/2012 Holomorphic Chains on the Projective Line Bradlow, Steven Visiting Instructional Specialist, NetMath, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign



Name PhD Date Dissertation Title Dissertation Director First Job Information
Eldred, Rosona 12/15/2011 Cosimplicial Invariants and Calculus of Homotopy Functors McCarthy, Randy Postdoc, University of Hamburg
Fryer, Dashiell E. 12/15/2011 General Incentives in Finite Game Theory Muncaster, Robert Visiting Asst. Prof., Pomona College
Kim, Younjin 12/15/2011 Problems in Extremal Combinatorics Furedi, Zoltan Post-doc Researcher, Korea Advanced Inst. of Science and Technology
LeSaulnier, Timothy D. 12/15/2011 Structural and Extremal Results in Graph Theory West, Douglas Eastern Illinois Univ.
Morton, Daniel 12/15/2011 GKM Manifolds with Low Betti Numbers Tolman, Susan Volunteer Statistical Analyst, Open City, Chicago, IL
Song, Shichang 12/15/2011 Model Theory and Probability Henson, C. Ward Postdoc, Academy of Sciences
Yuttanan, Boonrod 12/15/2011 Modular Equations and Ramanujan's Cubic and Quartic Theory of Theta Functions Berndt, Bruce Asst. Prof., Prince of Songkla University
Chen, Ao 8/15/2011 Monitoring Error of the Supremum of a Levy Process Song, Renming Ernst & Young, NYC
Hill, Aaron 8/15/2011 Centralizers in Automorphism Groups Solecki, Slawomir RTG Postdoc, North Texas State Univ.
Kim, Inmi 8/15/2011 Gabor Frames with Trigonometric Spline Dual Windows Laugesen, Richard Quality Assurance Engineer, Wolfram Research Inc.
Li, Xiao 8/15/2011 Dynamics of Bankrupt Stocks Sowers, Richard Quantity Assoc., Morgan Stanley
Maki, John 8/15/2011 Analysis in the Heisenberg Group: Weak s-John Domains and the Dimensions of Graphs of Holder Functions
Tyson, Jeremy Lecturer, University of Kentucky
O, Suil 8/15/2011 Matchings, Connectivity, and Eigenvalues in Regular Graphs West, Douglas Visiting Asst. Professor, College of William and Mary
Seceleanu, Alexandra 8/15/2011 The Syzygy Theorem and the Weak Lefschetz Property Schenck, Hal & Griffith, Phillip Postdoc, Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln
Sheshmani, Artan 8/15/2011 Towards Studying of the Higher Rank Theory of Stable Pairs Katz, Sheldon Post-doc, University of British Columbia.
Post-doc, Max Plank Institute.
Sinick, Jonah 8/15/2011 Problems in Number Theory and Hyperbolic Geometry Dunfield, Nathan Math teacher, Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
Stapleton, Nathaniel 8/15/2011 Transchromatic Generalized Character Maps Rezk, Charles Postdoc, MIT 2011-2014
Stocker, Christopher 8/15/2011 Covering and Packing Problems on Grpahs and Hypergraphs Kostochka, Alexandr Visiting Prof., Western Kentucky Univ.
Thiel, Johann 8/15/2011 Iterates of Functions Defined in Terms of Digital Representations of the Integers Hildebrand, A.J. Asst. Prof., United States Military Academy
Wu, Hehui 8/15/2011 Extremal Problems on Cycles, Packing, and Decomposition of Graphs West, Douglas Postdoctoral Fellow, McGill Univ.
Elliot, Jason 5/15/2011 Central Extensions of Divisible Groups Robinson, Derek Instructor, NetMath, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Grundmeier, Dusty 5/15/2011 Group-Invariant CR Mappings D'Angelo, John P. RTG Asst., Prof., Univ. of Michigan
Jaipong, Pradthana 5/15/2011 Totally Geodesic Surfaces with Arbitrarily Many Compressions Leininger, Christopher Prof., Chiang Mai University
Kelsey, Gregory 5/15/2011 Mega-Bimodules of topological Polynomials: Sub-Hyperbolicity and Thurston Obstructions Kapovich, Ilya Asst. Prof., Immaculata Univ.
Lenz, John 5/15/2011 Extremal Graph Theory: Ramsey-Turan Numbers, Chromatic Thresholds, and Minors Balogh, Jozsef Research Asst. Prof., University of Illinois at Chicago
Miller, Jesse 5/15/2011 Nonstandard Techniques in Lifting Theory Loeb, Peter Asst. Prof., University of Texas
Reynolds, Patrick 5/15/2011 Dynamics of Irreducible Endomorphisms of FN Kapovich, Ilya Research Asst., Professor, Univ. of Utah
Seo, Jeehyeon 5/15/2011 A Characterization of Bi-Lipschitz Embeddable Metric Spaces in Terms of Local Bi-Lipschitz Embeddability Tyson, Jeremy Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Korea Institute for Advanced Study
Solie, Brent 5/15/2011 Algorithmic and Statistical Properties of Filling Elements of a Free Group, and Quantitative Residual Properties of ?-Limit Groups Kapovich, Ilya Visiting Asst. Prof., Knox College



Name PhD Date Dissertation Title Dissertation Director First Job Information
Gugg,Chadwick 12/15/2010 Identities for Rogers-Ramanujan Functions and Analogues Berndt, Bruce University of Toledo 09-10. Americus, GA Fall 10.
Kantor (Svejdarova), Ida 12/15/2010 Graphs, Codes, and Colorings. Furedi, Zoltan Postdoc., Charles University
Lin, Xiong 12/15/2010 Hilbert Transform and its Application in Financial Engineering Feng, Liming Gresham Investment Management, New York
Chen, Hsian-Yang 8/15/2010 Torus-Equivariant Elliptic Cohmology and Sigma Orientations Ando, Matthew Postdoc, Inst. of Math Sinica, National Taiwan University
Cooney, Thomas 8/15/2010 Noncommutative Lp-spaces Associated with Locally Compact Quantum Groups Ruan, Zhong-Jin Postdoctoral Researcher, Inst. de Matematica Interdisciplinar, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Dennison, Melissa 8/15/2010 A Sequence Related to the Stern Sequence Reznick, Bruce Asst. Prof., Baldwin-Wallace College, Berea, Ohio
Fu, Yong 8/15/2010 Quantum Cohomology of a Hilbert Scheme of a Hirzebruch Surface Katz, Sheldon Asst. Prof., Chongqing University of Technology in China
Green, William 8/15/2010 Dispersive Estimates for the Schrodinger Equation Erdogan, M. Burak Asst. Prof., Eastern Illinois University, Charleston
Kim, Youngsoo 8/15/2010 Motivic symmetric ring spectrum representing algebraic K-theory Grayson, Daniel Asst. Prof., Tuskegee University
Kirov, Radoslav 8/15/2010 Improved Bound for Codes and Secret Sharing Schemes from Algebraic Curves Duursma, Iwan Research Fellow, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Koukoulopoulos, Dimitrios 8/15/2010 Generalized and Restricted Multiplication Tables of Integers Ford, Kevin CRM Postdoctoral Fellow, Universite de Montreal
Lee, Jung Jin 8/15/2010 On p-Operator Space and its Applications Ruan, Zhong-Jin Visiting Asst. Prof., Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA
Lipsky, David 8/15/2010 Cocycle Constructions for Topological Field Theories Ando, Matthew Postdoc, University of Pennsylvania
Milans, Kevin 8/15/2010 Extremal Problems in Graph Theory West, Douglas Visiting Asst. Prof., University of South Carolina
Ozkahya, Lale 8/15/2010 Problems in Extremal Graph Theory Furedi, Zoltan Postdoc, Iowa State University
Saran, Maya 8/15/2010 Some Results on Gs Ideals of Compact Sets Solecki, Slawomir Asst. Prof., Ashoka University, Delhi
Wenger, Paul 8/15/2010 Three Existence Problems in Extremal Graph Theory West, Douglas Postdoc, University of Colorado, Denver
Dewar, Michael 5/15/2010 Congruences in Modular, Jacobi, Siegel, and Mock Modular Forms Ahlgren, Scott NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow, Queens University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Kim, Byungchan 5/15/2010 Arithmetic of Partition Functions and q-Combinatorics Ahlgren, Scott Research Fellow, Korea Institute for Advanced Study
Kim, Sun 5/15/2010 Bijective proofs of partition identities and covering systems Ford, Kevin &
Berndt, Bruce
Postdoc, Penn State University
Samotij, Wojciech 5/15/2010 Extremal problems in pseudo-random graphs and asymptotic enumeration Balogh, Jozsef Postdoc, School of Mathematical Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Sneed, Jason 5/15/2010 Prime and Quasi-prime Number Races Ford, Kevin Gelber Group (Financial Services Co.) Chicago
Tellez, Hernando 5/15/2010 Contributions to Model Theory of Metric Structures Henson, C. Ward Visiting Asst. Prof., St. Ambrose University, Davenport, IA
Tsai, Chia-Yen 5/15/2010 Minimal pseudo-Anosov translation lengths on the Teichmuller Space Leininger, Christopher Information not released
VanderZee, Evan B. 5/15/2010 Well-Centered Meshing Hirani, Anil N. Postdoctoral Researcher, Argonne National Laboratory



Name PhD Date Dissertation Title Dissertation Director First Job Information
Carlisle, Sylvia 10/15/2009 Model Theory of Real Trees and their Isometries Henson, C. Ward Asst. Prof., Eastern Illinois University, Charleston
Chasman, Laura 10/15/2009 An Isopermetic Inequality for the Fundamental Tone of the Free Plate. Laugesen, Richard Visiting Asst. Prof., Knox College, Galesburg, IL
Eckhardt, Caleb 10/15/2009 Local Structure of Nuclear C*-algebras. Ruan, Zhong-Jin Postdoctoral researcher, Univ. de Franche-Comte, Besancon, France
Goldbring, Isaac 10/15/2009 Nonstandard Methods in Lie Theory. van den Dries, Lou Hedrick Asst. Adjunct Prof., UCLA
Harper, Marc 10/15/2009 Climbing Mount Probable Muncaster, Robert Postdoc, UCLA
Lee, Christopher 10/15/2009 Folded Symplectic Toric Four-Manifolds Tolman, Susan Adjunct Asst. Prof., University of Portland
McCullough, Jason 10/15/2009 The Strong Direct Summand Conjective Dutta, Sankar Visiting Asst. Prof., University of California-Riverside
Peterson, Valerie 10/15/2009 State Complexes and Special cube complexes Ghrist, Robert Asst. Prof., University of Portland
Prugsapitak, Supawadee 10/15/2009 The Tarry-Escott Problem over Quadratic Fields. Reznick, Bruce Instructor @ Prince of Songkla University, Thailand
Walker, Barry 10/15/2009 Multiplicative Orientations of K-Theory and p-adic Analysis. Rezk, Charles 1 yr. position at Northwestern.
Zaki, Mohammad 10/15/2009 Analytic continuation and natural boundaries of a family of Dirichlet Series. Zaharescu, Alexandru Visiting Asst. Prof., Ohio Northern University, Ada
Barrus, Michael 05/15/2009 On induced subgraphs, degree sequences, and graph structure West, Douglas Asst. Prof., Black Hills State University, Spearfish, SD
Johnson, Mathew 05/15/2009 On the Stability of Periodic Solutions of Nonlinear Dispersive Equations Bronski, Jared NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, Indiana University
Koh, Ngin-Tee 05/15/2009 Approximable Quasidisks Hinkkanen, Aimo Postdoc, Syracuse University
Landquist, Eric 05/15/2009 Infrastructure, Arithmetic, and Class Number Computations in Purely Cubic Function Fields of Characteristic at least 5 Duursma, Iwan Postdoc, University of Calgary
Law, Ka Lung 05/15/2009 Laurent Polynomial Inverse Matrices and Multidimensional Multivariate Systems Fossum, Robert Postdoc, Darmstadt University of Technology
Lopes, Vinicius Cifu 05/15/2009 Grothendieck Semirings and Definable Endofunctions van den Dries, Lou Professor Adjunto Nivel I, Universidade Federal do ABC, Brazil
Mizrak, Ozgur 05/15/2009 Asymptotic Stability of the Ground States of the Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation Kirr, Eduard Asst. Prof., Mirsin University, Turkey
Sahin, Mehmet 05/15/2009 Moduli Space of Sheaves on P^2 with Hilbert Polynoimal 4n+1 Katz, Sheldon Information not released
Santhanam, Rekha 05/15/2009 Units of Equivariant Ring Spectra Rezk, Charles Visiting Asst. Prof., Johns Hopkins University
Dong, Zhou 12/15/2008 The Injective Envelope as the Space of Extremal Functions Solecki, Slawomir Asst. Prof., Montgomery College, Germantown, MD
Konwerska, Malgorzata 12/15/2008 The Law of the Iterated Logarithm in Noncommutative Probability Junge, Marius Wolfram Research, Inc.
Liu, Qi 12/15/2008 Some extremal problems on graphs and partial orders West, Douglas PhD student in Finance, University of Pennsylvania
Choi, Jeong Ok 10/15/2008 Extremal problems in coloring and labeling of graphs and partial orders West, Douglas Visiting position, Furman University, Greenville, SC
Duong, Han 10/15/2008 Lattice Points in Polytopes Reznick, Bruce Asst. Prof., Jacksonville University
Gunaydin, Ayhan 10/15/2008 Model Theory of Fields with Multiplicative Groups van den Dries, Lou Postdoctoral Researcher, Oxford University
Jung, Jae Bum 10/15/2008 Pareto Optimization in robotics with acceleration constraints Ghrist, Robert Wolfram Research, Inc.
Marikova, Jana 10/15/2008 O-Minimal Fields with Standard Past Map van den Dries, Lou Postdoctoral Fellow, McMaster University
Masri, Nadia 10/15/2008 Fourier Coefficients of Modular Forms and Their Applications Ahlgren, Scott Allianz Investment Management SE, Munich
Popa, Ana-Maria 10/15/2008 On Completely Bounded Multipliers of the Fourier Algebra A(G) Ruan, Zhong-Jin Postdoctoral researcher, Univ. de Franche-Comte, Besancon, France
Rojas, Ricardo 10/15/2008 Loops and Finite Affine Planes Reznick, Bruce Asst. Prof., Northern State University, Aberdeen, SD
Sheikh, Naeem 10/15/2008 Extremal Problems For Partitions of Edge-Sets of Graphs Kostochka, Alexandr Visiting Asst. Prof., Miami University, Ohio
Stan, Florin 10/15/2008 Trace Problems in Algebraic Number Fields and Applications to Characters of Finite Groups Zaharescu, Alexandru Researcher, Institute of Mathematics, Romanian Academy, Bucharest
Stodolsky, Burak 10/15/2008 Domination in Sparse Graphs Kostochka, Alexandr Financial Engineer, Transmarket Group, Chicago
Bansal, Shivi 05/15/2008 Rational Points on Lattice Varieties Haboush, William Associate (Investment Banker), Credit Suisse
Cao, Zhu 05/15/2008 Product Identities for Theta Functions Berndt, Bruce Visiting Asst. Prof., University of Mississippi
Chaiya, Somjate 05/15/2008 Complex Dynamics and Salem Numbers Hinkkanen, Aimo Faculty, Silpakorn University, Thailand
Moreno, Javier 05/15/2008 Iterative Differential Galois Theory in Positive Characteristic: A Model Theoretic Approach Pillay, Anand Postdoctoral Researcher, Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1
Prince, Noah 05/15/2008 Delta System Methods in Contemporary Graph Theory Balogh, Jozsef Teacher, Illinois Math & Science Academy
Sinthaveelert, Malinee 05/15/2008 Prescribing Dilations in Space Hinkkanen, Aimo Faculty, Silpakorn University, Thailand
Vandenbussche, Jennifer 5/15/2008 Five Topics in Extremal and Structural Graph Theory. West, Douglas Asst. Prof., Southern Polytechnic State University, Marietta, GA
Ferguson, Colin 12/15/2007 Chain Conditions on Subnormal Subgroups Robinson, Derek Instructor, Western Washington University
Hu, Yong 12/15/2007 Localization of Divisors of integers and of some Arithmetic Functions Ford, Kevin Academic position, School of Mathematics and Statistics, Huazhong Univ of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
Kou, Ming 12/15/2007 Existence and convergence of Stochastic Loewner Evolution in multiply connected domains Bauer, Robert Online Instructor, DeVry University
Schoretsanitis, Konstantinos 12/15/2007 Fraisse Theory for Metric Structures Henson, C. Ward Unknown
Wu, Qingquan 12/15/2007 Algorithmic Aspects of Biquadratic, Cubic and Radical Function Fields Duursma, Iwan Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Calgary
Azgin, Salih 10/15/2007 Model Theory of valued difference fields. van den Dries, Lou Postdoctoral Fellow, McMaster University
Forgacs, Tamas 10/15/2007 Interpolation of weighted L2 -holomorphic functions in higher dimensions Varolin, Dror Asst. Prof., California State University, Fresno
Huber, Timothy 10/15/2007 Zeros of generalized Rogers-Ramanujan functions and topics from Ramanujan's theory of elliptic functions Berndt, Bruce Postdoc, Iowa State University
Kadziela, Samuel 10/15/2007 Rigid analytic uniformization of hyperelliptic curves Duursma, Iwan Visiting Asst. Prof., University of California-Irvine
Kilbourn, Timothy 10/15/2007 Congruence Properties of Fourier Coefficients of Modular Forms Ahlgren, Scott Software Engineer, Google, Inc.
Malicki, Maciej 10/15/2007 Topology and Metric in Polish Groups Solecki, Slawomir Postdoc, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
Pahlajani, Chetan 10/15/2007 Stochastic Averaging Correctors for a Noisy Hamiltonian System with Discontinuous Statistics Sowers, Richard Visiting Asst. Prof., University of California - Santa Barbara
Park, Seung Kook 10/15/2007 Applications of algebraic curves to cryptography Duursma, Iwan Visiting Asst. Prof., University of Cincinnati
Suer, Sonat 10/15/2007 Model theory of differentially closed fields with several commuting derivations Pillay, Anand Teaching Associate, Istanbul Bilgi Universitesi
Wang, Chunlin 10/15/2007 On the estimates of the density of Feynman-Kac semigroups of alpha-stable-like processes and the purely discontinuous Girsanov transform of alpha-stable-like processes Song, Renming Further study in another field
Xiong, Maosheng 10/15/2007 Distribution of Selmer Groups of Quadratic Twists of a Family of Elliptic Curves Zaharescu, Alexandru S. Chowla Asst. Prof., Penn State University
Ledoan, Andrew 5/15/2007 Distribution of Farey Series and Free Path Lengths for a Certain Billiard in the Unit Square Zaharescu, Alexandru Postdoc, University of Rochester
Paulhus, Jennifer 5/15/2007 Elliptic factors in Jacobians of low genus curves Duursma, Iwan Postdoc, Kansas State University
Snapp, Bart 5/15/2007 Generalized local cohomology and the canonical element conjecture Dutta, Sankar Asst. Prof., Coastal Carolina University
Tao, Hua 5/15/2007 Potential Theory for Subordinate Brownian Motion by Tempered Stable Subordinator Song, Renming Goldman Sachs, Jersey City, NJ
Cao, Weiting 12/15/2006 Some problems in structural graph theory West, Douglas Bloomberg Financial Services
Gambill, Thomas Naylor 12/15/2006 Application of uncertainty inequalities to bound the radius of the attractor for the Kuromoto-Shivashinsky equation Bronski, Jared &
Kerkhoven, Thomas
Lecturer, Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Lee, Jae-ug 12/15/2006 Particles' Spreading in a simple majda model and eigenvalue estimation through Cayley transform Bronski, Jared Faculty, Department of Mathematical Sciences, United Arab Emirates Univ.
Markin, Nadya 12/15/2006 Realization of Galois groups with restricted ramification Boston, Nigel &
Ullom, Steve
Postdoctoral Fellow, Claude Shannon Institute, Ireland
Anguelova, Iana 10/15/2006 Quantum vertex algebras and symmetric polynomials Bergvelt, Maarten &
Kedem, Rinat
Postdoc, Universite de Montreal, Centre de Recherches Mathematiques
Cho, Jae-Seong 10/15/2006 An algebraic generalization of subelliptic multipliers D'Angelo, John Visiting Asst. Prof., Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Gibson, Donald Jason 10/15/2006 Covering systems Hildebrand, A.J. Assistant Prof., Eastern Kentucky University
Jossey, John 10/15/2006 Galois 2-extensions unramified outside 2 Boston, Nigel &
Ullom, Steve
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Kaul, Hemanshu 10/15/2006 Topics in stochastic combinatorial optimization and extremal graph theory West, Douglas &
Jacobson, Sheldon
Asst. Prof., Applied Math, Illinois Institute Technology, Chicago
Poitevin, Luis Pedro 10/15/2006 Model theory of Nakano spaces Henson, C. Ward Asst. Prof., Salem State College, MA
Treneer, Stephanie 10/15/2006 Congruences for the coefficients of weakly holomorphic modular forms Ahlgren, Scott Postdoctoral Fellow, John Wesley Young Instructor, Dartmouth College
Wong, Jeremy 10/15/2006 Collapsing Manifolds with Boundary Alexander, Stephanie Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Toronto
Yu, Gexin 10/15/2006 External problems on linkage and packing in graphs Kostochka, Alexandr NTT Asst. Prof., Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
Chan, O-Yeat 5/15/2006 Investigations into Cranks of Partitions, Trigonometric Sums, and q-Integrals Berndt, Bruce Postdoctoral Fellow, Dalhousie University, Canada
Gepner, David James
5/15/2006 Equivariant Elliptic Cohomology Ando, Matthew Research Associate, University of Sheffield, England
Li, Jinjia 5/15/2006 Asymptotic Behavior of Homologies and Intersection Multiplicity Dutta, Sankar Postdoc, Syracuse University, NY
Mullet, Joshua 5/15/2006 Fibered Calabi-Yau Varieties and Toric Varieties Grayson, Daniel &
Katz, Sheldon
VIGRE Ross Asst. Prof., Ohio State University
Sabalka, Lucas 5/15/2006 On Graph Braid Groups Kapovich, Ilya Krener Asst. Prof., University of California-Davis
Yang, Jian 5/15/2006 Stochastic Volatility Models: Option Price Approximation, Asymptotics and Maximum Likelihood Estimation Sowers, Richard &
Pearson, Neil (finance)
Currency Strategist, Goldman Sachs
Zhang, Feng 5/15/2006 Potential Theory for Subordinate Killed Brownian Motion in Some Unbounded Domains Song, Renming Ernst & Young LLP
Liu, Chaoyuan (Mary) (Mrs.) 12/15/2005 The Convergence of Lebesgue Derivatives and Ergodic Averages Rosenblatt, Joseph Visiting Asst. Prof., University of Kentucky, Lexington
Hwang, Kyung-Won 10/15/2005 Extremal Problems on Graph Structure, Coding Applications and Convex Sets. Furedi, Zoltan Postdoc, Dong-A University, Korea
Polkowska, Dominika 10/15/2005 Bounded Pseudoalgebraically Closed Structures Pillay, Anand Dominican Sister, St. Cecilia Motherhouse, TN
Wang, Yun 10/15/2005 Potential Theory of Generalized Hyperbolic Processes Song, Renming Ernst & Young, New York
Yew, Khye Loong 10/15/2005 On Some Classical Banach Space Concepts In Operator Space Theory Junge, Marius Indiana University
Yi, You-Chiang 10/15/2005 On the Modularity of Higher Dimensional Varieties Boston, Nigel Postdoctoral Fellow, National Center for Theoretical Sciences
Chan, Song Heng 5/15/2005 On cranks of partitions, generalized Lambert series, and basic hypergeometric series Berndt, Bruce National University
Selvakumaran, T.V. 5/15/2005 Morita Stable Equivalence of Certain Algebras Dade, Everett Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
Groisman, Pavel Pavlovich 12/15/2004 New family of Constant Mean Curvature Surfaces with Non-coplanar Ends Sullivan, John Investment Banking position
Nakprasit, Kittikorn 12/15/2004 Coloring and Packing problems for d-degenerate graphs Kostochka, Alexandr Khou Kaen University, Thailand
Demeter, Ciprian 10/15/2004 Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Weighted Ergodic Theorems Rosenblatt, Joseph Hedrick Asst. Prof., UCLA
Galway, William 10/15/2004 Analytic Computation of the Prime Counting Function Diamond, Harold Simon Fraser University, Burnaby BC, Canada
Giarlotta, Alfio 10/15/2004 Lexicographic Products of Linear Orderings Henson, C. Ward Asst. Prof., University of Catania, Italy
Hahn, Heekyoung 10/15/2004 Eisenstein series, Analogues of the Rogers-Ramanujan functions, and partition identities Berndt, Bruce Teaching, University of Rochester

Jegdic, Katarina 10/15/2004 Analysis of a Spacetime Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Systems of Conservation Laws Jerrard, Robert Visiting Asst. Prof./Research Asst. Prof., University of Houston, Texas
Kang, Jeong-Hyun 10/15/2004 Coloring of Metric Spaces and L(2,1)-labelling of Graphs Furedi, Zoltan Fellow, University of Central Florida
Kulosman, Hamid 10/15/2004 Ideals of Linear Type and c-sequences Griffith, Phillip Teaching Assistant, Purdue University, IN
Mileti, Joseph Roy 10/15/2004 Partition Relations and Computability Theory Jockusch, Carl L.E. Dickson Instructor/Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Chicago
Murphy, David 10/15/2004 Equivariant Embeddings of Algebraic Groups Fossum, Robert &
Haboush, William
Visiting Asst. Prof., Kalamazoo College
Petracovici, Boris 10/15/2004 Analysis of a Spacetime Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Elastodynamics Jerrard, Robert Asst. Prof., Western Illinois University, Macomb
Petrenko, Bogdan 10/15/2004 Primitive Elements in Finite Fields Boston, Nigel Visiting Asst. Prof., Texas A&M
Sano, Akira 10/15/2004 The Geomery of Finite Lattice Varities over Witt Vectors Haboush, William Ben Gurion University, Israel
Shebalov, Sergey 10/15/2004 Polyhedra Study of Mixed Integer Programs with Variable Upper Bounds Klabjan, Diego Senior Programmer Analyst, United Airlines
Wong, Kittipat 10/15/2004 Intrinsic Ultracontractivity and other Properties of Mixed Barrier Brownian Motions Song, Renming Chulalongkorn University
Yesilyurt, Hamza 10/15/2004 Contributions to Theory of q-Series and Mock Theta Functions Berndt, Bruce Asst. Prof., University of Florida - Gainesville
Bush, Michael Raymond 5/15/2004 p-Class Towers of Imaginary Quadratic Fields Boston, Nigel Visiting Asst. Prof., University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Denne, Elizabeth Jane 5/15/2004 Alternating Quadrisecants of Knots Sullivan, John Asst. Prof., Harvard University
Gagelman, Jerry 5/15/2004 Stability in Geometric Theories Pillay, Anand Researchers, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Musa, Mona Barakat 5/15/2004 On Dihedral Codes and the double circulant conjecture for extended quadratic residue codes Boston, Nigel Asst. Prof., Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville
Al-Fadhel, Tariq 12/15/2003 Rates of convergence of Continued Fractions and an Approximation Theorem Palmore, Julian King Saud University
Kim, Seog-Jin 12/15/2003 Problems in Graph Coloring and Graph Structure West, Douglas Visiting Asst. Prof., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Kongsiriwong, Sarachai 12/15/2003 Theta functions and related infinite series Berndt, Bruce Lecturer, Prince of Songkla University, Hatyai, Thailand
Martin-Pizarro, Amador J. 12/15/2003 Algebraic Curves over Supersimple Fields Pillay, Anand Grad. Assistant, Humboldt University, Berlin
Avramidou, Parthena 10/15/2003 Ergodic Theory and Harmonic Analysis Rosenblatt, Joseph Zassenhauss Assistant Professor, Ohio State University
Li, Hui 10/15/2003 Semi-free Hamiltonian circle actions on 6-dimensional symplectic manifolds Tolman, Susan Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisboa, Portugal
Li, Xiaosheng 10/15/2003 Quasi conformal groups Hinkkanen, Aimo Asst. Prof., University of Minnesota, Morris
Minasian, Vahagn 10/15/2003 On THH and TAQ of Commutative S-algebras McCarthy, Randy Tamarkin, Brown University, RI
Petracovici, Lia 10/15/2003 Cremer Fixed Points and Critical Points in Complex Dynamics Hinkkanen, Aimo Asst. Prof., Western Illinois University
Rohwer, Thomas 10/15/2003 Modules over Valued Fields with an Endomorphism van den Dries, Lou ISP, Germany
Spiroff, Sandra M. 10/15/2003 Limiting Behavior on Restriction of Divisor Classes to Hypersurfaces Griffith, Phillip Asst. Prof./Lecturer, University of Utah
Yeap, Boon Pin 10/15/2003 Contributions to Trigonometric Sums and Mock Theta Functions Berndt, Bruce Academica Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
Bourd, Alexei 5/15/2003 Method of averaging in construction asymptotics of solutions of systems of linear difference equations Bronski, Jared (Illinois) & Lutz, Donald (San Diego State Univ) Sr. Engr., Qualcomm Inc., San Diego, CA
Choi, Youn-Sun 5/15/2003 Delayed Van-der Pol Equation Muncaster, Robert University of Ottawa, Canada
Jung, Nara 5/15/2003 Continuity properties and variational problems involving the determinant of the Hessian Jerrard, Robert Math Instructor, Institute Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, Portugal
Kim, Dong-Il 5/15/2003 Waring's problem for linear polynomials and Laurent polynomials Hinkkanen, Aimo Prof., Hallym University, Korea
Littmann, Friedrich 5/15/2003 Entire Function Majorants Diamond, Harold Postdoctoral Fellow, University of British Columbia -Vancouver, Canada
Song, Minsu 5/15/2003 Interface Dynamics Jerrard, Robert Postdoc, Pohang University of Science and Technology, South Korea
Suh, Jiyeon 5/15/2003 A weak type inequality for Martingale transforms and other subordinate Martingales Burkholder, Donald Grad Teaching Asst., Statistics, Purdue University
Tyne, James 5/15/2003 T-Levels and T-Convexity van den Dries, Lou VIGRE Postdoc, Visiting Asst. Prof., Ohio State University
Anderson, Mark 12/15/2002 Stochastically Stable States for Perturbed Repeated Play of Coordination Games Muncaster, Robert Unknown
Kuhnt, Thomas 12/15/2002 Generalizations of the Theorem of Golod-Shafarevich and Applications Boston, Nigel McKinsey & Company, Germany
Adan-Bante, Edith 10/15/2002 Products of characters and derived length of finite solvable groups Dade, Everett Visiting Asst. Prof., University of Illinois
Davis, Craig 10/15/2002 Conformally Flat Spaces with Bounded Curvature Nikolaev, Igor Unknown
Dunphy, Brian 10/15/2002 Uniform Families: Parametricity in Reflexive Graphs Reddy, Udday &
Henson, C. Ward
National Security Agency
Goubran, Nader 10/15/2002 Pointwise Comparisons Between Ergodic Averages and Martingales Rosenblatt, Joseph Asst. Prof., New York City College of Technology, Brooklyn
Mauer-Oats, Andrew 10/15/2002 Goodwillie Calculi McCarthy, Randy Research Asst. Prof., Purdue University
McLaughlin, James 10/15/2002 Aspects of continued Fractions Bowman, Douglas Visiting Asst. Prof., Trinity College, Hartford, CT
Musat, Magdalena Elena 10/15/2002 On the operator space UMD and non-commutative martingale inequalities Burkholder, Donald &
Junge, Marius
SEW Visiting Asst. Prof., University of California, San Diego
O'Bryant, Kevin 10/15/2002 Sidon Sets and Beatty Sequences Stolarsky, Kenneth University of California, San Diego
O'Bryant, Natella 10/15/2002 A problem from Hamiltonian mechanics with time-periodic coefficients, small noise, and degeneracy Sowers, Richard Visiting Asst. Prof., University of California - Irvine
Pelsmajer, Michael 10/15/2002 Equitable List Coloring, Induced LInear Forests, And Routing in Rooted Graphs West, Douglas Asst. Prof., Applied Mathematics, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago
Wichiramala, Wacharin 10/15/2002 The planar triple bubble problem Sullivan, John Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Willett, Christopher 10/15/2002 Group actions on contact manifolds and reduction Lerman, Eugene Indiana University
Wojtowicz, Ralph 10/15/2002 On Categories of Cohesive, Active Sets and Other Dynamic Systems Muncaster, Robert Visiting Asst. Prof., Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, IN
Lawton, Linda 5/15/2002 Decision problems in the lattice of Pi^0_1 classes Jockusch, Carl Asst. Prof., Western Illinois University
Myung, Sung 5/15/2002 Motivic Polylogarithms for the Goodwillie-Lichtenbaum Complex Grayson, Daniel Research Fellow, Korea Institute for Advanced Study
Richardson, Andrew 5/15/2002 Some duality results in homological algebra Griffith, Phillip Western Ontario University, Winnepeg
Shin, Kwang Cheul 5/15/2002 On some Schrodinger eigenvalue problems from mathematical physics Laugesen, Richard Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Missouri, Columbia
Kaur, Manmohan 12/15/2001 Ternary Rings of Operators and their Linking C*-Algebras Ruan, Zhong-Jin Asst. Prof., Benedictine University
Argiris, Georgios 10/15/2001 Counting and the Ergodic Averages Rosenblatt, Joseph Investment Bank, Barclays Capital, London
Aschenbrenner, Matthias Josef 10/15/2001 Ideal Membership in Polynomial Rings over the Integers van den Dries, Lou Charles B. Morrey Postdoc, University of California - Berkeley
Ayaragarncha-nakul, Jantana 10/15/2001 Divergence in Ergodic Theory Rosenblatt, Joseph Asst. Prof., Prince of Songkla University, Hatyai, Thailand
Bauer, Mark L. 10/15/2001 Function Field Arithmetic and Related Algorithms Boston, Nigel Visiting Researcher/Research Asst. Prof./Cryptography Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Waterloo
Loukaki, Maria 10/15/2001 Normal Subgroups of Odd Order Monomial P^AQ^B-Groups Dade, Everett Visiting Asst. Prof., Applied Mathematics, University of Crete
Moosa, Rahim Nazim 10/15/2001 Some model-theoretic results in algebraic and complex analytic geometry Pillay, Anand Moore Instructor, MIT
Ramamurthi, Radhika 10/15/2001 Coloring Problems on Graphs & Hypergraphs West, Douglas Visiting Prof., University of California - San Diego
Baxter, Kristine Elizabeth 5/15/2001 On Hopf Algebra Type and Rational Decompositions of Functors McCarthy, Randy J.J. Sylvester Postdoc, John Hopkins University
Chaoha, Phichet 5/15/2001 Obstructions for Constructing the Taylor Tower of Finite Degree Functors of Spectra McCarthy, Randy Lecturer, Chulalongkorn University
Chiang, River 5/15/2001 Complexity one Hamiltonian Su(2) Actions Tolman, Susan &
Lerman, Eugene
Fellowship, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Choi, Geumlan 5/15/2001 A Certain Generalization of Rogers-Ramanujan Continued Fraction Bowman, Douglas Instructor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Hyeon, Donghoon 5/15/2001 Moduli Questions for Augmented Bundles Bradlow, Steven &
Haboush, William
G. C. Evans Instructor, Rice University
Kapitza, Paul 5/15/2001 On Small Geometric Invariants of 3-Manifolds Craggs, Robert Asst. Prof., Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington
Lee, Donghi 5/15/2001 Some Conjectures on Free Groups in Combinatorial Group Theory Ivanov, Sergei Visiting Asst. Prof., Tulane University, LA
Scalari, Alberto 5/15/2001 Stationary Discs and CR Geometry Tumanov, Alexander Societe Generale, Paris, France
Sohn, Jaebum 5/15/2001 q-continued Fractions and Related q-series Berndt, Bruce Ross Asst. Prof., Ohio State University
Yi, Jinhee 5/15/2001 The Construction and Applications of Modular Equations Berndt, Bruce Monmouth College, Illinois
Hill, Christopher 10/15/2000 Uniform Distribution, Behrend Sequences, and Some Spaces of Arithmetic Functions Hildebrand, A.J. Visiting position, Grinnell College
Ho, Kejia 10/15/2000 Kolmogorov complexity, strong reducibilities, and computably enumerable sets Jockusch, Carl Asst. Prof., Wheaton College
Jiang, Tao 10/15/2000 Some problems in structural and extremal graph theory West, Douglas Asst. Prof., Michigan Technological University
Kahng, Byungik 10/15/2000 Dynamics of Sympletic Piecewise Affine Elliptic Rotation Maps on Tori Palmore, Julian Lecturer, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Kilmurray, Donough 10/15/2000 Geometry of Affine Actions Bergvelt, Maarten Research Department, Goldman Sachs
Pomper, Marcus 10/15/2000 Double Dual Types of Banach Spaces Henson, C. Ward Teacher/Research Asst. Prof., Indiana University East - Richmond
Retzlaff, Todd 10/15/2000 The Rate of Decay of Concentration Functions on Locally Compact Groups Rosenblatt, Joseph Visiting Asst. Prof., Haverford College, PA
Steichen, Jennifer L. 10/15/2000 Heavy Traffic Limit Theorems for the Closed Lu-Kumar Network Burkholder, Donald &
Hajek, Bruce
Independent Researcher, IBM Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY
Yang, Yi-Fan 10/15/2000 Topics in Analytic, Combinatorial and Probabilitistic Number Theory Hildebrand, A.J. Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ
Bedenikovic, Anthony 5/15/2000 The Complements of 2-Complexes in the 4-Ball Craggs, Robert Asst. Prof., Bradley University, Peoria, IL
Branson, William 5/15/2000 Global Analysis of Meromorphic Vector Fields in the Plane Palmore, Julian Visiting Asst. Prof., Carleton College
Chen, Ya-Chen 5/15/2000 Extremal Problems in Graph Theory: Hamiltonicity, Minimum Vertex-Diameter-2-Critical Graphs and Decomposition Furedi, Zoltan Visiting Asst. Prof., Arizona State University
Kuhlman, Douglas 5/15/2000 On the Orders of Jacobians of Hyperelliptic Curves Boston, Nigel Motorola Labs, Schaumberg, IL
McLallen, Nicola (Whitley) 5/15/2000 The Mod-3 Cohomology Ring of the O'Nan Sporadic Simple Group Dade, Everett Asst. Prof., Eastern College, PA
Richert, Benjamin 5/15/2000 Monomial Ideals, N-Lists, and Smallest Graded Betti Numbers Evans, Graham Asst. Prof., University of Michigan
Schwartz, Gary 5/15/2000 A Reduction for Dade's Conjecture Dade, Everett Visiting Lecturer, University of Oklahoma - Norman
Song, Joung Min 5/15/2000 Sums of Multiplicative Functions Over Integers Without Large Prime Factors and Related Differential Difference Equations Diamond, Harold VIGRE Postdoc, Rice University, Houston, TX
Kalikakis, Dimitrios 1/15/2000 Saddle Surfaces Nikolaev, Igor Visiting Asst. Prof., Crete University
Kim, Seon-Hong 1/15/2000 Sums of Polynomials, Minmax Problems and Number Theory Stolarsky, Kenneth Adjunct Asst. Prof., Seoul National University
Maneesawarng, Chaiwat 1/15/2000 External Problems for Curves in Metric Spaces of Curvature Bounded Above Alexander, Stephanie Asst. Prof., Mahidol University, Bangkok



Name PhD Date Dissertation Title Dissertation Director Job Information
Axenovich, Maria Alex 10/15/1999 Extremal Problems in Combinatorics-Covering and Coloring Problems Furedi, Zoltan Asst. Prof., Iowa State University
Eichhorn, Dennis 10/15/1999 Some Results on the Congruential and Gap-Theoretic Study of Partition Functions Berndt, Bruce VIGRE Post-Doc, University of Arizona
Ho, Jeffrey 10/15/1999 On the Quantum Cohomology of Fano Toric Manifolds and the Intersection Cohomology of Singular Symplectic Quotients Bishop, Richard PostDoctoral Research Associate, Beckman Institute, University of Illinois
Kundgen, Andre 10/15/1999 Problems in Extremal Graph Theory Furedi, Zoltan Postdoctoral fellow, Fields Instiute, Toronto
Liaw, Wen-Chin 10/15/1999 Contributions to Ramanujan's Theories of Modular Equations, Ramanujan-Type Series for 1/?, and Partitions Berndt, Bruce National Chung Cheng University
Perry, David 10/15/1999 Maximal 2-Extensions of Number Fields with Limited Ramification Boston, Nigel Math & Computer Science, Ripon College
Saveliev, Peter 10/15/1999 Fixed Points and Coincidences Hamstrom, Mary-Elizabeth Wabash College
Troitsky, Vladimir 10/15/1999 Invariant Subspace Problem and Spectral Properties of Bounded Linear Operators on Banach Spaces, Banach Lattices, and Topological Vector Spaces Loeb, Peter &
Abramovich, Yuri
University of Texas - Austin
Brueggeman, Sharon Ann 5/15/1999 Number Fields Which are Ramified Only at One Small Prime Boston, Nigel Teaching Assistant, University of Illinois, U-C
Choi, Youn-Seo 5/15/1999 Tenth order mock theta functions in Ramanujan's Lost Notebook Berndt, Bruce Res. Fellow, Korea Institute for Advance Study
Demir, Sakin 5/15/1999 H^p Spaces and Inequalites in Ergodic Theory Berg, David Unknown
Doud, Darrin 5/15/1999 Deformations of three-dimensional Galois representation Boston, Nigel NSF, Harvard University
Hoit, Abigail 5/15/1999 The Distribution of Generalized Sum-of-Digits Functions Hildebrand, A.J. Asst. Prof., Elmhurst College, IL
Iwashita, Yuichi 5/15/1999 The Lefschetz-Reidmeister trace in algebraic K-theory McCarthy, Randy Howard, Missouri
Kang, Soon-Yi 5/15/1999 The Rogers-Ramanujan Continued Fraction and Associated Theta Function Identities Found in Ramanujan's Lost Notebook Berndt, Bruce Ohio State University
Kantorovitz, Miriam 5/15/1999 Adams operations and the Dennis trace map McCarthy, Randy University of California - Berkeley
Paek, Dae-Hyun 5/15/1999 Chain Conditions for Subgroups of Infinite Order or Index Robinson, Derek Visiting Assistant Professor, Bradley University, Peoria, IL
Smith, Daniel A. 5/15/1999 A variation on a theme of Vasconcelos Griffith, Phillip Asst. Prof., Furman University, South Carolina
Boyd, David A. 10/15/1998 Dynamics and Measures for Semigroups of Rational Functions Hinkkanen, Aimo Purdue University, IN
Brueggeman, Jeffrey 10/15/1998 On the Representation of Integers as Sums of Terms From a Given Sequence Hildebrand, A.J. Nation Wide Mutual Insurance Enterprise, Columbus, Ohio
Chang, Jen-Hsu 10/15/1998 Whitham Equations, Dispersionless KP Theory and Seiberg-Witten Variables Carroll, Robert Academia Sinica
Fawaz, Amine 10/15/1998 Transversally holomorphic flows on 3-manifolds and geodesible vector fields Tondeur, Philippe Visiting Asst. Prof., Texas A & M University
Mubayi, Dhruv 10/15/1998 Extreme problems in graph theory: degree sequences, distance, colorings, and labelings West, Douglas Georgia Institute of Technology
Schaeffer, Benjamin 10/15/1998 Abstract complexity theory and the degrees of unsolvability Jockusch, Carl Research Programmer, Integrated Systems Lab, Beckman Institute, University of Illinois
Son, Seung Hwan 10/15/1998 Theorems on Theta Functions in Ramanujan's Lost Notebook Berndt, Bruce Asst. Prof., University of Colorado
Iskra, Boris (Strehar) 5/15/1998 Families of Rank Zero Twists of Elliptic Curves Boston, Nigel Aggregate Prof., Simon Bolivar University, Caracas, Venzuela
Kim, Dong-Hyun 5/15/1998 Topics in the Theory of q-additive and q-multiplicative Functions Hildebrand, A.J. Global Analysis Research Center, Seoul National University
Stankewitz, Rich 5/15/1998 Completely Invariant Julia Sets of Rational Semigroups Hinkkanen, Aimo Texas A&M
Wu, Yu-Fen 5/15/1998 Groups in Which Commutativity is a Transitive Relation Robinson, Derek Bradley University, Peoria
Amini, Massoud 1/15/1998 Local Structure of Operator Algebras Ruan, Zhong-Jin Jr. Assoc. Researcher / Assoc. Prof., Tarbiat Modares University, Iran
McCreary, Paul 1/15/1998 Visualizing Riemann Surfaces, Teichmuller Spaces, and Transformation Groups on Hyperbolic Manifolds using Real Time Interactive Computer Animator (RTICA) Graphics Francis, George Xavier University, New Orleans
Murray, John 1/15/1998 Dade's Conjecture for the McLaughlin Simple Group Dade, Everett University College Dublin
Shim, Jae-Kwan 1/15/1998 The Baum-Connes Map for a Smooth Groupoid Kamber, Franz Kyungpook National University, Taegu, Korea
Colliander, James 10/15/1997 The Initial Value Problem for the Zakharov Equations Bourgain, Jean NSF, University of California - Berkeley
Hartman, Christopher 10/15/1997 Extremal Problems in Graph Theory West, Douglas Associate Professor, University of Alaska and Artic Supercomputer Center, Fairbanks
Liow, Yihsiang 10/15/1997 The local-global structure of the Galois deformation space Boston, Nigel Visiting Prof., University of Arizona
Mason, Alan 10/15/1997 An application of stochastic flows to Riemannian Foliations Tondeur, Philippe Freelance work
Meyer, Jeffrey 10/15/1997 Analogues of Dedekind Sums Berndt, Bruce Asst. Prof., University of Syracuse
Miller, Claudia 10/15/1997 Hypersurface Sections: A Study of Divisor Class Groups and of the Complexity of Tensor Products Griffith, Phillip Prof., University of Michigan
Rohde, Gareth Scott 10/15/1997 Alternating Automata and the Temporal Logic of Ordinals Schupp, Paul Programmer, On the Job Cons Inc.
Xiao, Mingqing 10/15/1997 H-Infinity Control in Infinite-Dimensional Spaces and Related Parial Differential Equations Basar, Tamar University of California, Davis, CA
Balanzario-Gutierrez, Eugenio 5/15/1997 On Beurling's Theory of Generalized Numbers Diamond, Harold Teaching Position, University of Zacatecas, Mexico
Bauer, Robert 5/15/1997 Martingales in Filtering and Geometry Burkholder, Donald NSF/AMS postdoctoral Fellowship, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
Dai, Mingde 5/15/1997 Dynamics of Iterated Functions Systems: Hausdorff Dimension and Related Topics Palmore, Julian Vice President, Solomon Smith Barney, New York.
Folguera, Alejandra 5/15/1997 Second and Third Order Systmes of Integrable Equations of the Davey-Stewartson Type Carroll, Robert &
Fokas, Anastasios
Huang, Sen-Shan 5/15/1997 On the Rogers-Ramanujan and Ramanujan-Gollnitz-Gordon Continued Fractions Berndt, Bruce National Chang Hua University of Education
Stajner, Ivanka 5/15/1997 Baker's Transformation Palmore, Julian GSFC, NASA / Goddard Space Flight Center, Data Assimilation Office, Greenbelt, Maryland
Fitzgerald, Kevin F. 1/15/1997 Double Crossproducts of HOPF *Algebras, Discrete Quantum Groups and Amenable Groups Ruan, Zhong-Jin Northrup Grumman, Columbia, Maryland
Lee, Jui-Lin 1/15/1997 Count and tree in uniform NC (super 1) Takeuti, Gaisi Visiting scholar, Math Institute Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
Niamsup, Piyapong 1/15/1997 Julia Sets and Symbolic Dynamics of Certain Rational and Entire Functions Palmore, Julian Lecturer, Chiangmai University, Thailand
Chappell, Glenn 10/15/1996 Optimization of Products of Combinatorial Structures West, Douglas Asst. Prof., South East Missouri State, Cape Girardeau
Chen, Chien-Hsiung 10/15/1996 Warped products of metric spaces of curvature bounded from above Bishop, Richard Asst. Prof. / Assoc. Prof., National Changhua University
Hu, Zhu-Xin 10/15/1996 On Tait's Color-Tiling Problem Appel, Kenneth Enrolled in Computer Science for MS
Kotlica, Sonja 10/15/1996 Verification of Dad's Conjecture for Janko Group J (sub 3) Dade, Everett Morris College
Parra, Carlos 10/15/1996 Uniformity and Bounded Arithmetic Below P Takeuti, Gaisi Universidad Nacional Medellin, Columbia
Speissegger, Patrick 10/15/1996 The field of Reals with Gevrey Functions Is Model Complete and O-Minimal van den Dries, Lou University of Wisconsin
Woerheide, Arthur 10/15/1996 O-minimal Homology van den Dries, Lou Continuing Education, Finance Program, University of Chicago
Axel, Ralph 5/15/1996 The Interaction of Shock Waves and Dispersive Waves Newton, Paul Lehman Brothers
Dabrowski, Walter 5/15/1996 On an Analogue to the Groushko-Newmann Theorem Involving Finite Groups Boston, Nigel Meadowbrook Insurance Group
Kim, Eun Sang 5/15/1996 Foliations and Exotic Index Theory Kamber, Franz  
Knox, Steven 5/15/1996 The Number of Facets of a Projection of a Convex Polytope Wetzel, John Goverment Position
Walker, Judith 5/15/1996 Algebraic Geometric Codes over Rings Boston, Nigel Assoc. Prof., University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Walker, Mark Edward 5/15/1996 Motivic Complexes and the K-Theory of Automorphisms Grayson, Daniel Visiting Scholar, Rutgers University
Visiting Asst. Prof., University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Harnish, Stephen David 1/15/1996 A Non-well-founded Set Theory (GST) Takeuti, Gaisi Prof., Bluffton University, Ohio
Bae, Jaegug 10/15/1995 On Subset-Sum-Distinct Sequence of Positive Ingegers Stolarsky, Kenneth Korean Advanced Institute of Science & Tech.
Boeckle, Gebhard Christian 10/15/1995 Universal Deformations of Even Galois Representations and Relations to Maass Wave Forms Boston, Nigel Strasbourg University, Germany
Cavagnaro, Catherine E. 10/15/1995 A Homotopy Reciprocity Law for Ribbon Disc Complements Craggs, Robert Assist. Prof. / Assoc. Prof. & Chair (ASab), University of the South
Choi, Changsun 10/15/1995 Inequalities for the Differential Subordinates of Martingales, Harmonic Functions, and Ito Processes Burkholder, Donald Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Gies, Paul J. 10/15/1995 Efficient Algorithms in Coxeter Groups of Large Type Schupp, Paul Assoc. Prof. / Department Chair, University of Maine - Farmington
Kerofsky, Louis 10/15/1995 Harmonic Forms under Metric and Topological Perturbations Tondeur, Philippe St. Paul's School, Concord, New Hampshire
LaFramboise, Thomas 10/15/1995 The Grothendieck-Cousin Complex on G/B x G/B Haboush, William Marietta College, Marietta Ohio
Lee, Si-Chang 10/15/1995 Some Special Cases of Chow Groups of Complete Ramified Regular Local Rings Dutta, Sankar  
Movshovich, Yevgenya Eugenia E. 10/15/1995 Integrals of Harmonic Functions over Curves and Surfaces Wu, Jang-Mei University of Vermont, Burlington
Ose, David Thomas 10/15/1995 Toward A Deformation Theory for Galois Representations of Function Fields Boston, Nigel Visiting Prof., Bucknell University , CT
Qian, Xiaoling 10/15/1995 Zeros of Partial Sums of Power Series Rubel, Lee A. Assoc. Prof., Capital Normal University, China
Schreiner, Walter 10/15/1995 Matrix Regular Orders on Operators Spaces Ruan, Zhong-Jin Asst. Prof. / Director of Mathematics Placement, Saint Mary's University of Minnesota

Yao, Leummin 10/15/1995 On the Maximum Number of Limit Cycles of Certain Polynomial Lienard Equations Albrecht, Felix Clark Atlanta University, Atlanta, GA
Alarcon, Eberth 5/15/1995 Convex Lattice Polygons Stolarsky, Kenneth Asst. Prof., College of St. Mary's, Morgha, California
Bradley, David Michael 5/15/1995 A Sieve Auxiliary Function Diamond, Harold Simon Fraser University, Burnaby BC, Canada
Brown, Scott Allen 5/15/1995 Enumeration and Classification of Ribbons Knots Haken, Wolfgang  
Chan, Heng Huat 5/15/1995 Contributions to Ramanujan's Continued Fractions, Class Invariants, Partition Identies and Modular Equations Berndt, Bruce The National University of Singapore
Faber, Richard George 5/15/1995 Operators and Subspaces of L_0 Peck, N. Tenney Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI
Kline, Bradford James 5/15/1995 A Global Boettcher's Theorem Palmore, Julian U.S. Air Force Academy
Lampe, Richard 5/15/1995 Discrete Multiple Valued Dynamical Systems Palmore, Julian  
Lewenberg, Adam 5/15/1995 On Elementary Pairs of O-minimal Structures van den Dries, Lou  
Petrunin, Anton 5/15/1995 Quasigeodesics in Multidimensional Alexandrov Spaces Alexander, Stephanie MSRI, Berekely, California
Reed, Mary Lynn 5/15/1995 The Frobenius Direct Image of Line Bundles and the Structure of Representations Haboush, William Philadelpha College of Pharmacy and Science
Bialek, Paul R. 1/15/1995 Ramanujan's Formulas for the Coefficients in the Power Series Expansions of Certain Modular Forms Berndt, Bruce Assistant Professor, Trinity International College, Bannockburn, IL
Carpenter, Bruce 1/15/1995 State Transformers and Modes of Computation Gray, John Teaching Mathematica, Wolfram Research Inc., Champaign, IL
Kang, Jeongheung 1/15/1995 Complemented Subspaces of Weak L_1 Peck, N. Tenney Korea Military Academy
Chang, Yi-Wu 10/15/1994 Graph Representations using Stars, Trees, Intervals and Boxes West, Douglas National Chengchi University
Holdener, Judy 10/15/1994 Automorphisms and Symbols in K_2 Grayson, Daniel Asst. Prof., United States Air Force Academy
Iovino, Jose 10/15/1994 Stable Theories in Functional Analyisis Henson, C. Ward Visiting Asst. Prof., Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Malouf, Janice 10/15/1994 Integer Sequences Furedi, Zoltan Lecturer /Teaching. CSUB, University of California - Riverside
Miller, Christopher L. 10/15/1994 Polynomially Bounded O-Minimal Structures van den Dries, Lou Associate Professor / Professor, The Ohio State University
Zimmer, G. Beate 10/15/1994 Nonstandard Vector Integrals and Vector Measures Loeb, Peter College of Willam & Mary, Williamsburg, VA
Callahan, Patrick 5/15/1994 Spectral Geometry of Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds Haken, Wolfgang Asst. Prof., University of Texas - Austin
Ford, Kevin 5/15/1994 The Representation of Numbers as Sums of Unlike Powers Halberstam, Heini Institute for Advance Study, Princeton, New Jersey
Hammack, William 5/15/1994 Bounds on the Size of Strong Subordinates of Submartingales and Subharmonic Functions Burkholder, Donald University of British Columbia
Kim, Jeong Heon 5/15/1994 Normal Families of Integer Translations Rubel, Lee A. User Interface Architect, Adobe Consulting, Korea
Kim, Seongtag 5/15/1994 Scalar Curvature on Noncompact Complete Riemannian Manifolds Aviles, Patricio Sung Kyun Kwan University, Korea
Levine, Lenore 5/15/1994 Cellular Games Palmore, Julian Visiting Lecturer, University of Ilinois
Strus, Joseph Michael 5/15/1994 Metric Entropies of Various Function Spaces Kaufman, Robert  
Walter, Vonn Andrew 5/15/1994 A Class of Groups Rich in Finite Quotients Robinson, Derek Assistant Professor, Southeastern Oklahoma State University
Lin, In-Jen 1/15/1994 Intersection Representations of Graphs and Digraphs West, Douglas National Taiwan Ocean University
Borek, Adam 10/15/1993 Weak Purity for Gorenstein Rings Griffith, Phillip Resident Asst. Prof., Purdue University
Chung, Myung-Sook 10/15/1993 Topics in Extremal Graph Theory West, Douglas NIH
Chung, Si-Kit 10/15/1993 On Some Spaces Related to Weak L^p and their Duals Lotz, Heinrich Part-time Lecturer, The University of Hong Kong
Hulett, Heather A. 10/15/1993 Maximum Betti Numbers for a Given Hilbert Function Evans, Graham Asst. Prof., Miami University
Lakins (Hummel), Tamara Jane 10/15/1993 Effective Versions of Ramsey's Theorem Jockusch, Carl John Wesley Young Research Instructor, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire
Lauritzen, Niels 10/15/1993 Line Bundles on Projective Homogeneous Spaces Haboush, William Matematisk Institut, Aarhus Universitat, Denmark
Will, Todd Gerald 10/15/1993 Extremal Results and Algorithms for Degree Sequences of Graphs West, Douglas Asst. Prof., Davidson College, Charlotte, NC
Wono, Setya 10/15/1993 Proper Holomorphic Mappings in Several Complex Variables D'Angelo, John Bandung Institute of Technology
Member, Indonesia DLN's Institut Teknologi Bandung Network
Gaspari, Gregory 5/15/1993 The Cat Map on Prime Lattices Palmore, Julian Support Scientist II, Science Applications International Corporation
Johnsgard, Karin Luisa 5/15/1993 The Structure of the Cayley Complex and a Cubic-Time Algorithm for Solving the Conjugacy Problem for Groups of Prime Alternating Knots Schupp, Paul Cornell University, NY
Laradji, Abdellatif 5/15/1993 On P-Radical P-Blocks of Group Algorithms Suzuki, Michio King Saud University
Reinhart, Georg Martin 5/15/1993 Schanuel Functions and Algebraic Differential Equations Rubel, Lee A. Wellesley, North Central College
Evans, Dennis 1/15/1993 Near Atomic Spaces Peck, N. Tenney Visiting Assistant Prof., University of Arkansas, Little Rock
Atkinson, David Steen 10/15/1992 Scaling and Interior Point Methods in Optimizaiton Loui, Michael Insurance Company, Indianapolis, Indiana
Carter, James E. 10/15/1992 Steinitz Classes of Tamely Ramified Nonabelian Extensions of Algebraic Number Fields of Degree P^3 McCulloh, Leon Assoc. Prof., College of Charleston, South Carolina
Chu, Liang-Ju 10/15/1992 Theory and Algorithms for Non-linear Optimization and Variations Inequalities McLinden, Lynn Prof., National Taiwan Normal University
Harris, William R. 10/15/1992 Real Even Symmetric Forms Reznick, Bruce Asst. Prof., Georgetown College, Kentucky
Holly, Charles Anthony 10/15/1992 Results on the Fixed Points of Multifunctions with Applications to Problems in Optimization and Equilibrium McLinden, Lynn  
Holly, Jan E. 10/15/1992 Definable Equivalence Relations and Disc Spaces of Algebraically Closed Valued Fields van den Dries, Lou Research, Life Science Institute, Oregon
Huang, Margaret Janice Fernald 10/15/1992 Verification of the McKay-Alperin-Dade Conjecture for the Covering Groups of the Mathieu Group M_22 Dade, Everett Assoc. Prof., East Tennessee State University
Peifer, David 10/15/1992 Artin Groups of Extra-Large Type are Biautomatic Schupp, Paul St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota
Spoonamore, Janet Hurst 10/15/1992 Least Square Methods for Solving Systems of Inequalities with Application to an Assignment Problem Bramley, Randy (CS) CERL, Champaign
Bu, Qiyue 5/15/1992 On Initial-Boundary Value Problems for the Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations and the Ginzburg-Landua Equations Carroll, Robert Faculty, Wellesley College
De Castro, Rodrigo 5/15/1992 Combinatorial Principles in Second Order Theories of Bounded Arithmetic Takeuti, Gaisi Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota
Foguel, Tuval Shmuel 5/15/1992 Finite Groups with a special 2-generator Property, and order of Centralizers in Finite Groups Suzuki, Michio MSRI, Berkeley, California
Lee, Jinsik Mok 1/15/1992 Geometrical and Martingale Characterizations of UMD and Hilbert Spaces Burkholder, Donald Sungwha University, South Korea
Aldaz, Jesus Munarriz 10/15/1991 Representations of Measures Via the Standard Part Map Loeb, Peter University of the West Indies, Jamaica
Bachman, Gennady 10/15/1991 On the Coefficients of Cyclotomic Polynomials Hildebrand, A.J. Assoc. Professor, UNLV, Las Vegas
Blaylock, Richard W. 10/15/1991 Some Results on e-Genericity and Recursively Enumerable Weak Truth Table Degrees Jockusch, Carl Hobart & William Smith Colleges, NY
George, John C. 10/15/1991 1-Factorizations of Tensor Products of Graphs Weichsel, Paul Southern Illinois University
Gunaratne, Haputantirige Sunil 10/15/1991 Generalized Kummer Congruences and Iwasawa Invariants McCulloh, Leon Southwest Missouri State University
Kugendran, Thambithurai 10/15/1991 Quasiconvex Optimization via Generalized Gradients and Symmetric Duality McLinden, Lynn Wilkes University, Wilks-Barre, Pennsylvania
Kwon, Ki-Ho 10/15/1991 Growth Comparisons of Certain Nevannlinna Theory Functionals Miles, Joseph Prof., Korea Military Academy
Lichtblau, Daniel 10/15/1991 Invariant Proper Holomorphic Maps Between Balls D'Angelo, John Wolfram Research
Pe, Joseph Lim 10/15/1991 Polynomial-Time Martin-Lof Type Theory Takeuti, Gaisi  
Pudaite, Paul 10/15/1991 Explicit Mathematical Models for Behavioral Science Theories Muncaster, Robert Merriam Lab for Analytic Political Research, University of Illinois
Snevily, Hunter 10/15/1991 Combinatorics of Finite Sets West, Douglas Harry Bateman Research Instructorship, California Institute of Technology
Balmaceda, Jose Maria P. 5/15/1991 Multiplicity-Free Permutation Representations of the Alternating Groups Suzuki, Michio Prof., University of the Philippines
Feuerman, Kenneth 1/15/1991 The Hanna Neumann Conjecture: A Flow Detection Approach Craggs, Robert Xerox Corporation
Kezdy, Andre E. 1/15/1991 Studies of Connectivity West, Douglas Assoc. Prof. / Prof., University of Louisville
Amir, Abdelmadjid 10/15/1990 Strong Convergence to Diffusion Processes with Application to Queuering Theory Knight, Frank Asst. Prof., University of Minnesota, Duluth
Chiappari, Stephen Anthony 10/15/1990 Proper Holomorphic Mappings of Positive Codimension in Several Complex Variables D'Angelo, John Chair, Dept. of Applied Math, Co-Director, CASPIA, Santa Clara University
Kim, Hobum 10/15/1990 Geometrics and Dynamical Properties of Riemannian Foliations Tondeur, Philippe Prof., Yonsei University, Seoul
McEachin, Raymond V. 10/15/1990 Analysis of an Inequality Concerning Perturbation of Self-Adjoining Operators Berg, David Lecturer, University of the West Indies, Mona, Kingston 7, Jamaica
Rogers, Allen Dale 10/15/1990 Theory and Applications of a Functional from Metric Geometry Alexander, Ralph Assoc. Prof. / Prof., Elmhurst College, IL
Sanders, Robin 10/15/1990 Graphs on which Dihedral, Quaternion and Abelian Groups Act Vertex and/or Edge Transitively and Applications to Tensor Products Weichsel, Paul Asst. Prof., Illinois Wesleyan University
Scofield, Paul David 10/15/1990 Symplectic and Complex Foliations Tondeur, Philippe Washington & Lee University, Lexington, Virginia
Seyfried, Michael 10/15/1990 The Zeta Function of an Order in a General Algebra Reiner, Irving Assoc. Prof., Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
Wenzel, Christian 10/15/1990 Classification of all Parabolic Subgroup Schemes of a Semi-Simple Linear Algebraic Group over an Algebraically Closed Field of Positive Characteristic Haboush, William Visiting Prof., L'École Normale Supérieure, Paris
Zhang, Liang-Cheng 10/15/1990 Some Important Continued Fractions of Ramanujan and Selberg Berndt, Bruce The University of Arizona, Tucson
Charalambous, Hara 5/15/1990 On Lower Bounds for the Betti Numbers of Finite Length Modules Evans, Graham Asst. Prof., Assoc. Prof., University at Albany, State University of New York,
Girardi, Maria Kathryn 5/15/1990 Dunford Pettis Operators on L1 and the Complete Continuity Property Uhl, Jerry University of South Carolina
Streid, David 1/15/1990 The Computational Complexity of Prefix Classes of Logical Theories Henson, C. Ward Assoc. Prof., Maharishi Vedic Science, Chief Administrative Officer
University Council of Maharishi, University of Management



Name PhD Date Dissertation Title Dissertation Director Job Information
Chen, Mei-Qin 10/15/1989 The Updated Conjugate Subspaces Method in Optimization and the Solving Linear Systems of Equations Han, Shih Ping Prof., The Citadel
Ellers, Harald Erich 10/15/1989 Blocks and Virtually Irreducible Lattices Suzuki, Michio McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario
Holsey, Mickey Charles 10/15/1989 Boolean Valued Probalistic Metric Spaces Takeuti, Gaisi Hampton University.
Keum, Byoung 10/15/1989 Numerical Variational Methods in Differential Geometry and Applications to Computer Graphics Kamber, Franz IBM
Lou, Shituo 10/15/1989 A New Upper Bound in the Linear Sieve and its Applications Halberstam, Heini  
Sheu, Tsung Luen 10/15/1989 On the Nilpotent Injectors of the General Linear Groups Suzuki, Michio Assoc. Prof., National Hualien Teachers College, Department of Mathematics & Science
Simon, Julie 10/15/1989 Bounds on the Cardinalities of Nearly Neighborly Families of Polytopes Reznick, Bruce Asst. Prof., Middlebury College, Vermont
Sun, Ye Neng 10/15/1989 Nonstandard theory of Vector Measures Loeb, Peter  
Zivaljevic, Bosko 10/15/1989 Hyperfine Transversal Theory Henson, C. Ward Software Engineer, Cisco Systems, Inc., Champaign, IL
Hopkins, Kevin Walter 5/15/1989 Efficient Quotient Representations of Meromorphic Functions Miles, Joseph Asst. Prof., Southwest Baptist University
Pollack, David H. 5/15/1989 Nonlinear, Conditionally Stable, Singularly Perturbed Boundary-Relation Problems Muncaster, Robert Assoc. Prof., Youngstown State University, OH
Steinbart, Enid 5/15/1989 On the Location of Zeros of Solutions to w" + Aw =0 for Certain Entire A Bank, Steven University of New Orleans
Wang, Gang 5/15/1989 Some Sharp Inequalities for Conditionally Symmetric Martingales Burkholder, Donald Asst. Prof., Purdue University, IN
Smith, Cameron 1/15/1989 Dinatural Transformations and Polymorphic Operators Gray, John Wolfram Research, Inc.
Benson, Steven Rex 10/15/1988 Canonical Invariants for Corresponding Residue Systems in P-adic Fields McCulloh, Leon Co-Director of the Master of Science for Teachers, University of New Hampshire
Gurevic, Reuben 10/15/1988 Detecting Algebraic (In)Dependence of Explicitly Presented Functions Rubel, Lee A. University of Wisconsin-Madison
Lee, Chongsung 10/15/1988 Lattice Properties and Interpolation Theory of the Spaces n_v/,q and Mv Lotz, Heinrich Assoc. Prof., National University of Singapore
Tanner, Franz Xavier 10/15/1988 On the Smoothness of the Bellman Function Albrecht, Felix Senior Scientist, Internal Combustion Engine Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETHZ), Switzerland
Kim, Saeja Oh 5/15/1988 Projective Resolutions of Generic Order Ideals Grayson, Daniel Assoc. Prof., University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth
Mora, Carlos Arturo 5/15/1988 Subspaces of Dual-less Spaces Peck, N. Tenney Universidad Tecnologica de Pereira, Pereira, Colombia
Pang, Peter Yu-Hin 5/15/1988 Minimal Models and Riemannian Foliations Kamber, Franz Assoc. Prof., National University of Singapore (NUS)
Weaver, Margaret (Lefevre) 5/15/1988 Graph Labelings West, Douglas Prof., Eastern Illinois University
Wheeler, Ferrell Shane 5/15/1988 On Two Differential-Difference Equations Arising in Analytic Number Theory Diamond, Harold Supercomputing Research Center, Bowie, MD
Kratzke, Thomas M. 1/15/1988 Total Interval of a Graph West, Douglas Metron Inc., Reston, VA
Sportsman, Joseph Scott 10/15/1987 Automorphism Groups of the Augmented Distance Graphs of Trees Weichsel, Paul California St. Polytech. University, Department of Mathematics - Pomona
Srivastav, Anupam 10/15/1987 Swan Modules and Elliptic Functions Reiner, Irving &
Ullom, Stephen
Texas A & M, College Station, Texas
Wong, Shek-Tung 10/15/1987 Analytic Continuation and Functional Equations of Cuspidal Eisenstein Series for Maximal Cuspidal Subgroups Moreno, Carlos University of California, Santa Cruz
Blyth, Russell David 5/15/1987 Rewriting Products of Group Elements Robinson, Derek Asst. Prof. / Assoc. Prof., Saint Louis University
Cobb, Philip Abram 5/15/1987 Existence and Conjugacy of Hall Subgroups and Embedding of pi-subgroups Suzuki, Michio Texas A & M, College Station, Texas
Foster, Kurt C. 5/15/1987 An Equal-Distribution Result for Galois Module Structure McCulloh, Leon Memphis State University
Gordon, Russell Arthur 5/15/1987 Integration and Differentiation in a Banach Space Uhl, Jerry Whitman College, WA
Han, Moon-Chang 5/15/1987 Weak Convergence of Stochastic Differential Equations Monrad, Ditlev  
Holmes, Randall Reed 5/15/1987 On the Projective Characters of the Finite Chevalley Groups Suzuki, Michio Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut
Lacey, Michael Thoreau 5/15/1987 Some Limit Theorems Philipp, Walter Louisiana State University, Mont Alto
Lefton, Lew Edward 5/15/1987 Degree Theory and Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems at Resonance Kaufman, Robert University of California, Riverside
Shu, Wun-Yi 5/15/1987 Limit Theorems for Processes and Stopping Rules in Adaptive Sequential Estimation Martinsek, Adam Assoc. Prof., Institute of Statistics, National Tsing Hua University
Butler, Charles Allen 1/15/1987 Approximation of Schur Complements Morley, Thomas  
Choi, Kwok-Pat 1/15/1987 Some Sharp Inequalities for Martingale Transforms Burkholder, Donald National University of Singapore
Harper, Charles Douglas 1/15/1987 Measurement and Quasi-States in Quantum Mechanics Takeuti, Gaisi Odyssey Research Associates, Inc., Ithaca, New York
Leung, Denny Ho-Hon 1/15/1987 Uniform Convergence of Operators and Grothendieck Spaces with the Dunford-Pettis Property Lotz, Heinrich Catholic University, Washington, D.C.
Petrakis, Minos Aristidis 1/15/1987 Nearly Representable Operators Uhl, Jerry Asst. Prof., National Technical University, Crete
Chen, Hsin-Fong 10/15/1986 The Locally Free Cancellation Property of the Group Ring ZG Reiner, Irving  
Kajitori, Kazuaki 10/15/1986 Precipitors Ideal on cBas Takeuti, Gaisi Assoc. Prof., National Fisheries University, Japan
Karayannakis, Dimitris Marcos 10/15/1986 Spectral Decompositions of Isometries on Hardy Spaces of the Disk and the Torus Berkson, Earl Prof., Tech Education Institute, Crete
Merkey, Phillip Roy 10/15/1986 Topics in Coding Theory: 1. The A_(n,d) Problem in the Plotkin Region; 2. Number of Information Symbols in a BCH Code McEliece, Robert Assistant Prof., Michigan Technical University, Houghton, Michigan
Weston, Dana Temer 10/15/1986 On Descent in Dimension Two and Non-Split Gorenstein Modules Griffith, Phillip Assoc. Prof., University of Missouri - Columbia
Kandilakis, Dimitrios 1/15/1986 On the Theory of Set Valued Functions with Application in Approximation, Optimization and Control Theory Papageorgiou, Nikolaos Assist. Prof., University of the Aegean
Zhang, Wen-Bin 1/15/1986 Asympotic Distribution of Beurling's Generalized Prime Numbers and Integers Diamond, Harold Prof., The University of West Indies
Goswami, Alok Kumar 10/15/1985 The Prediction Process of Step-Processes and Applications Knight, Frank  
Hvidsten, Michael 10/15/1985 Volume and Energy Stability for Immersions Tondeur, Philippe Assistant / Associate / Professor, Math & Computer Science, Gustavus Adolphus College
Perez-Sequi, Maria Luisa 10/15/1985 Simplical Complexes and a Partial Classification of Almost Completely Decomposable Torsion Free Abelian Groups Rotman, Joseph  
Siskakis, Aristomenis George 10/15/1985 Semigroups of Composition Operators and the Cesaro Operator on HP (D) Berkson, Earl Visiting Asst. Prof., Texas A&M University

Yamaguchi, Jinsei 10/15/1985 Aspects of Large Cardinals Takeuti, Gaisi  
Chang, Li-Fung 5/15/1985 An Information-Theoretic Study of Ratio-Threshold Antijam Techniques McEliece, Robert Technical Staff / Director, Bell Communications Research , Radio Research Division (Bellcore)
O'Neil, Kevin Anthony 5/15/1985 Stationary Configuration of Point Vortices Palmore, Julian University of Tulsa, Oklahoma
Somer, Lawrence Eric 5/15/1985 The Divisibility and Modular Properties of Kth-Order Linear Recurrences over the Ring of an Algebraic Number Field with Respect of Prime Ideals Parker, E. T. Visiting Asst. Prof., George Washington University
Juhlin, Kenton Duane 1/15/1985 Sequential and Non-Sequential Confidence Intervals with Guaranteed Coverage Probability and Beta-Protection Wijsman, Robert A. Walker Research
Uno, Katsuhiro 1/15/1985 Generalized Clifford Theory Dade, Everett Prof., Osaka Kyoku University, Japan
Challener, David Carroll 10/15/1984 Convergence Properties of the Elgenfunction Expansion of the Biharmonic Equation on Rectangular and Semi-infinite Strips Benzinger, Harold IBM, Poughkeepsie
Crabtree, James C. 10/15/1984 First Exit Times Through Curvilinear Boundaries for Stochastic Sequences Stout, William Georgia Tech
Currier, Robert John 10/15/1984 Isometric Immersions and Embeddings of Nonnegatively Curved Hypersurfaces in Hyperbolic Space Alexander, Stephanie Smith College
Filaseta, Michael Anthony 10/15/1984 Topics in Combinatorial Number Theory Halberstam, Heini Prof., University of South Carolina
Gary, James Daniel 10/15/1984 On the Supremum of the Counting Function for the a-values of a Meromorphic Function Miles, Joseph Attorney, United Methodist Church
Hashimi, Jamil Rasool 10/15/1984 On Certain Maximal Operators on H Classes, 0<P<1 Kaufman, Robert Hughes Aircraft
Kan, Ittai 10/15/1984 Strange Attractors of Uniform Flows Palmore, Julian Assoc. Prof., George Mason University, VA
Lindsay, Peter A. (Retired Professor) 10/15/1984 Alternative and Omega-type Turing Acceptors Schupp, Paul Boeing Chair, Systems Engineering, School of ITEE
Wu, Jinn-Wen 10/15/1984 Exponential Decay for the Saint-Venant Principle Muncaster, Robert Owns a Chinese Restaurant (?)
Beezer, Robert Arnold 5/15/1984 Polynomials of the Adjacency Matrix of a Graph Weichsel, Paul Prof., University of Wisconsin
Brown, Richard Arthur 5/15/1984 Generalized Group Presentations and Formal Deformations of CW Complexes Craggs, Robert Assoc. Prof., Director of the Computer Science Concentration, St. Olaf
Megginson, Robert Eugene 5/15/1984 The Semi-Kadec-Klee Conditions and Nearest-Point Properties of Sets in Normed Linear Spaces Day, Mahlon Prof., Eastern Illinois University
Menninga, Nadine Louise 5/15/1984 Immersions of Positively Curved Manifolds into Manifolds with Curvature Bounded Above Alexander, Stephanie Adj. Inst.
Tung, Shih-Ping 5/15/1984 On Weak Number Theories Takeuti, Gaisi Prof., Chung Yuan Christian University
Brennan, Joseph Patrick 1/15/1984 Products in lambda-rings Fossum, Robert Assoc. Prof., North Dakota State University
Garzon, Maximilliano 1/15/1984 Automata on Cayley Graphs Schupp, Paul  
Haken, Armin 1/15/1984 The Intractability of Resolution Takeuti, Gaisi University of Toronto
Raggi-Cardenas, Alberto Gerardo 1/15/1984 Zeta-functions of Two-Sided Ideals in Arithmetic Orders Reiner, Irving Prof., Memphis State University, TN
Hawkins, John Hiroshi 10/15/1983 On a Zeta Function Associated with Bessel's Equation Stolarsky, Kenneth Temple University, PA
Watt, Stephen Bruce 6/15/1983 Genus Fields and Central Extensions of Number Fields Ullom, Stephen Kansas State
Burke, James Vincent 1/15/1983 Methods for Solving Generalized System of Inequalitions with Application to Nonlinear Programming Han, Shih-Ping Assistant Prof., University of Kentucky
Laohakosol, Vichian 1/15/1983 Some Extensions of the Skolem-Mahler-Lech Theorem Rubel, Lee A. University of Texas, Austin
Blumer, Anselm Cyril 10/15/1982 Bounds on the Redundancy of Noiseless Source Coding McEliece, Robert Denver University
Dabrowski, Andre Robert 10/15/1982 Invariance Principles for Random Processes Generated by Extrema and Partial Sums of Random Variables Philipp, Walter Assistant / Associate / Professor of Mathematics and Statistics and Dean of the Faculty of Science
Snader, Jon Christopher 10/15/1982 Bishop's Condition Beta and Decomposable Operators Bartle, Robert G. University of Southern Florida
Wingler, Eric Jeffrey 10/15/1982 Analytic Unitary Operators Berkson, Earl Prof., Youngstown State University, OH
Thomas, Mark Allen 6/15/1982 Generic Reductions of an Integrable g-structure and an Infinitesimal Version Bishop, Richard Texas A&M University
Naiman, Daniel Quitt 5/15/1982 Optimal Simultaneous Confidence Bounds in Regression Bohrer, Robert Prof. / Chair, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Riddle, Lawrence Hollister 5/15/1982 Weak Radon-Nikodym Sets in Dual Banach Spaces Uhl, Jerry Emory University, GA
Terwilliger, Paul M. 5/15/1982 Distance-Regular Graphs and Generalizations Weichsel, Paul Prof., Ohio State University
Dhompongsa, Sompong 1/15/1982 Limit Theorems for Weakly Dependent Random Vectors Philipp, Walter Assistant / Associate / Professor, Mathematics, Chiang Mai University.
Zimmerman, Jay James 1/15/1982 The Occurrence of Certain Types of Groups as Automorphism Groups Robinson, Derek Michigan State University
Anderson, Claude Wilson, III 10/15/1981 Solutions of Quadratic Equations in Small Cancellation Groups Schupp, Paul Wilkes College
Borden, J. Martin 10/15/1981 Bounds and Constructions for Codes Protecting Against Asymmetric Errors McEliece, Robert University of Delaware
Fisher, Evan David 10/15/1981 Some Almost Sure Convergence Results Stout, William Assoc. Prof., Lafayette College, Easton, PA
Gardiner, Christopher John 10/15/1981 A Classification of Kupka-Smale Flows on the Torus Albrecht, Felix Professor, Actuarial Science, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti
Goldberg, Larry A. 10/15/1981 Transformations of Theta-Functions and Analogues of Dedekind Sums Berndt, Bruce Lawton Lectureship, Temple Univ., Philadelphia
Grcar, Joseph Frank 10/15/1981 Analyses of the Lanczos Algorithm and of the Approximation Problem in Richardson's Method Sameh, Ahmed Sandia National Labs
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, CA
Haring-Smith, Robert H. 10/15/1981 Groups and Simple Languages Schupp, Paul Project consultant, West Virginia University,
Kurtz, Stuart Alan 10/15/1981 Randomness and Genericity in the Degrees of Unsolvability Jockusch, Carl L.E. Dickson Instructor, University of Chicago
Marble, Robert Patrick 10/15/1981 Orthomodular Lattices and Cut Elimination Takeuti, Gaisi Hofstra University
McConnell, Terry Robert 10/15/1981 Inequalities for Random Walk and Partially Observed Brownian Motion Burkholder, Donald Visiting lecturer, U of I
McCurley, Kevin Snow 10/15/1981 Explicit Estimates for Functions of Primes in Arithmetic Progressions Bateman, Paul T. Michigan State University
Meadows, Catherine Annldi 10/15/1981 Projections of Varieties Evans, Graham Texas A & M
Rhoads, Dennis Lynn 10/15/1981 On the Distibution Function of n/0 (n) Diamond, Harold Prof., Moorhead State University, MN
Spiro, Claudia A. 10/15/1981 The Frequency with which an Intergral-Valued, Prime-Independent, Multiplicative or Additive Function of n Divides a Polynomial Function of n Bateman, Paul T. Emmy Noether Instructor, SUNY, Buffalo, New York
Welch, Lawrence Vaughn 5/15/1981 A Hierarchy of Families of Recursively Enumerable Degrees and a Theorem on Bounding Minimal Pairs Jockusch, Carl Instructor, Cornell University, Ithaca
Hooper, Peter Michael 1/15/1981 Smallest Simultaneous Confidence Sets, Using Sufficiency and Invariance with Applications to MANOVA and GMANOVA Wijsman, Robert A. Professor, University of Alberta
Lobb, Wayne Anthony 1/15/1981 Maximum Flows in Unit Capacitated Multicommodity Trees Morley, Thomas Digital Equipment Corporation
St. James, Micki
(Ingrassia, Michael Anthony)
1/15/1981 P-Genericity for Recursively Enumerable Sets Jockusch, Carl Western Illinois University
Bergstrom, Roy Clarence 10/15/1980 Optimization, Convergence, and Duality McLinden, Lynn College Pacific
Hain, Richard Martin 10/15/1980 Iterated Integrals, Minimal Models and Rational Homotopy Theory Chen, Kuo Tsai Assistant Professor, SUNY, Buffalo
Lockhart, Jody M. 10/15/1980 Decision Problems in Restricted Classes of Groups Boone, William W. Michigan State University
Mathis, Darrell Lee 10/15/1980 Differential Polynomial Rings: Order Properties and Morita Equivalence Janusz, Gerald University of Southern California
Ringland, James T. 10/15/1980 Asymptotic Expansions for Studentized M-Estimators with Applications to Multiple Comparisons Portnoy, Stephen Sandia National Laboratories, Lockheed Martin Company (for US Dept. of Energy), Livermore, CA
Taber, William Lawrence 10/15/1980 Projectively Equivalent Metrics Subject to Constraints Alexander, Stephanie University of Guam
Andrews, Kevin T. 5/15/1980 Dunford-Pettis Sets and Operators Uhl, Jerry Catholic University
Fry, Michael D. 5/15/1980 Lifting Automorphisms to Stem Extensions of a Finite Group Suzuki, Michio Michigan State University
Geitz, Robert F. 5/15/1980 The Pettis Integral Uhl, Jerry Oberlin College
Hafner, James Lee 5/15/1980 On the Average Order of the Divisor Function, Lattice Point Functions, and Other Arithmetical Functions Berndt, Bruce Institute for Advance Study
Hurder, Steven E. 5/15/1980 Dual Homotopy Invariants of G-Foliations Kamber, Franz University of Utah,
Karney, Dennis F. 5/15/1980 Duality and Approximation in Semi-Infinite Programming Morely, Thomas University of Delaware
Rawsthorne, Daniel Andrew 5/15/1980 Improvements in the Small Sieve Estimate of Selberg by Iteration Diamond, Harold United States Army
Sunseri, Richard F. 1/15/1980 Zeros of p-adic L-functions and Densities Relating to Bernoulli Numbers Wagstaff, Samuel Programmer/Analyst, Jet Propulsion Lab, Pasadena, CA



Name PhD Date Dissertation Title Dissertation Director Job Information
Bonvallet, Robert W. 10/15/1979 The Martingale Problem for the Dynamic Gas Model Helms, Lester Asst. Prof., Illinois State University
Fry, Robert M. 10/15/1979 Characteristic Surfaces in Non-Orientable 3-Manifolds Haken, Wolfgang Assoc. Prof., Assumption College, Worcester, Massachusetts
Lockhart, Robert Bruce 10/15/1979 Fredholm properties of a class of elliptic operators on non-compact manifolds Uhlenbeck, Karen Michigan State University
McKenty, Geoffrey E. 10/15/1979 Independent Sets in Graphs and the Partition Problem Brown, John Florida International University
Moore, Vardeman G. 10/15/1979 Recursive Function Theory in Groups and Semigroups Boone, William W. Lecturer, Texas Tech University
Perkins, Edwin A. 10/15/1979 A Nonstandard Approach to Brownian Local Time Knight, Frank Prof., University of British Columbia
Vasak, Janet T. 10/15/1979 Periodic Bernoulli Numbers and Polynomials Berndt, Bruce University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Eaker, Robert C. 5/15/1979 Some Optional and Near-Optimal Low Rate Algebraic Convolution Codes Dornhoff, Larry Hewitt Association, Stanford
Grasse, Kevin A. 5/15/1979 Controllability and Accessibility in Nonlinear Control Systems Albrecht, Felix Professor / Chair, University of Oklahoma
Kustin, Andrew R. 5/15/1979 Locally Power Series Algebras Griffith, Phillip University of Kansas, Lawrence
Miller, Matthew 5/15/1979 Reflexive Modules, Self-Duality and Prime Bourbaki Ideals Griffith, Phillip Assistant Professor, University of Tennessee (1979 - 1984)
Morrow, Gregory J. 5/15/1979 Almost Sure Approximation of Sums of Weakly Dependent Lattice-Indexed Random Variable by Brownian Sheets Philipp, Walter Washington University, St. Louis
Saab, Elias 5/15/1979 The Radon-Nikodym Property, Weak K-Anllyticity and Universal Measurability Uhl, Jerry University of British Columbia
Saab, Paulette 5/15/1979 Integral Representation by Boundary Vector Measures, and Applications Uhl, Jerry University of British Columbia
Schervish, Mark J. 5/15/1979 Some Results on Classifying an Observation into one of Several Multivariate Normal Populations with Equal Convariance Matrices Wijsman, Robert A. Associate Professor / Professor/ Head of Department of Statistics, Carnegie-Mellon University
Denneau, Monty M. 10/15/1978 On the Decidability of the Identities Valid in the Lattice of Closed Subspaces of an Infinite Dimensional Hilbert Space Takeuti, Gaisi Researcher, IBM, Yorktown Heights, New York
Gajendragadkar, Dilip S. 10/15/1978 A Characteristic Class of Characters of Finite Solvable Groups Dade, Everett Texas University, El Paso
Jackson, David A. 10/15/1978 A Normal Form Theorem for Higman-Newmann Extensions of Semigroups Gray, John Asst. Prof., Oklahoma State University
Kindermann, Ross P. 10/15/1978 Asymptotic Comparisons of Functionals of Brownian Motion and Random Walk Burkholder, Donald University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Kleinhenz, Robert J. 10/15/1978 New Codes Beyond the Zyablov Bound and the Goppa-Based Justesen Codes Preparata, Franco Center for Naval Analysis, Washington, D.C.
Nagase, Teruo 10/15/1978 A Reidemeister-Singer and Signature of Characteristic Heegaard Splittings Craggs, Robert Tokai University
Svendsen, Edward Charles 10/15/1978 Perturbations of Partial Differential Operators by Means of Boundary Conditions Benzinger, Harold Asst. Prof., Oklahoma State University
Timoney, Richard M. 10/15/1978 Bloch Functions in Several Complex Variables Rubel, Lee A. Vaclav Hlavaty Research Assistant Prof., Indiana University, Bloomington
Burkom, Howard Steven 5/15/1978 Generalization and Implementation of Normal Surface Theory Haken, Wolfgang Asst. Prof., SIU, Carbondale
Fournelle, Thomas Albert 5/15/1978 Finite Groups of Automorphisms of Infinite Groups Robinson, Derek Michigan State University
Gadia, Shashi Kumar 5/15/1978 Applications of Boolean Valued Analysis to Operator Differential Equations and Semi-groups of Operators Takeuti, Gaisi Stephens College
Hopkins, Mark Raymond 5/15/1978 Structure of Groups of Ree Type with Computer Calculuations Suzuki, Michio Drake University
Masarani, Muhamad Fathi (Fred) 5/15/1978 Extensions of Menshov's Theorem on the Adjustment of Measurable Functions Kaufman, Robert St. John's University, New York City
Mortenson, Robert Floyd Jr. 5/15/1978 A Characterization of the Symplectic Groups and Sp( 6,4^n) Suzuki, Michio Bell Laboratory, Holmdel, New Jersey
Pinzur, Laurence 5/15/1978 Topics in Probability and Number Theory Philipp, Walter Consulting Actuary, Hewitt Association
Ivanov, Simeon 10/15/1977 On Holomorphic Relative Inverses of Operator Valued Functions Bartle, Robert G.  
Johnston, Elgin Harold 10/15/1977 Growth of Derivatives of Approximations to Analytic Functions Kaufman, Robert Iowa State University
O'Connor, Brian Merrick 10/15/1977 Finite Element Solutions of Elliptic Systems of Partial Differential Equations and the Isoparametric Technique Ting, T. W. Murray State University, Kentucky
Redmond, David B. 10/15/1977 On Doubly Transitive Permutation Groups of Degree pq+1 Suzuki, Michio Registrar and Chairman of the University, Maynooth College, Ireland
Richter, Linda Jean Chiarulli 10/15/1977 Degrees of Unsolvability of Models Jockusch, Carl Asst. Prof., Wabash College
Savage, Carla Diane 10/15/1977 Parallel Solutions to Graph Theoretic Problems Muller, David University of Texas, Austin
Swart, Charles Francis 10/15/1977 Pattern Recognition Using Tiling Systems and Two-Dimensional Automata Muller, David Indiana University, Purdue, University at Indianapolis
Turgi, Mary Sister 10/15/1977 Sheaves and Torsion-Free Modules Rotman, Joseph Wesleyan University, Middleton, CT (?)
Shreve, Steven Eugene 6/15/1977 Dynamic Programming in Complete Separable Spaces Bertsekas, Dimitri Orion Hoch Professor , Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh
Comerford, Jonell Duda 5/15/1977 Equivalence of Boolean Functions Under Affine Transformations Hohn, Franz E. Prof., Eastern Illinois University
Cuadrado, John Lawrence 5/15/1977 Rational Iterated Integrals & Formal Power Series Connections Chen, Kuo Tsai Wright State University
Miller, Jay Ian 5/15/1977 Just Non-Metabelian Groups Weichsel, Paul Wisconsin University, Milwaukee
White, Luther William 5/15/1977 Control Problems Governed By Pseudo-Parabolic Partial Differential Equations Ting, T. W. University of Oklahoma
Dugopolski, Mark Jerome 1/15/1977 Decision Problems in the Fundamental Groups of 3-manifolds Haken, Wolfgang Prof., Southeastern Louisiana University
Nandakumar, Nagaiah R. 1/15/1977 Semi-Algebras of Operators and Algebras of Multipliers Rothman, N.M. Prof., Delaware State University
Duchamp, Thomas Eugene 10/15/1976 Characteristic Invariants of G-foliations Tondeur, Philippe Professor of Mathematics, Adjunct Professor of Computer Science & Engineering, Graduate Program Coordinator, University of Washington (GN-50)
Gaynor, John Anthony 10/15/1976 Asymptotic Efficiencies of Selection Procedures Jogdeo, S. S. Purdue University
Matchett, Andrew James 10/15/1976 Some Subgroups and Homomorphisms of Locally Free Class Groups Ullom, Stephen Texas A & M University
Luecking, Daniel Henry 5/15/1976 A Functional Algebra Approach to Badly Approximable Functions Rubel, Lee A. Assistant Prof., Associate Prof., Prof., University of Arkansas
Matheson, Alec Lane 5/15/1976 Closed Ideals in Banach Algebras of Analytic Functions Satisfying a Lipschitz Condition Kaufman, Robert Professor, Lamar University
Powder, Charles Robert 5/15/1976 On the Asymptotic Theory of Linear and Non-Linear Ordinary Differential Equations Bank, Steven University of Dayton, OH
Townsend, Douglas Wayne 5/15/1976 Imaginary Values of Meromorphic Functions Miles, Joseph Professor, Indiana University / Purdue University - Fort Wayne Campus
Turett, Jay Barry 5/15/1976 Fenchel-Orlicz Spaces Uhl, Jerry Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas
Williams, Larry James 5/15/1976 An Algebraic Generalization of Integration in Free Groups Chen, Kuo Tsai Dean, Eastern Illinois University
Barbasch, Dan Mihai 1/15/1976 Fourier Inversion Formulas of Orbital Integrals Rao, Ranga MIT
Boxer, Laurence Richard 1/15/1976 The Space of Absolute Neighborhood Retracts of a Closed Surface Hamstrom, Mary-Elizabeth Instructor, Michigan State University
Burd, Barry Abram 1/15/1976 Some Implications of the Theory of Weaves with Applications in Determinateness and Logic Takeuti, Gaisi Syracuse University
McVoy, Walter Scott 1/15/1976 Some Results on Bounded Analytic Functions Rubel, Lee A. Illinois State University
Redmond, Donald Michael 1/15/1976 On the Summatory Functions of A Class of Dirichlet Series Berndt, Bruce Assoc. Prof., Southern Illinois University
Tsao, Hung Ping 1/15/1976 Some Extremal Problems in Ordered Sturctures Heins, Maurice H. St. Bernard College, Alabama
Vasak, John Michael 1/15/1976 The Thickness of the Complete Graph Brown, John Technical Staff, The Mitre Corporation
Wanna, Salma Shukrallah 1/15/1976 A Spectral Sequence for Group Presentations Chen, Kuo Tsai Michigan State University
Neaderhouser, Carla Cecilia (Purdy) 10/15/1975 Limit Theorems for Multiply-Indexed Mixing Random Variables Helms, Lester Asst. Prof., Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas
Vogt, Richard Lee 10/15/1975 A New Invariant for Corresponding Residue Systems McCulloh, Leon Butler University
Smith, Mark Andrew 6/15/1975 Directional Uniform Rotundity in Banach Spaces Day, Mahlon Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, IL
Anderson, Jack Kirk 5/15/1975 On the Structure of the Set of Attainability Albrecht, Felix Firelands Branch Campus, Bowling Green
Barton, Eric McMillan 5/15/1975 Borsuk's Index of R-proximity for Surfaces Hamstrom, Mary-Elizabeth New Paltz, New York
Braithwaite, Edwin Stanley 5/15/1975 The Converse Fatou Theorems in a Finite-Dimensional Half-Space Heins, Maurice H. Assoc. Prof. / Prof., Cedarville University
Chen, Nai Fung 5/15/1975 An Analysis of Scheduling Algorithms in Multiprocessor Computing Systems Liu, Chung Laung  
Chillag, David 5/15/1975 On Doubly Transitive Permutation Groups of Degree 5q+1 Suzuki, Michio Professor, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Department of Math
Cohen, Barry Steven 5/15/1975 On Completeness for Ultraproducts of Subgroups of the Real Numbers Takeuti, Gaisi Keene State College (?)
Cohen, Paul Frederick 5/15/1975 Weak Truth Table Reducibility and the Pointwise Ordering of 1-1 Recursive Functions Jockusch, Carl Staff Engineer, Lockheed Missiles & Space Company's Space Systems Division (SSD)
General Chairperson, San Francisco Bay Area Special Interest Group on Ada (SIGAda) of the Association for Computing Machinery
Endo, Lawrence Paul 5/15/1975 Steinitz Classes of Tamely Ramified Galois Extensions of Algebraic Number Fields McCulloh, Leon Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Frykman, Jamed Edward 5/15/1975 Approximation of Infinite Dynamic Gas Models Helms, Lester Dartmouth College
Manteuffel, Thomas Albert 5/15/1975 An Iterative Method for Solving Non-Symmetric Linear Systems with Dynamic Estimation of Parameters Saylor, Paul Assistant Professor, Emory University
Park, Seung Ahn 5/15/1975 A characterization of the Four-Dimensional Projective Unimodular Unitary Groups Suzuki, Michio Adjunct Assistant Prof., Seoul National University
Pendergrass, James William 5/15/1975 The Schur Subgroup of the Brauer Group Janusz, Gerald New Mexico State University
Wooldridge, Kent E. 5/15/1975 Some Results on Arithmetic Functions Similar to Euler's Phi-Function Bateman, Paul T. California State College, Stanislaus
Cliff, Gerald Howard 1/15/1975 Vertices of Representations of Finite Groups Reiner, Irving Professor, University of Alberta
Gendler, Alan Matthew 1/15/1975 Extreme Operators in the Unit Ball of L(C(X), C(Y)) Peck, N. Tenney California State University, Long Beach
Lipskie, Larry Clifford 1/15/1975 Generic G-Structures Bishop, Richard University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Chang, Zon-I 10/15/1974 Finite Groups with Prime P to the First Power Suzuki, Michio Prof.
Corzatt, Clifton Earle 10/15/1974 Some Extrema Problems of Number Theory and Geometry Stolarsky, Kenneth Prof., St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN
Gronski, Jan Maksymilian 10/15/1974 On the Classification Problem for the Control Vector Fields Albrecht, Felix University of Missouri, St. Louis
Hurwitz, Richard Daniel 10/15/1974 The Conjugacy Problem in Certain Product Groups Schupp, Paul Universitat Bielefeld, Germany
Moon, Byung Soo 10/15/1974 Ideal Theory of Ordered Locally Convex Spaces Lotz, Heinrich Sargent and Lundy
Perng, Shien-Sen 10/15/1974 Stopping Time of Sequential Probability Ratio Test for Multivariate Analysis of Variance Wijsman, Robert A. Howard University
Ross, Michael Dean 10/15/1974 Norm Preserving Approximation of Functions Belford, Geneva Slippery Rock University
Stout, Lawrence Neff 10/15/1974 General Topology in an Elementary Topos Gray, John Asst. Prof., McGill University, Montreal
Tan, Sin-Leng 10/15/1974 Nullity and Generalized Characteristic Classes of Differentiable Manifolds Kamber, Franz Assoc. Prof., University of Malaya
Vaaler, Jeffrey David 10/15/1974 Some Results on Uniform Distribution with Weights Diamond, Harold California Institute of Technology
Whitson, George M. 10/15/1974 A Lattice Theoretic Generalization of Normal Subgroups Suzuki, Michio Wright State University, Dayton, OH
Worosz, Theophil Joseph 10/15/1974 Cohomology with Multiple-Valued Functions Applied to Fixed Point Theory Jerrard, Richard P. Wabash College, Crawfordsville, IN
Wu, Jang-Mei Gloria 10/15/1974 An Integral Problem for Positive Harmonic Functions Heins, Maurice H. Prof., University of Illinois
Yanushka, Arthur Anthony 10/15/1974 A Characterization of the Symplectic Group as a Rank Three Permutation Group Suzuki, Michio University of Michigan
Akst, George 5/15/1974 Harmonic Analysis on Products and Weak Products Rothman, Neal J. Prof., New Mexico State University
Farrar, Joel Craig 5/15/1974 On a Reducibility Concept Among Sets of Infinite Strings Infinite Strings Induced by Turing Machine Transducers Muller, David  
Israel, Marvin Myron 5/15/1974 PL Local Homotopy Hamstrom, Mary-Elizabeth Goucher College
Lin, En Jui 5/15/1974 Chebyshev Series Expansion of Kepler's Equation and Its Numerical Computation Langebartel, Ray Malaya University, Kuala Lumpur (?)
Penna, Michael Anthony 5/15/1974 Differential Geometry on Simplicial Manifolds Osborn, Howard Prof., Indiana University, Indianapolis
Seymour, Judith Kaldenberg 5/15/1974 Conjugate Powers and Unique Roots in Certain Small Cancellation Groups Schupp, Paul Western Maryland College
Bock, Mary E. Johnston 1/15/1974 Certain Minimax Estimators of the mean of a Multivariate Normal Distribution Ash, Robert B. Professor, Purdue University - West Lafayette
Cartwright, Donald Ian 1/15/1974 Extensions of Positive Operators Between Banach Lattices Lotz, Heinrich University of Tubingen, Germany
Evans, Ronald James 1/15/1974 Hecke Groups and Free Products of Two Cyclic Matrix Groups Berndt, Bruce St. Louis University
Hensler, Gary Lee 1/15/1974 Jointly Asymptotically Efficient Non-Parametric Estimaion of Regression and Scale Parameters Wolfowitz, Jacob Syracuse University
Ng, How Ngee 1/15/1974 Projective Representations of Finite Groups Reiner, Irving  
Rebhuhn-Glauz, Deborah 1/15/1974 On the Set of Attainability Albrecht, Felix Vassar College, NY
Wang, Chiu-Tze Yang 1/15/1974 The Green Correspondences for Finite Group with a Cyclic Sylow Subgroup Janusz, Gerald  
Cahill, Caroline 10/15/1973 On Bounded Functions Satisfying Averaging Conditions Rubel, Lee A.  
Comerford, Leo Paul 10/15/1973 Real Elements and Commuting Elements in Small Cancellation Groups Schupp, Paul Michigan State University
Ducasse, Edgar George 10/15/1973 The Relation of Equivalence for Post Algebras and Its Application to Hazard Free Implementations of Boolean Functions Metze, Gernot Prof., The Ivan G. Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information , Pace University, New York
Edwards, Carol Shigeko 10/15/1973 Subgroups of the Group G_n Hohn, Franz E. St. Louis University
Hayashi, Elmer Kinji 10/15/1973 Omega Theorems for the Iterated Additive Convolution of a Nonnegative Arithmetic Function Bateman, Paul T. Prof., Wake Forest University, NC
Hsiung, Christopher 10/15/1973 Stability of Differential Forms Albrecht, Felix  
Keigher, William Francis 10/15/1973 Categorical Aspects of Differential Algebra Gray, John &
Babkhanian, Ari
Asst. Prof., Southern Illinois University
Levaro, Richard Arthur 10/15/1973 Dimension Theory of Sheaves of R-Modules Rotman, Joseph Washington University, St. Louis
Wilson, Leslie Charles 10/15/1973 Equivalence of Stable Mappings Between Two-Dimensional Manifolds Albrecht, Felix Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
Aggarwal, Vijay Bhushan 6/15/1973 Algebraic Decomposition of Automata Muller, David Colorado State University
Bailey, Keith Donald 6/15/1973 Extending Normal Curves to Plane Immersions of the Disc with n Handles Francis, George CERL, University of Illinois
Cox, Christopher Francis 6/15/1973 Results and Generalizations Concerning FAR, FANR and Movable Compacts Finney, Ross L. Wells College
Gatzke, Harry Waldemar 6/15/1973 Infinitely Many Periodic Trajectories of the Generalized Lienard Differential System Wax, Nelson (EE Dept) University of Alabama
Madison, David Lyon 6/15/1973 Left Serial Rings of Finite Type Janusz, Gerald Carleton University, Ottawa
Osgood, Thomas Wendell 6/15/1973 An Existence Theorem for Planar Triangulations with Vertices of Degree Five, Six, and Eight Haken, Wolfgang Assoc. Prof., Indiana University East, Richmond
Rempel, Richard Stanely 6/15/1973 Heegaard Diagrams which Correspond to the Same Group Presentation Haken, Wolfgang Prof., Bethel College, Kansas
Silver, Howard Alan 6/15/1973 Canonical Sequences of Singular Cauchy Problems Carroll, Robert Prof. / Chairperson, Mathematics & Computer Science, Chicago State University
Venkateswaran, Subramanian 6/15/1973 Approximations by Splines of Polynomials and of Entire Functions Rubel, Lee A. Prof., Birla Institute of Technology & Science, India
Wang, Pyng 6/15/1973 Decomposition Theorems of Riemannian Manifolds Tondeur, Philippe University of Notre Dame, IN
Gordon, Robert David 2/15/1973 Monotonicity of the Power of Two-Sample Rank Tests Jogdeo, S. S. North Dakota State
Kalyansundar, Vijayalakshmi Gopalakrishnan 2/15/1973 Automorphisms of the 4-Dimensional Projective Unimodular Unitary Group Walter, John  
McConnell, Robert Reed 2/15/1973 Simplicial Resolutions Barr, Michael  
McInnes, Allan William 2/15/1973 On the Uniform Approximation of a Class of Singular Integral Equations in a Holder Space Gillies, D. B. Senior Lecturer, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Bliss, Weldon Earl 10/15/1972 The work of Emil L. Post on Combinatorial Systems: A Basis for Modern Recursive Function Theory Appel, Kenneth MacMurray College
Cassady, Patrick David 10/15/1972 A Classification of Projective Special Linear Groups Walter, John Wright State University
Cohen, Paul Edward 10/15/1972 Some Applications of Forcing in Set Theory Takeuti, Gaisi  
Esquerra, Roland Frederich 10/15/1972 Integral Representations for a Class of Meijer G-Functions Langebartel, Ray Prof., California State University, Sacramento
Fossum, Tryggve 10/15/1972 The Pointed Irreducible Dualization of Hopf-Algebras Chen, Kuo Tsai Intel Fellow, Digital Equipment Corporation
Frankl, Eric 10/15/1972 New Connectives for the Infinitary Languages Takeuti, Gaisi Assoc. Prof., Delaware State University
Kahane, Charles Toole 10/15/1972 Many-World Model Theory and Ultraproducts and a Relationship with Cohen's Forcing Takeuti, Gaisi Chief, Evaluation Division, U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington DC
Purdy, George Barry 10/15/1972 Some Extremal Problems in Geometry and the Theory of Numbers Bateman, Paul T. Texas A & M University
Sourour, Ahmed Ramzy 10/15/1972 Semigroups of Scalar Type Operators on Banach Spaces Berkson, Earl University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Tu, Kai Wen 10/15/1972 Stability and Convergence of General Multivalue and Multistep Methods with Variable Step Size Gear, Charles W. Babcock and Wilcox, Barberton, OH
Wake, William Paul 10/15/1972 Ideal Boundary Theory for Harmonic Spaces Loeb, Peter National Security Agency
Williams, Robert Clark 10/15/1972 Minimal Faithful Group Representations Janusz, Gerald Cole Prof., Alfred University
Birnbaum, David Alan 6/15/1972 Spaces of Linear Maps and Tensor Products of Locally Convex Spaces Peressini, Anthony L. Amherst College
Chaney, John William 6/15/1972 Banach Lattices of Compact Maps Peressini, Anthony L.  
Crabill, Lemuel Delmar 6/15/1972 K-Processes and Potential Theory Knight, Frank Eastern Illinois University, Math Department
Curry, Robert Lee 6/15/1972 A Transform Method for Volterra Equations Langebartel, Ray  
Finch, James Kenneth 6/15/1972 The Single Valued Extension Property for Linear Operators on Banach Spaces Bartle, Robert G. Prof., University of San Francisco
Ford, William Herschel 6/15/1972 Numerical Solutions of Pseudo-Parabolic Partial Differential Equations Ting, T. W. Clemson University, South Carolina
Mann, Margaret Emily 6/15/1972 Projections in Vector Lattices Sherbert, Donald R. Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY
Rao, Viswanatha Rajagopala 6/15/1972 A Cauchy Problem for Pseudo Parabolic Partial Differential Equations in Whole Space Ting, T. W.  
Schwartz, Paul 6/15/1972 The Role of the Kolmogoroff Condition in the Characterization of Best Chebyshev Approximation of R^n-valued Continuous Functions Belford, Geneva &
Langebartel, Ray
University of Texas, Austin (?)
Wong, Kai Tak 6/15/1972 An Algebraic Approach to Spectral Localization Bartle, Robert G.  
Liu, Hal 2/15/1972 A Characterization of the Four Dimensional Projective Special Linear Group PSL(5,3) Over the Field of Three Elements by the Centralizer of an Involution contained in the Center of a Sylow 2-Subgroup Janusz, Gerald  
Neville, Charles W. 2/15/1972 Ideals and Submodules of Analytic Functions on Infinitely Connected Plane Domains Rubel, Lee A. Founder and CEO, CWN Research, CT
Perry, William Leon 2/15/1972 Integral Equations with a Product-Type Kernel Ting, T. W. Executive Associate Provost and Professor, Texas A&M
Strong, Paul Leon 2/15/1972 Some New Classes of Mappings Between the Closed and the Pseudo-Open Mappings Finney, Ross L.  
Vasudevan, Ramani 2/15/1972 Almost Periodic Banach Modules and a Representation of the Multiplier Module Day, Mahlon  
Cates, Marshall Louis 10/15/1971 Laws of Wreath Products of Abelian Groups Faudree, R. Professor, California State University, Los Angeles
Forbes, Janet Dorman 10/15/1971 Maximal Groups of Permuations and Complementations of the Independent Variables Which Leave a Set of Boolean Functions Invariant Muller, David  
Hayhoe, Henry Nelson 10/15/1971 Mathematical Models to Relate Passive Electrical Parameters of unitary Smooth Muscle to its Transmission Characteristics Langebartel, Ray  
Johnson, David Harry 10/15/1971 On the Subgroups of the Projective Four Dimensional Special Linear Group Over a Field Whose Order is a Prime Greater than Three. Walter, John  
Pelletier, Donald Hector 10/15/1971 Boolean Valued Models of Set Theory When the Boolean Algebra is a Proper Class in the Ground Model Boone, William W. Assoc. Prof., York University, Toronto
Reiten, Idun 10/15/1971 Trivial Extensions and Gorenstein Rings Fossum, Robert Prof., University of Trondheim
Sacerdote, George Steven 10/15/1971 Some Logical Problems in Group Theory Boone, William W.  
Schuh, Mark William 10/15/1971 Laplace Transforms on Vanishing Algebras Rothman, Neal J.  
Sullivan, Robert Wayne 10/15/1971 Quadrature and Cubature Formulas for Functions Whose Derivatives have Finite Jump Discontinuities Langebartel, Ray  
Young, William Laurence 10/15/1971 Injections of the Half Open Interval Into the Plane Jerrard, Richard P. National Security Agency, Washington DC
Slonneger, Kenneth Ray 8/15/1971 Problems in the Proof Theory of Infinite Languages Takeuti, Gaisi Department of Computer Science, The University of Iowa
Barlow, William Jean 6/15/1971 Coefficient Properties of Random Variable Sequences Burkholder, Donald Purdue University, Hammond
Fendrich, John William 6/15/1971 The Complete preimage of Euclidean k-Space Under an Open Mapping with the 1-Regular Property and Whose Point Inverses Are Open 2-Cells in Euclidean k+2-spaces Hamstrom, Mary-Elizabeth Assoc. Prof., Bradley University, Peoria, Illinois
Henschen, Lawrence Joseph 6/15/1971 A Resolution Style Proof Procedure for Higher-Order Logic Gillies, D. B. Prof., Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
Mazumdar, Tapas 6/15/1971 Existence Theorems for Noncoercive Variable Domain Evolution Problems Carroll, Robert Professor Emeritus, Wright State University, Department of Math & Sciences
Singh, Bhagat 6/15/1971 Existence and Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions to Linear Integro-Differential Difference Equations Langebartel, Ray Professor Emeritus, University of Wisconsin - Manitowoc
Solomon, Arthur Robert 6/15/1971 On Homotopy 2-Regular Mappings Whose Inverses Are Open 3-Cells Hamstrom, Mary-Elizabeth  
State, Emile Yehuda 6/15/1971 Weak Hyperbolic Problems with Variable Domain Carroll, Robert  
Cook, Jean Hall 1/15/1971 Decompositions of Finite Rank, Torsion-Free Abelian Groups Griffith, Phillip University of Glascow, Glasgow Polytechnic, Glasgow G4 Oba
Walker, Wayne James 1/15/1971 The Solution of Partial Differential Equations Using a Space of Integral Operators Diamond, Harold University of Auckland, New Zealand
Woeppel, James Joseph 10/15/1970 Finite Groups Generating a Product Variety Weichsel, Paul & Reiner, Irving Prof., Indiana University Southeast, School of Natural Sciences, IN
Gardner, Melvin Frank 8/19/1970 Spectral Decomposition of Stochastic Processes with parameter in a Hilbert Space Ash, Robert B.  
Strutt, Joseph Raymond Arnold 8/15/1970 Projective Homotopy Classes Zvengrowski, Peter  
Blanton, John David 6/15/1970 Spaces of Isotopic Triangulation of a 2-Cell Cairns, Stuart S. Professor, St. John Fisher College, NY
Sein, Hla Hla 6/15/1970 Coefficient Problem for Positive Harmonic Functions on an Annulus Heins, Maurice H.  
Steinberg, Stuart A. 6/15/1970 Lattice-Ordered Rings and Modules Weinberg, Elliot Prof., University of Toledo, Ohio
Woan, Wen-Jin 6/15/1970 A Characterization of Linear Groups Suzuki, Michio Assoc. Prof. / Prof., Howard University, Washington, DC
Wolff, Harvey Eli 6/15/1970 g -Localizations and g-Triples Gray, John Prof. / Chairperson, University of Toledo, Ohio
Africk, Henry Louis 5/15/1970 A Proof- Theoretic Proof of Scott's General Interpolation Theorem Takeuti, Gaisi Chair & Professor , CUNY (NYC Technical College)
Cope, Douglas Anthony 5/15/1970 Integral Representations of the Confluent Hypergeometric Function of the Second Kind Langebartel, Ray  
Mech, William Paul 5/15/1970 On the Monotone Extension Property Day, Mahlon Boise State University
Miller, Carman Brandt 5/15/1970 Topologies on Locally Compact Groups Rajagopalan, M.  
Moore, John Kingholm 5/15/1970 Coding Theorems for Filtered-Waveform Channels Ash, Robert B. Dept. of Math, University of California - Davis
Terras, Riho 5/15/1970 Almost Automorphic Functions on Topological Groups Berg, David  
Trombi, Peter Charles 5/15/1970 Fourier Analysis on Semisimple Lie Groups Whose Split Rank Equals One Rao, Ranga Prof. of Mathematics / Assoc. Dean of Science, University of Utah
Brady, Michael Melvin 2/18/1970 Meromorphic Solutions of a System of Functional Equations Involving the Modular Group Heins, Maurice H.  
Long, Robert Landis 2/15/1970 Steinitz Classes of Relative Galois Extensions McCulloh, Leon Managing Partner, CLO (Chief Learning Officer), CoventureConsulting, Texas
McCullough, Dean Paul 2/15/1970 Model Connectives and Intuitionistic Model Logic with Respect to the Kripke Model Boone, William W.  
Takiff, Steven Joel 2/15/1970 On the Ring of Invariant Polynomials for Representations of Lie Groups Rao, Ranga  
Wagner, Neal Richard 2/15/1970 Global Properties of the Space of Retractions of the Two-Sphere and the Annulus Hamstrom, Mary-Elizabeth Asst. / Assoc. Prof., University of Texas, El Paso.
Zemanek, Janice Rose 2/15/1970 On the Semisimplicity of Integral Representation Rings Reiner, Irving  
Beck, Walter Edward 1/15/1970 Efficient Quotient Representations of Meromorphic Functions in the Disk Rubel, Lee A. University of Northern Iowa
Behan, Donald F. 1/15/1970 On Some Problems Concerning Composition Semigroups of Analytic Functions Miles, Joseph Deloitte & Touche, Roswell, GA
Bertness, Charles Harwick 1/15/1970 Corresponding Residue Systems in Non-Normal Extensions of Prime Degree McCulloh, Leon Professor, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Conatser, Charles Wiley 1/15/1970 Contractions and Deformations of Lie Algebras Rao, Ranga  
Eiseman, Peter Robert 1/15/1970 Derivations of Function Algebras Osborn, Howard Captain in the US Air Force, Kirtland AFB
Fairchild, Lonnie Roth 1/15/1970 Extreme Invariant Means and Minimal Sets in the Stone-Cech Compactification of a Semigroup Day, Mahlon Assoc. Prof., SUNY, Plattsburgh
Fleury, Patrick John 1/15/1970 Aspects of Harrison's Homology Theory Barr, Michael  
Giaccai, Gerald John 1/15/1970 A Hopf Algebra Generalization of the Wever-Specht Formula Chen, Kuo Tsai Data Processing Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank, Boston (?)
Gustafson, William Howard 1/15/1970 Relative Integral Grothendieck Rings Reiner, Irving Texas Tech University
Hadlock, Charles Robert 1/15/1970 Singular Perturbations of a Class of Two Point Boundary Value Problems Arising in Optimal Control Kokotovic, Peter Prof., Bentley College, MA
Johnson, Harold Randall 1/15/1970 Infinite Strings Over Finite Machines Hohn, Franz E.  
Kaufman, Edwin Henry, Jr. 1/15/1970 Properties and Construction of Certain Non-Linear Families of Approximating Functions Belford, Geneva Professor Emeritus, Central Michigan University
Kennel, Clinton W. 1/15/1970 Locally Outer Functions Rubel, Lee A. Complex Analysis, University of Texas, El Paso
Kieffer, John Cronan 1/15/1970 A Generalization of the Shannon-McMillan Theorem and Its Application to Information Theory Ash, Robert B.  
Leviatan, Talma 1/15/1970 Markov Processes with Creation and Annihilation Corresponding to Perturbation of Markov Processes Helms, Lester Dept. of Statistics, Tel Aviv University
Lewis, John Lawson 1/15/1970 Some Theorems on the Cos pi lambda Inequality Heins, Maurice H. Prof, University of Kentucky
Orzech, Grace Geist 1/15/1970 Obstruction Theory in Algebraic Categories Barr, Michael Assoc. Prof., Queen's University at Kingston
Rajput, Balram Singh 1/15/1970 Determinable Sets in Banach Spaces Ash, Robert B. Prof., University of Tennessee
Reilly, Ivan Leon 1/15/1970 Quasi-Gauges, Quasi-Uniformities and Bitopolgical Spaces Hamstrom, Mary-Elizabeth Lectureship, Prof., Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Auckland



Name PhD Date Dissertation Title Dissertation Director Job Information
Abu-Salih, Muhammad 10/15/1969 On Termination with Probability one and Bounds of Sample Size Distribution of Sequential Probability Ratio Tests Where the Underlying Model is an Exponential Family Wijsman, Robert A.  
Heath, David Clay 10/15/1969 Probabilistic Analysis of Hyperbolic Systems of Partial Differential Equations Knight, Frank Associate Partner,
Johnson, Jerry Alan 10/15/1969 Banach Spaces of Lipschitz Functions and Vector-Valued Lipschitz Functions Sherbert, Donald R. Asst. Prof., / Assoc. Prof., / Prof., Oklahoma State University
Papas, Theodore Thomas 10/15/1969 Acyclic Models and Fibrations Osborn, Howard Software Engineer, Star Power
Schneider, Ross Nelson 10/15/1969 A Decomposition of the Automorphism Group of an Autonomous Linear Sequential Machine Hohn, Franz E.  
Shepard, Clarence Day 10/15/1969 Languages in General Algebras Muller, David  
Thompson, Mary Elinore Beattie 10/15/1969 Some Aspects of Optimal Stopping Theory Doob, Joseph L. Prof., University of Waterloo
Wong, Chi Song 10/15/1969 Fixed Point Theorems for Non-Expansive Mappings Day, Mahlon Prof., University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Ballew, David Wayne 6/15/1969 The Module Index, Projective Modules and Invertible Ideals Fossum, Robert  
Jacobs, Harold 6/15/1969 Ordered Topological Tensor Products Peressini, Anthony &
Bartle, Robert G.
Professor, East Stroudsburg University, PA
Joshi, Padmini Tryambak (Mrs.) 6/15/1969 The Size of L(1,x) for Real Non-Principle Residue Characters x with Prime Modulus Bateman, Paul T. Prof., Ball State University
Arnold, David Marion 5/15/1969 Torsion-free Modules of Finite Rank Over a Discrete Valuation Ring Rotman, Joseph Asst. Prof., / Assoc. Prof., New Mexico State University,
Lamb, Charles Wilson 5/15/1969 Boundary Theory for Markov Chains Doob, Joseph L.  
Miller, Charles Frederick III 5/15/1969 On Group Theoretic Decision Problems and Their Classification Boone, William W. Prof., University of Melbourne
Morley, Larry John 5/15/1969 Bounds for the Class of Nilpotent Wreath Products Weichsel, Paul Retired
Shere, Kenneth D. 2/15/1969 Gravity Waves in a Viscous Atmosphere and Multiple Asymptotic Expansions Langebartel, Ray QA Manager, FBI (Sentinel Program)
Case, John William 1/15/1969 Enumeration Reducibility and Partial Degrees McLaughlin, Thomas G. Prof. / Chair, Computer and Information Sciences Dept., University of Delaware, Newark
Hale, Mark Pendleton Jr. 1/15/1969 On Simple Goups Related to Zassenhaus Groups Suzuki, Michio Research and Dev Proj Leader, CIO Office, University of Iowa
Jacobs, John Byron 1/15/1969 On the Classification of Simple Lie Algebras of Prime Characteristic Block, Richard E.  
Van Osdol, Donovan Harold 1/15/1969 Some Applications to Triples of Sheaf Theory Barr, Michael Prof., University of New Hampshire
Dollinger, Michael Barry 10/15/1968 Some Aspects of Spectral Theory on Banach Spaces Bartle, Robert G. Executive Director, ACLU, Rhode Island
Fisher, Joe Wayne 10/15/1968 Decomposition Theories for Modules Dade, Everett Prof., Undergraduate Program Director, University of Cincinnati

Gaer, Marvin Charles 10/15/1968 Fractional Derivatives and Entire Functions Rajagopalan, M.  
Jenkins, Joe Wiley 10/15/1968 Symmetry of the Group Algebra of Certain Discrete Groups Day, Mahlon Analysis Program, Program Director, Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Division of Mathematical Sciences, NSF
Koehn, Uwe 10/15/1968 Global Cross Sections and Invariant Measures with Applications to the Densities of Maximal Invariants Wijsman, Robert A. Professor / Head of Statistics, University of Connecticut
Lewis, Robert Edward 10/15/1968 On the Sylow Two-Subgroups of the Alternating Groups Suzuki, Michio  
Moretz, Marjorie Ann (Stinespring) 10/15/1968 Some Properties of Positive Linear Operators: T:L1 --> L^1 Ionescu-Tulcea, C. Prof., Chicago State University
Pillai, Narayana 10/15/1968 Contributions to Characterization Problems in Probability Wijsman, Robert A.  
Torrance, Ellen McCormick 10/15/1968 Adjoints of Operators on Banach Spaces Bartle, Robert G.  
Davis, James Delbert 9/15/1968 Measurable Cardinals and NNT Takeuti, Gaisi University of Virginia
Bergman, John Grant 6/15/1968 Harmonic Analysis on Algebraically Irreducible Semigroups Rothman, Neal J. Assoc. Prof., University of Delaware
Corbett, Joseph Warren 6/15/1968 On Isotopy Types of Complexes with Application to Knots Cairns, Stuart S.  
Davis, Burgess James 6/15/1968 Martingale Comparisons Burkholder, Donald Prof., Rutgers University
Hall, Peter Robin 6/15/1968 Local Connectivity of the Space of Homeomorphisms of a Noncompact Manifold Hamstrom, Mary-Elizabeth Prof., Australian National University, MSI
Kearns, Thomas J. 6/15/1968 On Representations of Lie Algebras of Classical Type Block, Richard E. Prof., Northern Kentucky University
Meeden, Glen Dale 6/15/1968 Some Problems in Prediction Theory Blyth, Colin R. Prof., University of Minnesota
Reid, Kenneth Brooks, Jr. 6/15/1968 Structure in Finite Graphs Parker, E. T. Founding Professor of Math, California State University, San Marcos
Showalter, Ralph Edwin 6/15/1968 Pseudo-Parabolic Partial Differential Equations Ting, T. W. Assistant Prof. / Assoc. Prof. / Professor, University of Texas, Austin
Stancl, Mildred Luzader 6/15/1968 Smooth Isotopies of Manifolds Surrounding Polyhedra Cairns, Stuart S. Prof., Mariette College, OH
Staudte, Robert George 6/15/1968 Invariance Theory and Sequential Estimation Blyth, Colin R. Assoc. Prof., Sch. Stat. Sci., La Trobe University, Bundoora, VIC 3083, Australia
Stout, William Theodore 6/15/1968 Corresponding Residue Systems in Normal Extensions of Algebraic Number Fields McCulloh, Leon Professor, Department of Statistics, UIUC
Trott, William Richard 6/15/1968 Density Theorems Relative to Mean Regular Coverings and a Transformation Group in Abstract Measure Space Trjitzinsky, W. J. Assistant Professor, University of Mississippi
Bowen, Kenneth Alan 2/15/1968 The Relative Consistency of Some Consequences of the Existence of Measurable Cardinals Takeuti, Gaisi SUNY, Syracuse, NY (?)
Roberts, Charles Emery Jr. 2/15/1968 On the Behaviour of the Integral Curves of a Third Autonomous System of Differential Equations in a Neighborhood of a Critical Point Belford, Geneva  
Thomas, Charles Gomer 2/15/1968 A Characterization of the Chevalley Groups G_2(2^N) Suzuki, Michio Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY (?)
Weber, Waldemar Carl 2/15/1968 Conformal Vector Fields on Compact Riemannian Manifolds Goldberg, Samuel I. Assoc. Prof., Bowling Green State University, OH
Weger, Ronald Clyde 2/15/1968 A Condition for Positive Definiteness on Groups Ketchum, P. W. Prof., South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
Alexander, Stephanie Taylor (Brewer) 10/15/1967 Reducibility of Euclidean Immersions of Low Codimensions Bishop, Richard Assistant / Associate / Professor, University of Illinois
Drobot, Vladimir 10/15/1967 Quasi-dynamical Systems Trjitzinsky, W. J. SUNY, Buffalo, NY
Fraser, Marshall M. 10/15/1967 Multiplicities and Grothendieck Groups Reiner, Irving & Eagon, John Albion College
Hall, Richard Samuel 10/15/1967 Theorems About Beurlings Generalized Primes and the Associated Zeta Function Bateman, Paul T. Prof., Willamette University, OR
Harty, Sister Marion 10/15/1967 Automorphisms of the 4-Dimensional Unimodular Unitary Group Walter, John Prof., Edgewood College
Leaf, Gary Kristian 10/15/1967 A Spectral Theory for a Class of Linear Operator Bartle, Robert G. Argonne National Laboratory, IL
McDowell, Leland Kitchin 10/15/1967 Variable Successive Over-Relaxation Gillies, D. B.  
Montague, John Stephen 10/15/1967 On Transitive Extensions of Finite Permutation Groups Suzuki, Michio Senior Engineer, Lockheed Martin
Wilson, Paul Robert 10/15/1967 Linear Algebra Over Skewfields Reiner, Irving Prof., Rochester Institute ofTechnology, NY
Cooper, Jeffery M. 6/15/1967 Some Aspects of Abstract Linear Evolution Equations in Hilbert Space Carroll, Robert Prof., / Assoc. Chair, University of Maryland, MD
Fairchild, William W. 6/15/1967 Convolution Algebras on Locally Compact Spaces Ionescu-Tulcea, C. Professor / Chair, Union College, Schnectady, NY
Fine, Kenneth Barry 6/15/1967 Topological Consequences of Poisson Stability in Dynamical Systems Trjitzinsky, W. J.  
Hannula, Thomas A. 6/15/1967 Group Representations Over Integers Modulo a Prime Power Reiner, Irving University of Maine at Orono
Millar, P. Warwick 6/15/1967 Martingale Integrals Burkholder, Donald Asst. Prof. / Prof., University of California, Berkeley
Nail, Billy Ray 6/15/1967 On Derivation Algebras of Commutative Associative Algebras Block, Richard E. Emeritus Professor, Clayton College and State University, GA
Sward, Gilbert Leinbaugh 6/15/1967 Transfinite Sequences of Axiom Systems for Set Theory Takeuti, Gaisi Professor Emeritus, Montgomery College, MD
Sward, Marcia Peterson 6/15/1967 The Mixed Boundary Value Problem Along the Line of Parabolicity for a Certain Class of Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations Scott, E. J. Prof., University of Arkansas, Little Rock (?)
Tong, Monbill 6/15/1967 Density Theorem in the Product Space of Two Abstract Measure Spaces Trjitzinsky, W. J.  
Truitt, Cecile (Catherine) Butts 6/15/1967 An Extension to Orlicz Spaces of Theorems Day, Mahlon  
Sabharwal, Chaman Lal 5/15/1967 Distribution Application to Differential Equations Langebartel, Ray Prof., Department of Computer Science, University of Missouri - Rolla
Khurana, Surjit Singh 2/15/1967 Measures and Barycenters of Measures on Convex Sets in Locally Convex Spaces Tulcea, Alexandra Instructor, U. of I
Ralley, Thomas George 2/15/1967 Decomposition of Products in Modular Representation Groups Reiner, Irving Associate Professor, Ohio State University
Wong, Seok Pin 2/15/1967 Asymptotically Optimum Properties of Certain Sequential Tests Wijsman, Robert A. Professor, Dept. Mathematical Sciences, Memphis SU
Associate Director, Statistical Services, Alcohol and Drug Prevention Research Center, University of Memphis
Crenshaw, James Allen 1/15/1967 Extreme Positive Linear Operators Peressini, Anthony L.  
Laible, Jon Morse 1/15/1967 Finite Solvable Subgroups of the General Linear Group of Prime Degree over the Field of Complex Numbers Suzuki, Michio Associate Profesor, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston
Blair, David Ervin 10/15/1966 The Theory of Quasi-Sasakian Structures Goldberg, Samuel I. Professor, Michigan State University
Jenks, Richard D. 10/15/1966 Quadratic Differential Systems for Mathematical Models Gillies, D. B. Fellow , Brookhaven National Laboratory, Long Island
Kariotis, Constanine 10/15/1966 Spectral Properties of Certain Classes of Operators Bartle, Robert G. Assoc. Prof., Georgia Southern University
Mayberry, John Penn 10/15/1966 Hyperarithmetical Functions of Ordinal Numbers Takeuti, Gaisi Professor Emeritus, Brock University
Morris, Charles Edward, Jr. 10/15/1966 Normal Subgroups of the Symplectic Group on a Countably Infinite Dimensional Vector Space Walter, John Associate Professor, Illinois State University
Nanzetta, Philip Newcomb 10/15/1966 Maximal Lattice-Ordered Algebras of Continuous Functions Weinberg, Elliot President, Strategic Focus Inc., MD
Norton, Karl Kenneth 10/15/1966 On Homogeneous Diagonal Congruences of Odd Degree Bateman, Paul T. Nbi, Inc., Boulder, CO
Walsh, John Bradstreet 10/15/1966 Probability and a Dirichlet Problem for Multiply Superharmonic Functions Doob, Joseph L. Instructor, Assistant Professor, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
Yeh, Raymond Tzu-Yau 10/15/1966 Weak Congruence Relations on Graphs Muller, David  
Bayer, Rudolf 6/15/1966 Automorphism Groups and Quotients of Strongly Connected Automata and Monadic Algebras Hohn, Franz E. Boeing Research Labs
Madison, Eugene William 6/15/1966 Computable Algebraic Structures and Non-Standard Arithmetic Boone, William W. Prof., University of Iowa
Moskal, Edward Michael 6/15/1966 Contact Manifolds of Positive Curvature Goldberg, Samuel I. University of Waterloo
Mullins, Charles Warren 6/15/1966 Order Continuous Mappings on General Kothe Spaces Peressini, Anthony L. Oregon State University
Oberai, Kirti Kumar 6/15/1966 Spectral Theory on Locally Convex Spaces Bartle, Robert G. Retired Prof., Queens University, Kingston, Canada
Plafker, Stephen Michael 6/15/1966 Generalized Subscalar Operators Tulcea, C. I. Instructor, Tulane University, New Orleans
Pu, Arthur Ta-Shiang 6/15/1966 Generalized Decomposition of Incomplete Finite Automata Muller, David  
Stancl, Donald Lee 6/15/1966 Multiplication in Grothendieck Rings of Integral Group Rings Reiner, Irving Prof., Saint Anselm College, Manchester, NH
Street, Anne Penfold 6/15/1966 Subgroups Determining Functions on Groups Suzuki, Michio Professorial Research Fellow, Math Department St. Lucia, The University of Queensland, Australia
Wakae, Masami 6/15/1966 Some Results on Multiplicity of Solution in Frame Mapping Hamstrom, Mary-Elizabeth Trustee / President, Soka University, Tokyo
Anderson, Marshall Dean 3/8/1966 Commutative Rings Reiner, Irving &
Fossum, Robert
Paliouras, John Demotrios 2/15/1966 Topological Aspects of Stability of Set Trajectories Under a Continuous Motion Trjitzinsky, W. J. Professor / College of Science Dean, Rochester Institute of Technolgy (RIT)
Wong, Bing Kuen 2/15/1966 Penetration of Set-Trajectories into Preassigned Regions in a Discrete Dynamical System Trjitzinsky, W. J. Professor, Wilkes University, PA
Biggs, John H. 1/15/1966 Automorphisms of the Projective Unimodular Unitary Group Walter, John Assoc. Prof., Frostburg State University, MD
Bavel, Zamir 10/15/1965 On the Structure and Automorphisms of Finite Automata Hohn, Franz E. Professor of Information Processing Studies, University of Kansas
Griego, Richard J. 10/15/1965 Semigroups and Probability Theory Helms, Lester  
Kelleher, James J. 10/15/1965 Rings of Meromorphic Functions Heins, Maurice H.  
Loustaunau, Joaquin 10/15/1965 On the State Diagram of Linear Operators and its Adjoint in Locally Convex Sets Bartle, Robert G. Prof., NMSU
Low, Marc Edmon 10/15/1965 Real Zeros of the Dedekind Function of an Imaginary Quadratic Field Bateman, Paul T. Assoc. Prof., Wright State University
Nelson, Wayne B. 10/15/1965 Minimax Solution of Statistical Decision Problems by Iteration Wijsman, Robert A. General Electric Research & Development
Nievergelt, Jurg 10/15/1965 Applications of Automata Theory to Programming Muller, David Assistant Prof. / Assoc. Prof. / Prof., Computer Science, University of Illinois
Taylor, Bert Alan 10/15/1965 Duality and Entire Functions Rubel, Lee A. Prof., University of Michigan
Yntema, Mary Katherine 10/15/1965 A Generalized Regular Notation Used to Define Some Families of Context-Free Languages and to Obtain Their Closure Properties and Containment Relations Muller, David Assoc. Prof., Sangamon State University
Davis, Harvey S. 6/15/1965 Manifolds with Local Codimension One Cairns, Stuart S. Assoc. Prof., Michigan State University
Donaldson, James A. 6/15/1965 Integral Representations of the Extended Airy Integral Type for the Modified Bessel Function Langebartel, Ray Prof. / Dean of the College, Howard University, College of Arts and Sciences
Inselberg, Alfred 6/15/1965 On Classification and Superposition Principles for Non-Linear Operators Langebartel, Ray Ben Gurion University, 1985; University of California, Los Angeles, 1991; University of Southern California, 1994
LaBach, William A. 6/15/1965 Manifolds with Transverse Fields in Euclidean Space Cairns, Stuart S.  
Mayoh, Brian Henry 6/15/1965 Solvable and Unsolvable Problems in the Theory of Computable Numbers Boone, William W. Aarhus University, Daimi
Sanders, William Mack 6/15/1965 Perpendicularity in Hilbert Planes Levy, Harry Prof., James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA
Shao, Tzu-Sien 6/15/1965 On the Brachistochronic Flight of a Rocket in the Interplanetary Space Gillies, D. B. IBM Corporation, Pough-keepsie, NY
Stone, Alexander P. 6/15/1965 The Existence of Conservation Laws on Analytic Manifolds Osborn, Howard Prof., University of New Mexico - Albuquerque
Taylor, Douglas Henley 6/15/1965 Circumscribing Cubes of Hyperellipsoids in Euclidean n-space Cairns, Stuart S. College of St. Catherine, MN
Brosamler, Gunnar A. 2/15/1965 Potential Theoretic Analysis of a Certain Integral Equation Doob, Joseph L. Prof. / Chair of Mathematics, Universität des Saarlandes, Germany
Thornton, Melvin C. 2/15/1965 Singularly Fibered Manifolds Bourgin, D. G. Prof., University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Totten, Donald Fred 2/15/1965 Witali-Denjoy Theorem in the Product Space of Two Abstract Measure Spaces Trjitzinsky, W. J.  
Wilde, Carroll Orville 2/15/1965 On Amenable Semigroups and Applications of the Stone-Cech Compactifications Day, Mahlon Prof., Navy
Al-Hussaini, Ata Nuri 10/15/1964 Some Almost Everywhere Convergence Theorems for Positive Definite Operators Burkholder, Donald University of Alberta
Eby, Edward Stuart 6/15/1964 Abstract Vitali-Cartheodory Theorem with Infinite Measure Trjitzinsky, W. J. Director Emer. Res. & Dev. Prog., NUSC, New London, CT
Gudder, Stanley Phillip 6/15/1964 A Generalized Probability Model for Quantum Mechanics Bartle, Robert G. John Evans Professor of Mathematics, University of Denver
Ihrig, Ann Harris 6/15/1964 Applications of Recursive Function Theory to Algebra Boone, William W. Prof., Rutgers University, New Brunswick
Pak, Jingyal 6/15/1964 Action of Transformation Groups on Lens Spaces Bourgin, D. G. Prof., Wayne State University, Detroit
Pu, Lena 6/15/1964 Group Representations Reiner, Irving  
Shult, Ernest Edward 6/15/1964 Finite Groups Admitting Abelian Fixed Point Free Operator Groups Suzuki, Michio Prof., Kansas State University
Singletary, Wilson Eugene 6/15/1964 Decision Problems in Logic and Algebra Boone, William W.  
Chen, Yuh Ching 5/15/1964 Group Objects Over Semi-Simplicial Complexes Heller, A. University of New York
Russell, Peter Bradley 5/15/1964 Primes Generated by Polynomials in One Variable Bateman, Paul T.  
Berton, John A. 2/15/1964 Asymptotes in Straight Line Planes Levy, Harry  
Bollman, Dorothy Ann 2/15/1964 On the Periodicity of States in a Linear Sequential Machine Having a Composite Modulus Hohn, Franz E. Prof., University of Puerto Rico Mayaquez
Diekhans, Herbert Henry 2/15/1964 Abstract Density Theorems Under Hypotheses of Mean Regularity Trjitzinsky, W. J. Professor, Indiana State University
Thomas, Robert J. 2/15/1964 Classification and Properties of Three-Valued Logics Hohn, Franz E.  
Boyle, William Walter 1/15/1964 Synthesis of Asynchronous Sequential Circuitry Muller, David  
Lanier, Lyle Hicks Jr. 1/15/1964 Semi-groups of Scalar Operators Bartle, Robert G.  
Rehm, Allan Stanley 1/15/1964 Hypercomplex Function Theory Ketchum, P. W. Cons, Rehm Consulting
Rosen, William G. 1/15/1964 On Invariant Means over Topological Semigroups Day, Mahlon National Science Foundation
Rowe, Keith Aylwin 1/15/1964 On Borel-Moore Homology Theory Heller, A.  
Embree, Earl Owen 10/15/1963 A Class of Linear Differential Equations Involving Distributions Langebartel, Ray Prof., Mathematics and Computer Science, Morgan State University
Foulk, Clinton Ross 10/15/1963 Cyclic Spot-Error-Correcting Codes Muller, David Assoc. Prof., CSE Dept., Ohio State University
Gylys, Vytautas 10/15/1963 Deterministic Machines with Apparently Random Output Ketchum, P. W.  
Ifram, Adnan F. 10/15/1963 On the Asymptotic Behavior of Densities with Applications to Several Sequential Tests of Composite Hypotheses Wijsman, Robert A. Professor, University of Jordan
Vayo, Harris Westcott 10/15/1963 The Determination of Electrical Parameters of a Mammalian Visceral Musclesystem Langebartel, Ray Assistant Prof., Harvard Medical School, University of Toledo
Vogt, Robert Martin 10/15/1963 Finiteness Conditions in Group Theory: Schmidt's Problem Brahana, H.R.  
Blakney, Simmie Samuel 6/15/1963 Lusin's Theorem in Metric Theory Trjitzinsky, W. J. Prof., University of Toledo
Grossman, Marvin Willard 6/15/1963 Choquet and Silov Boundaries Helms, Lester  
Haggstrom, Gus Wendell 6/15/1963 Optimal Stopping and Experimental Design Burkholder, Donald University of Chicago
Harris, John Henry 6/15/1963 Asymptotic Relationships of Eigenvalues (An Abstract Integral Defined for all Real-valued Measurable Functions) Langebartel, Ray Prof., LeMoyne-Owen College, Memphis
Miech, Ronald Joseph 6/15/1963 Almost Primes Generated by a Polynomial Bateman, Paul T. Prof., University of California, Los Angeles
Patnaik, Surendranath 6/15/1963 Some Mapping Theorems with Applications to Fixed Points of Multiple-Valued Transformations Bourgin, D. G.  
Shubert, Sanford Roy 6/15/1963 On a New Class of Generalized Analytic Functions Trjitzinsky, W. J.  
Tang, Francis Chi-Yu 6/15/1963 Generalized Direct Products with Amalgamated Subgroups Brahana, H.R. Professor Emeritus, Specialist in combinatorial group theory, University of Waterloo, Ontario
Welker, Russell Arthur 6/15/1963 Difference Equations in Fields of Characteristic p Hohn, Franz E.  
Rublein, George Thomas 5/15/1963 Representations of Generalized Homology and Cohomology Theories Bourgin, D. G. Associate Chair, Associate Professor, William & Mary University
Schubert, Sanford Roy 5/15/1963 On a New Class of Generalized Analytic Functions Trjitzinsky, W. J.  
Tung, Hsue Chong 2/15/1963 Generalized Functions and their Weierstrass Transforms Ketchum, P. W.  
Rosenkrantz, Walter Abraham 1/15/1963 Probability and Fourier Series Doob, Joseph L. Prof., University of Massachusetts
Oppenheim, Joseph H. 10/15/1962 Integral Representation of Cyclic Groups of Square-free Order Reiner, Irving Professor Emeritus, San Francisco State University
Anvari, Morteza 6/15/1962 Singular Set-Functions in Abstract Space and Derivation and Integration in Banach Spaces Trjitzinsky, W. J. Prof., Adjunct Professor, Cost and Economic Analysis, University of Michigan
Bauman, Steven F. 6/15/1962 The Klein Group as a Fixed Point Free Automorphism Group Suzuki, Michio Instructor, Princeton University
Cudia, Dennis Frank 6/15/1962 Geometry of Banach Spaces - Smoothness Day, Mahlon  
Jones, Alfredo 6/15/1962 Group Representations Reiner, Irving Universidade de São Paulo (?)
Lee, Myrna Helen Pike 6/15/1962 Integral Representations of Dihedral Groups Reiner, Irving Associate Professor, George Washington University
Moran, Daniel Austin 6/15/1962 Raising the Differentiablility Class of a Manifold in Euclidean Space Cairns, Stuart S. Michigan State University
Phelan, James Frederick 6/15/1962 Metabelian Groups of Order p^10 Brahana, H.R.  
Rao, Chivukula Ramamohana 6/15/1962 Invariant means on Spaces of Continuous or Measurable Functions Day, Mahlon Prof., University of Nebraska
Rau, Richard Maurice 6/15/1962 Schwartz Distributions Ketchum, P. W.  
Sine, Robert Carter 6/15/1962 Spectral Decomposition of a Class of Operators Bartle, Robert G.  
Robertson, Harold G. 5/15/1962 A Generalization of the Composition Product of Schwartz Distributions Langebartel, Ray  
Wirjosudirdjo, Sunardi 2/15/1962 Limiting Behavior of a Sequence of Density Ratios Burkholder, Donald &
Wijisman, Robert
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Caldwell, Roderick Peter Campbell 1/15/1962 Mean Value Theorems in the Geometry of Numbers Bateman, Paul T. Assoc. Prof., University of Rhode Island
Chakravarti, Renu (Laskar) 1/15/1962 Some metabelian groups of order p10 and related groups of order p11 Brahana, H.R. Professor, Clemson University
Lskar, Charkravarti Renu 1/15/1962 Some Metabelian Groups of Order p^10 and Related Groups of Order p^11 Brahana, H.R.  
Geiger, David Scott 10/15/1961 On Metabelian Groups of Order p^10 Brahana, H.R. Retired
Hahn, Hwa Suk 10/15/1961 On the Relative Growth of Differences of Partition Functions Bateman, Paul T.  
Troy, Alan 10/15/1961 Integral Representations of Cyclic Groups of Prime Power Order Reiner, Irving Seattle University
Channapragada, S. Rao 6/15/1961 Singular Integral Equations with an Infinity of Intersecting Arcs Trjitzinsky, W. J. Technical Staff, National Engineering Science Company, Pasadena, CA
DeMarr, Ralph 6/15/1961 Point Set Mappings and Semi-group Transformation with Applications to Fixed Set Theory Bourgin, D. G. Prof., University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Frandsen, Henry 6/15/1961 On Metabelian Groups of Order p^10 with Five Generators Brahana, H.R. Professor Emeritus, University of Tennessee - Knoxville
Gillilan, James Horace 6/15/1961 Generalized Set Functions Ketchum, P. W. Assistant Professor , University of Missouri-Kansas City
Koch, Charles F. 6/15/1961 Metric Considerations in Real Variables Theory Trjitzinsky, W. J. RETIRED
Poxon, Nancy 6/15/1961 Representations of Functions in Terms of Logarithmic Potentials Trjitzinsky, W. J. Assistant Professor / Professor, Sacramento State College
Drufenbrock, Sister Madelaine Sophie 5/15/1961 On Some Metabelian Groups of Order P 10 Brahana, H.R. Marquette University
Levy, Lawrence Sherwin 2/15/1961 Unique Subdirect Sums of Rings Reiner, Irving Professor Emeritus, University of Wisconsin
Krueger, Charles Gordon 1/15/1961 Metric Aspects in Real Variable Theory Trjitzinsky, W. J. Founder and CEO of BigLever Software
Paul, Erabil Matthew 10/15/1960 Density in the Light of Probability Theory Doob, Joseph L.  
Long, Clifford Allan 6/20/1960 Schwartz Distributions Analytic in a Parameter Ketchum, P. W. Bowling Green State Universiy
Anderson, Kenneth Wayne 6/15/1960 Midpoint Local Uniform Convexity and Other Geometric Properties of Banach Spaces Day, Mahlon Binghamton University (?)
Belford, Geneva Grosz 6/15/1960 Computer Logic Programs Muller, David Prof. / Coordinator of Graduate Education and Advisement, Computer Science, University of Illinois
Brannon, Mildred Jeannette 6/15/1960 On Rotations in Linear Spaces Which are Not Locally Convex Day, Mahlon Assistant Prof., Michigan State Normal College
Costley, Charles G. 6/15/1960 Singular Non-linear Integral Equations with Complex Valued Kernels of Type N Trjitzinsky, W. J. Assistant Professor / Associate Professor, McGill
Gear, Charles William 6/15/1960 Singular Shock Intersections in Plane Flow Taub, A. H. Engineer, IBM British Laboratories, Hursley, England
Singh, Rajinder 6/15/1960 Existence of Bounded Length Confidence Intervals Doob, Joseph L. University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Wasan, Madanlal T. 6/15/1960 Sequential Inference Doob, Joseph L. Assistant Prof., Queen's University
Curme, Gregory L. 2/15/1960 Perron Summability as Related to Dennoy Type Quasi Analytic Functions Trjitzinsky, W. J. Associate professor of economics, University of Notre Dame
Myers, Donald Earl 2/15/1960 An Imbedding Space for Schwartz Distributions Ketchum, P. W. Prof., University of Arizona
Parameswaran, Subramonier 2/15/1960 Some Theorems on the Growth of Partition Functions Bateman, Paul T.



Name PhD Date Dissertation Title Dissertation Director Job Information
McLemore, Benjamin H. Jr. 10/24/1959 On Test Efficiency Against Normal Alternatives Madow, W. G.  
Boen, James Robert 10/15/1959 On P-groups of Class Three Generated by Three Elements Brahana, H.R. Assist. Prof., Southern Illinois University
Farrell, Roger H. 10/15/1959 Sequentially Determined Bounded Length Confidence Intervals Doob, Joseph L. &
Burkholder, Donald
Asst. Prof. / Full Professor, Cornell University
Harris, Reece Thomas 10/15/1959 Generalized Eigenfunction Expansions for Operator Algebras Bartle, Robert G.  
Joichi, James Tomei 10/15/1959 A Study of Closed Operators on Banach Spaces Bartle, Robert G. Professor Emeritus, University of Minnesota
Katz, Morris W. 10/15/1959 Admissible and Minimax Estimates of Parameters in Truncated Spaces Burkholder, Donald Prof., Wayne State University, MI
Wilde, Edwin Frederick 10/15/1959 On Groups of Order 3^m and Class 3 Generated by Fine Operators Brahana, H.R. Prof., University of South Carolina, Spartanburg
Braunfeld, Peter George 6/15/1959 Two Characteristics of a Class of metabelian p-groups Brahana, H.R. Prof., University of Illinois
Goldberg, Jack Leonard 6/15/1959 On Positive Real Functions Ketchum, P. W. Associate Prof., University of Michigan
Golub, Gene Howard 6/15/1959 The Use of Chebyshev Matrix Polynomials in the Alternative Solution of Linear Equations Compared to the Method of Successive Over-relaxation Taub, A. H. NSF Fellow, Mathematical Laboratory, University of Cambridge.
Hahn, Frank John 6/15/1959 Stability of Set Trajectories in a Dynamical System Trjitzinsky, W. J.  
Shelly, James Harold 6/15/1959 Some Decision and Synthesis Problems in Semimodular Switching Theory Muller, David IBM, Poughkeepsie, NY
Stemmler, Rosemarie Margarete Scheerer 6/15/1959 Additive Number Theory in Algebraic Number Fields Bateman, Paul T. Yale University, New Haven, CT (?)
Sudigdomarto, Mudomo 6/15/1959 A Representation Theory for Laplace Transform of Vector Valued Functions Bartle, Robert G.  
Lorenz, Dan H. 5/15/1959 Generalized function solutions to the initial value problem for Liouville's equation Ketchum, P. W. Associate Technical Director, Advanced Micro Systems
Peabody, Paul Robert 5/15/1959 Linear Transformations as Internal Transformations with Distributional Kernels Ketchum, P. W. NASA (?)
Ernest, John Arthur 2/15/1959 Central Intertwining Numbers for Representations of Finite Groups Day, Mahlon Emeritus Prof., University of California - Santa Barbara
Jackson, Howard Lawrence 2/4/1959 On the Divided Integral Osborn, Howard  
Abbott, James Harman 1/15/1959 Topics in Information Theory Doob, Joseph L. Prof., South Suburban College
McCall, Jerry Chalmers 1/15/1959 Positive Real Functions Ketchum, P. W. University of Mississippi
Knopp, Marvin I. 10/15/1958 On the Construction of Certain Automorphic Forms of Non-Negative Dimension Bateman, Paul T. Bryn Mawr College
Townsend, Ralp Newell 10/15/1958 Boundary-Value Distributions Ketchum, P. W.  
Blankfield, Judith Richman 6/15/1958 Approximations to Einstein's Equation of General Relativity McVittie, G.  
Dean, David William 6/15/1958 Projections in Certain Continuous-Function Spaces Day, Mahlon  
McMurray, Loren Robert 6/15/1958 Harmonic Hypervariables Ketchum, P. W. Rockwell International (?)
Newburg, Edward Allen 6/15/1958 Potential Representations in Integral Equations Trjitzinsky, W. J. Rochester Institute of Technology, NY
Polivka, Raymond Peter 6/15/1958 A Generalization of Singular Integral Equations with Complex Kernels Trjitzinsky, W. J. Carnegie Mellon University
Scalora, Frank Salvatore 6/15/1958 Abstract Martingale Convergence Theorems Doob, Joseph L. Assistant in Math, University of Illinois
Chow, Yuan Shih 2/15/1958 The Theory of Martingales in an S-finite Measure Space Indexed by Directed Sets Doob, Joseph L. Staff mathematician and Adjunct faculty, IBM Watson Research Laboratory, Columbia University
Kinney, Evelyn Kendrick 2/15/1958 Integral Equations in Representation Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable Trjitzinsky, W. J. Assistant Professor, Illinois Wesleyan University
Yff, Peter 10/15/1957 On Line Complexes in a Projective Four-Space Brahana, H.R. Visiting Professor, Ball State University, Muncie, IN
Bennewitz, William C. 6/15/1957 On Minkowski Area Levy, Harry Prof., Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville
James, Willard Donald 6/15/1957 Some Potential Representations in the Plane Trjitzinsky, W. J.  
Luthar, Indar Singh 6/15/1957 Uniqueness of the Invariant Mean on an Abelian Semigroup Day, Mahlon  
Sexauer, Norman Emil 6/15/1957 Some Results concerning Transformation Rings Which Satisfy Various Density Conditions Baer, Reinhold &
Brahana, H.R.
California State University, Long Beach
Tull, Jack Phillip 6/15/1957 Dirichlet Multiplication in Lattice Point Problems Bateman, Paul T. Assoc. Professor Emeritus, Ohio State University - University of Adelaide, Australia
Wos, Lawrence T. 6/15/1957 On Commutative Prime Power Subgroups of the Norm Baer, Reinhold Argonne National Laboratory
Butler, Lewis Clark 1/15/1957 An Imbedding for Locally Product Spaces Bourgin, D. G.  
Seshu, Lily Hannah 10/15/1956 On the Number of Simultaneous Representations of a Given Pair of Integers as the Sum of Four Integers and the Sum of Their Squares Bateman, Paul T. Assoc. Prof., University of Toronto (?)
Ballance, Richard Solomon 6/15/1956 Cauchy Type Representations for Functions of a Complex Variable Trjitzinsky, W. J.  
Brons, Kenneth Allyn 6/15/1956 Groups, All of Whose Partial Endomorphisms are Extendable Baer, Reinhold Senior Mgmt. Science Analyst, Cryovac Division, W.R. Grace & Co., Duncan, SC
Fend, Alvin Vincent 6/15/1956 Unbiased Estimation and Admissibility and the Treatment of Ties in the Sign Test Madow, W. G. Academic Faculty, New Mexico College of Agriculture and Mechanical Arts
Freed, Aubyn 6/15/1956 On the Ergodic Theorem in Dynamical Systems with Variant Measure Trjitzinsky, W. J. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Lexingon, MA
Keller, Charles L. Jr. 6/15/1956 Approximations of Functions of Several Complex Variables Ketchum, P. W.  
Kohlbecker, Eugene E. 6/15/1956 Asymptotic Properties of Partitions Bateman, Paul T. Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Koss, Walter E. 6/15/1956 On Four Parameter Families of Quadric Surfaces Brahana, H.R. Prof., Texas A&M
Sams, Burnett Henry III 6/15/1956 Finite Groups of Automorphisms of Algebraic Function Fields Hamilton, N. Instructor and Research Associate, Joint Appointment, Dartmouth, MIT
Flesch, Hans 10/15/1955 On the Classification of Finite Elementary Nilpotent Groups of Class 2 Brahana, H. R.  
Maxwell, Charles N. 10/15/1955 Fixed Point and Coincidence Theorems for Multi-valued Functions Bourgin, D. G. RETIRED
Gregory, Robert Todd 6/15/1955 A Numerical Solution to a Class of Sturm-Liouville Systems Taub, A. H. Assistant Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara
Healy, William C. 6/15/1955 Optimum Invariant Estimation Madow, W. G.  
King, Richard F. 6/15/1955 Periodic and Reducible Nonlinear Differential Systems Trjitzinsky, W. J. Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL
MacAuley, Ronald Alvin 6/15/1955 Analytic Group Kernels and Lie Algebra Kernels Hochschild, G. P. Assistant Prof. / Associate Prof., University of Nevada
Martino, Michael Anthony 6/15/1955 Concerning a Measure of Non-analyticity for Functions of a Complex Variable Trjitzinsky, W. J.  
Nicholson, Wesley Lathrop 6/15/1955 Uniform Admissibility and its Application to Classification Problems Madow, W. G. Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, WA
Schweppe, Earl Justin 6/15/1955 A Projective Generalization of Convexity Baer, Reinhold Lecturer, University of Kansas
Sloan, Robert Wesley 6/15/1955 On Analytic Functions of an Infinite Harmonic Hypercomplex Variable Ketchum, P. W.  
Spring, Ray Frederick 6/15/1955 On Metabelian p-Groups of Exponent p Brahana, H.R. Prof., Ohio University
Turnock, James Harold Jr. 10/15/1954 Geodesic Correspondences Between Riemannian Spaces Levy, Harry  
Bey, Douglas R. 6/15/1954 Modified Discriminant Analysis of School Organization Madow, W. G. Assoc. Prof., Illinois State Normal University (?)
Cronheim, Arno 6/15/1954 Motion Groups of Planes Baer, Reinhold Associate Prof., Ohio State
Michael, William Alexander, Jr. 6/15/1954 Singular Integral Equations with Normal Kernels Trjitzinsky, W. J.  
Priest, Richard Eugene 6/15/1954 Limits of Homotopy and Cohomotopy Groups Bourgin, D. G.  
Russell, Jack Unger 6/15/1954 Decompositions of Analytic Functions with Respect to the Singular Set Ketchum, P. W. Rhodes
Whitesitt, John Eldon 6/15/1954 Consruction of the Lattice of Complemented Ideals Within the Unit Group Baer, Reinhold  
Williams, Joyce White 6/15/1954 Singular Integral Equations with Symmetric Complex-Valued Kernels of Class I Trjitzinsky, W. J. Professor Emeritus, University of Massachusetts - Lowell
Yen, Ti 6/15/1954 Trace on Finite AW*-Algebras Day, Mahlon Prof., Michigan State University
Hsin, Ying 1/15/1954 Theory of Industrial Development Palmer, W. B.  
Baer, Robert M. 10/15/1953 Strong Ordering in the Self Adjoint Operator Space Bourgin, D. G.  
Hashisaki, Joseph 6/21/1953 On Group Algebras of Prime Power Groups Brahana, H.R. University of Montana
Shih, Kung Sing 6/21/1953 Cohomology of Associative Algebras and Spectral Sequences Hochschild, G. P. President / Dean / Honorary Professor, College of Science, National Taiwan University
Benesch, Samuel Eli 6/15/1953 Theory of Non-linear Integral Equations with Complex-valued Kernels Trjitzinsky, W. J.  
Clutterham, David Robert 6/15/1953 Interaction of Curved Shocks Taub, A. H. Prof., Computer Science, Florida Tech University
Flanagan, Joseph Edward 6/15/1953 Topics in Information Theory Doob, Joseph L.  
Ford, Lester R. Jr. 6/15/1953 Transitive Homeomorphism Groups Bourgin, D. G. Rand Corporation
Fox, H. Herbert 6/15/1953 On Approximation of Analytic Functions Ketchum, P. W.  
Hashiasaki, Joseph 6/15/1953 On Group Algebras of Prime Power Groups Brahana, H. R. University of Montana (?)
Ishii, Shigeru 6/15/1953 Convergence of Open Mappings of Locally Compact Spaces Cairns, Stuart &
Fort, M. K.
Hanneken, Clemens B. 10/15/1952 Irreducible Quintic Congruences Brahana, H.R. Marquette University, Wisconsin
Mullins, Edgar Raymond Jr. 10/15/1952 A Straight Line Plane with Preassigned Circles Levy, Harry Director of Computer Education, Swarthmore College, PA
Dean, Burton Victor 6/15/1952 Near Rings and Their Isotopes Baer, Reinhold Mathematician, Department of Defense, Washington, D.C.
Emerson, Marion Preston 6/15/1952 Dualities of Modular Lattices Baer, Reinhold Professor Emeritus, Southwest Missouri State College
Higman, Donald G. 6/15/1952 Focal Series in Finite Groups Baer, Reinhold Prof., University of Michigan
Livesay, George Roger 6/15/1952 An Extension of the Notion of Unicoherence with an Application to Mappings of Spheres Bourgin, D. G. Prof., Cornell University
Silverman, Robert Jerome 6/15/1952 Invariant Extensions of Linear Operators Day, Mahlon Professor Emeritus, University of New Hampshire
Walsh, Michael John 6/15/1952 The Paracompactness of the CW-Complex and Gradient Mappings in Locally Convex Spaces Bourgin, D. G.  
Wolfson, Kenneth G. 6/15/1952 An Ideal-Theoretic Characterization of the Ring of all Linear Transformations Baer, Reinhold Rutgers University, New Brunswick
Hornback, Joseph Hope 2/15/1952 Integral Equations Related to the Representations of Functions by Potentials Trjitzinsky, W. J. Professor Emeritus, University of Alabama
Wray, Joe W. 2/15/1952 Non-Analytic-Functions of a Complex Variable Representable by Lebesgue-Stieltjes Integrals with a Cauchy Kernel Trjitzinsky, W. J.  
Scott, Leland Latham 10/15/1951 Finite Metabelian Groups and Planes of E_14 Brahana, H.R. Prof., Louisville University, KY
Conrad, Paul F. 6/15/1951 Embedding Theorems for Abelian Groups with Valuations Baer, Reinhold Newcomb College, Tulane Univrsity
Howard, Bernard E. 6/15/1951 Hydrodynamic Properties of an Electron Gas Ketchum, P. W. Professor Emeritus, University of Miami
Kinney, John Rankin 6/15/1951 Continuity Properties of Sample Functions of Markov Processes Doob, Joseph L. Prof., Michigan State University
Leger, George F. 6/15/1951 On Cohomology Theory for Lie Algebras Hochschild, G. P. Supervisor of the Applied Mathematics Section, Bell Aircraft
Orton, William Rolen, Jr. 6/15/1951 Representation of Functions of a Complex Variable and Related Integral Equations Trjitzinsky, W. J.  
Snell, Laurie James or J. Laurie (Mr.) 6/15/1951 Applications of Martingale System Theorems Doob, Joseph L. Fine Instructor, Princeton, NJ
Calvert, Ralph Lowell 10/15/1950 On Analysis of Galactic Structure in the Direction of Aquila Coble, A. B. &
Brahana, H.R.
Ayoub, Raymond George 6/15/1950 Extensions of the Waring-Siegel Theorem in Algebraic Fields Hua, L. K. Prof., Pennsylvania State University
Goldsmith, Norman A. 6/15/1950 Differential Invariants of Ruled Surfaces Levy, Harry  
Johnson, Selmer Martin 6/15/1950 On the Representations of an Integer as the Sum of k n-tuple Products of Positive Integers Bourgin, D. G.  
Kuo, Ke-chan 6/15/1950 The Imbedding Problem for Systems with an Incomplete, Commutative Addition Baer, Reinhold  
Sanderson, Judson Jr. 6/15/1950 Study of the Generalized Potential Integral Trjitzinsky, W. J. Associate Professor, U.S. Air Force Institute of Technology
Evans, Willie Buell 1/15/1950 Uniqueness Properties of General Monogenic Functions Trjitzinsky, W. J. Retired



Name PhD Date Dissertation Title Dissertation Director Job Information
Goodner, Dwight Benjamin 10/15/1949 Projections in Normed Linear Spaces Day, Mahlon Prof., and Assoc. Chair, Florida State University
Hostinsky, L. Aileen 6/15/1949 Endomorphisms and Direct Decompositions in Lattices Baer, Reinhold &
Zariski, Oscar
Kansas State University
Sinclair, Annette 6/15/1949 Generalization of Runge's Theorem to Approximation by Analytic Functions Ketchum, P. W. California State University, Fullerton (?)
Langebartel, Ray Gartner 10/15/1948 An Investigation of the Convolutions of Kernels of the Type x^-t^ by a Transform Method and by Fractional Integration by Parts. Bourgin, D. G. Professor Emeritus
Ball, Richard William 6/15/1948 Dualities of Finite Projective Planes Baer, Reinhold Haverford College, Econ Dept, Haverford, PA
Kent, James R. F. 10/15/1947 Separation Theorems for Differential Equations of the Third and Fourth Order Carmichael, Robert D. Suny - Binghampton
Pulliam, Francis McConnell 10/15/1947 Existence of a Two Dimensional Potential Flow with Wake Past a Symmetric Convex Profile Ketchum, P. W.  
Seybold, Mary Alice 10/5/1947 Isomorphism Groups of Metabelian Groups Generated by Four Independent Operators of Order P. Brahana, H. R. Assistant Professor / Professor / Chair, Division of Science, North Central College
Shanks, Eugene Baylis 10/5/1947 Homothetic Correspondences Between Riemannian Spaces Levy, Harry Head of the Department of Mathematics, Vanderbilt University - Nashville
Charnes, Abraham 6/15/1947 Wing-body Interaction in Linear Supersonic Flow Bourgin, D. G. Prof., University of Texas
Mathews, Charles Willard 6/15/1947 Cauchy Type Integral Representation for Functions of a Complex Variable Trjitzinsky, W. J.  
Smith, Marianne Ruth Freundlich 6/15/1947 On Normed Rings Bourgin, D. G.  
Springer, Melvin Dale 5/15/1947 Joint Sampling Distribution of Mean and Standard Deviation for a Chi-Square Universe Welker, E. L. Professor, Industrial Engineering, University of Arkansas
Helton, Floyd F. 10/15/1946 Quasi-analyticity Related to Sets of Positive Measure of Functions of a Complex Variable Trjitzinsky, W. J. Prof., University of the Pacific, Stockton, CA
Bates, Grace E. 6/15/1946 Free Loops and Nets and Their Generalizations Baer, Reinhold Chairman, Nat' Academies Press, Dartmouth College
Campbell, James D., Jr. 6/15/1946 The Parametric Theory of Singular Parabolic Partial Differential Equations Trjitzinsky, W. J.  
Schubert, Jewell Emma 6/15/1946 Groups of Order 3^m and Class 3 Brahana, H.R. Asst. Prof., University of Illinois
Stewart, James Collier 6/15/1946 Geodesic Correspondences Between Surfaces of Revolution Levy, Harry  
Ferguson, William A. 1/15/1946 Classification of Certain Finite Metabelian Groups Brahana, H.R. Assoc. Prof., University of Illinois
Hattan, Corinne (Rose) 6/15/1945 Lesbesgue-Stieltjes Integral Equations of the First Kind Trjitzinsky, W.J.  
Lockhart, Brooks Javins 10/15/1943 Covariant Correspondences and Covariant Sets of Points Defined by a Given Correspondence on an Algebraic Curve Coble, A.B. Temple University, PA
Atchison, William Franklin 6/15/1943 Virtual Sets on an Algebraic Curve Contrasted with Abelian Function Theory Coble, A. B. Professor / Director / Acting Chair, Department of Computer Science / University of Maryland, College Park
Bell (Lapsley), Jane Campbell 6/15/1943 Systems of Bilinear Forms Coble, A. B.  
Gibson, Robert Wilder 6/15/1943 Projective Geometry with Coordinates from a Commutative Primary Ring Baer, Reinhold Associate Professor
Bell, John Clarence 10/15/1942 An Extension of the Parallelism of Clifford Levy, Harry  
Gingerich, Hugh F. 6/15/1942 Generalized Fields and Desargues Configurations Baer, Reinhold  
Hamming, Richard Wesley 6/15/1942 Some Problems in the Boundary Value Theory of Linear Differential Equations Trjitzinsky, W. J. 1945 - Manhattan Project, a US government research project to produce an atomic bomb.
Kibbey, Donald E. 2/15/1942 Boundary Values of Analytic Functions Doob, Joseph L. Prof. / Acting Chair, Syracuse University
Blackwell, David Harold 6/15/1941 Properties of Markoff Chains Doob, Joseph L. Prof., University of California - Berkeley
Epstein, Benjamin 6/15/1941 On a Certain Class of Transforms Doob, Joseph L. Wayne State University (?)
Kiefer, Lois 6/15/1941 A radial analysis of the structure of the Milky Way in Auriga, based on star counts and color excesses Crathorne, A. R. Head of Math Dept., State Teachers College
Strobel, Charles Frederick 6/15/1941 The Quadrilinear form (1, 1, 1, 2) Coble, A. B. Assoc. Prof., North Carolina State University
Hansman, Margaret Mary 2/15/1941 A geometric investigation into metabelian groups generated by four elements of order P Brahana, H.R. Assoc. Prof., Colorado College
Blanche, Ernest Evred 1/15/1941 A systematic analysis of frequency distributions by the Edgeworth method Crathorne, A. R.  
Carruth, Philip Wilkinson 1/15/1941 Valuations with given residue class field and value group Baer, Reinhold  
Hohn, Franz E. 10/15/1940 Curves on Cayley's dianodal surfaces Coble, A. B.  
Anderson, Paul Hamilton 6/15/1940 Distributions in Stratified Sampling Crathorne, A. R. University of Michigan (?)
Beaumont, Ross Allen 6/15/1940 Projections of Non-abelian Groups Upon Abelian Groups Containing Elements of Infinite Order Baer, Reinhold Prof., University of Washington
Heyda, James F. 6/15/1940 Uniqueness Properties Over Sets of Positive Linear Measure of Functions of a Complex Variable Trjitzinsky, W. J. University of Dayton Research Institute
Lewis, Paul Erwin 6/15/1940 Characters of Abelian Groups Baer, Reinhold  
Moran, Charles William 6/15/1940 Asymptotic Theory of Linear Differential Equations Singular in Several Parameters Trjitzinsky, W. J.  
Nielsen, Kaj Leo 6/15/1940 General Boundary Value Problems for Linear Differential Equations Trjitzinsky, W. J.  
Pate, Robert Sewell 6/15/1940 Systems with Operations which are not Single-Valued Brahana, H.R. Washington State University
Starr, David W. 6/15/1940 The Schrodinger Wave Equation from the Point of View of Singular Integral Equations Trjitzinsky, W. J. Professor Emeritus / Department Chairman, Southern Methodist University, Dallas



Name PhD Date Dissertation Title Dissertation Director Job Information
Ambrose, Warren 6/15/1939 Some Properties of Measurable Stochastic Processes Doob, Joseph L. Assistant Prof. / Associate Prof. / Prof., Massachusetts Instutite of Technology
Eachus, Joseph J. 6/15/1939 Regular Solutions of Non-linear q-difference Systems Trjitzinsky, W. J. Staff Scientist, Honeywell Information Systems Inc.
Leibler, Richard Arthur 6/15/1939 Analytic Theory of Non-linear Singular Differential Systems Whose Associated Systems are of Fuchsian Type Trjitzinsky, W. J. Aviation Ordnance Officer, Navy
Lindstrum, Andrew O., Jr. 6/15/1939 Functions of a Complex Variable Determined by Their Value on Non-dense Sets Trjitzinsky, W. J. Associate Prof. / Professor, Knox College
Tordella, Louis William 6/15/1939 A Classification of Groups of Order P^6 Brahana, H.R. Prof., Chicago Loyola University
Teles, Morris 10/15/1938 Geodesic Correspondence Between Riemannian Space Levy, Harry  
Cassity, C. Ronald 6/15/1938 The maps determined by the principal curves associated with five and six points in the plane Coble, A. B.  
Dennis, Foster Leroy 6/15/1938 Geometric Properties of Algebraic Correspondence Emch, Arnold  
Dobbie, James McQueen 6/15/1938 A Generalized Lambert Series Carmichael, R. D.  
Halmos, Paul Richard 6/15/1938 Invariants of Certain Stochastic Transformations: The Mathematical Theory of Gambling Systems Doob, Joseph L. Instructor, University of Illinois - U-C
Maker, Philip Tillotson 6/15/1938 Conditions on u(x,y) and v(x,y) Necessary and Sufficient for the Regularity of u + iv Trjitzinsky, W. J.  
Shreve, Darrell Rhea 6/15/1938 A Certain Class of Algebraic Hypersurfaces in Projective Space S_r Invariant Under The Symmetric Substitution Group G_(r+2)! Emch, Arnold North Carolina State College - Raleigh (?)
Welker, Everett Linus 6/15/1938 Correlation in Heterogeneous Relations Crathorne, A. R. Specialist in Statistics, University of Illinois (?)
Brown, Donald Meeker 2/15/1938 Arithmetics of Rational Generalized Quaternion Division Algebras Hazlett, O. Allegany College
Moore, Marvin G. 2/15/1938 On Expansions in Series of Exponential Functions Carmichael, R. D. Prof., University Arkansas
Netzorg, Daniel Leon 2/15/1938 On Mechanical Quadrature Formulas and the Distribution of Zeros of Orthogonal Polynomials Trjitzinsky, W. J.  
Rempfer, Robert Weir 2/15/1938 Space Cremona Groups of Transformations of Planar Type Coble, A. B. Northwestern University (?)
Gentry, Franck C. 6/15/1937 Groups of Cremona Transformations in Space of Ternary Type Coble, A. B.  
Pence, Sallie Elizabeth 6/15/1937 The Configuration of the Double Points of Cubics of a Pencil Emch, Arnold University of Kentucky
Reklis, Virginia (Modesitt) 6/15/1937 Some Singular Properties of Conformal Transformations Between Riemannian Spaces Levy, Harry Wright Junior College, Chicago
Thrall, Robert M. 6/15/1937 Metabelian Groups and Trilinear Forms Brahana, H.R. Rice University
Welch, Felix Perry 6/15/1937 Singular Non-Linear First Order Differential Equations Containing a Parameter Trjitzinsky, W. J. Mississippi State College
Burdette, Albert Clark 6/15/1936 On Simultaneous Expansions of Analytic Functions in Composite Power Series Carmichael, R. D. Prof., University of California, Davis
Hurd, Puthbert P. 6/15/1936 Properties of Solutions of Linear Differential Equations Containing a Parameter Trjitzinsky, W. J.  
Lang, Gaines Barrett 2/15/1936 On Finite Systems of Linear Diferential Equations of Infinite Order with Constant Coefficients Carmichael, Robert D.  
Cooley, James Avas 6/15/1935 Cetain Symmetric Surfaces and Curves Invariant in De Jonquieres Transformations Emch, Arnold  
Huff, Gerald Boone 6/15/1935 Discontinuous Groups Associated with the Cremona Groups Coble, A. B. University of Georgia
Schilling, Clarence George 6/15/1935 Some Geometric Applications of Algebraic Correspondences Emch, Arnold Holy Cross College, IN
Walden, Emory Earl 2/15/1935 Algebraic Surfaces Invariant Under the Symmetric G_120 with Special Reference to Quintics and Sextics Emch, Arnold  
Cell, John Wesley 1/15/1935 Second Order Linear Differential Equations Invariant with Respect to Linear Fractional Substitution Groups of Finite Order Carmichael, R. D. Raleigh University
Clark, Brent G. 10/15/1934 The Configuration of Six Points of the Plane Coble, A. B.  
Bird, Marion Taylor 6/15/1934 On generalizations of sum formulas of the Euler-Maclaurin type Carmichael, R. D.  
Ketchum, Gertrude E. (Stith) 6/15/1934 On certain generalizations of the Cauchy Taylor expansion theory Carmichael, R. D.  
Martin, Wm. Ted 6/15/1934 On Expansions in Terms of a Certain General Class of Functions Carmichael, R. D.  
Terry, Henrietta Pearl 6/15/1934 Abelian Subgroups of Order p^m of the I-Groups of the Abelian Groups of Order p^n type 1, 1, 1, .... Brahana, H.R.  
Barber, Sherburne Frederick 6/15/1933 Planar Cremona Transformations Coble, A. B. University of Rochester, Conneticut
Hartley, Miles C. 6/15/1933 Properties of algebraic, plane quintics which are invariant under finite collineation groups Emch, Arnold Faculty Member, University of Illinois
Crull, Harry Edward 5/25/1933 Quartic surfaces invariant in the symmetric group G24 Emch, Arnold Associate Faculty, Coconino Community College
Locke, John Franklin 2/15/1933 Repeated Sums of Certain Functions Carmichael, R. D. Birmingham - Southern College, Alabama
Ott, Ellis Raymond 2/15/1933 A modular manifold associated with the generalized Kummer manifold Coble, A. B. Mathematics Instructor, University of Arkansas
Chanler, Josephine 1/15/1933 Poristic double binary forms Coble, A. B.  
Sigley, Daniel Tell 6/15/1932 Group Involving a Small Number of Complete Sets of Conjugates Carmichael, R. D. Indiana State University
Butchart, John Harvey 5/15/1932 Helics in Euclidean n-space Levy, Harry University of Northern Arizona
Smith, P. K. 6/15/1931 On solutions of linear partial differential equations near singular places Carmichael, Robert D.  
Moore, Greg E. 5/15/1931 The Four-Termed Theta Identities Arising from a Generalization of the Weddle Surface in S4 Coble, A. B.  
Edgett, George Lewis 2/15/1931 Frequency distributions with given statistics which are not all moments Crathorne, A. R.  
Strom, C. W. 2/15/1931 On complete systems under certain finite groups Coble, A. B.  
Taylor, Mildred E. 2/15/1931 A determination of the types of planar Cremona transformations with no more than 9 F-points Coble, A. B.  
Warnock, W. G. 1/15/1931 On the geometry of groups of line configurations Emch, Arnold Kansas State College, Ft. Hays (?)
Starcher, George W. 6/15/1930 On identities arising from solutions of q-difference equations and some interpretation in number theory Carmichael, Robert D. Harvard University
Cooper, Elizabeth M. 5/15/1930 Perspective Elliptic Curves Coble, A. B.  
Purdy, J. R. 2/15/1930 The treatment of finite integration by means of the Cauchy integral theorem Carmichael, Robert D.  
Bristow, Leonard 1/15/1930 Expansion theory associated with linear differential equations and their regular singular points Carmichael, Robert D. Prof., University of Illinois
Harshbarger, Frances 1/15/1930 The geometric configuration defined by a special algebraic relation of genus four Coble, A. B. Assistant Prof., Kent State University



Name PhD Date Dissertation Title Dissertation Director Job Information
Mouzon, Edwin Dubose 6/15/1929 Equimodal frequency distributions Crathorne, A. R. Prof., Princeton University
Oakley, C. O. 6/15/1929 Differential equations containing absolute values of derivates Carmichael, Robert D.  
Baker, George Allen 1/15/1929 Random Sampling from Non-Homogenous Populations Crathorne, A. R. Prof., University of California - Davis
Beveridge, H. R. 1/15/1929 An Expansion problem connected with a system of partial differential equations Carmichael, Robert D.  
Bower, Oliver K. 1/15/1929 Applications of an abstract existence theorem to both differential and difference equations Carmichael, Robert D.  
Moore, W. L. 6/15/1928 On the geometry of the Weddle surface Emch, Arnold  
Miller, W. M. 6/15/1927 On the Variance of Interpolated Observations Crathorne, A. R. Teaching, University of Illinois
Morrel, J. S. 6/15/1927 Expansion of functions in series Carmichael, Robert D.  
Ogg, F. C. 6/15/1927 Certain configurations on cubics Emch, Arnold Bowling Green State University
Hopkins, Charles 1/15/1927 Non-abelian groups whose groups of isomorphisms are abelian Miller, George A.  
Stevenson, Guy 6/15/1926 Expansions of the Neumann type in terms of products of Bessel functions Carmichael, Robert D. Acting Dean, University of Louisville, Kentucky
Doner, R. D. 5/15/1926 The determination of Peirce and Scheffers algebras of order 8 Shaw, James B.  
Graesser, R. F. 5/15/1926 A Certain General Type of Neumann Expansions and Expansions in Confluent Hypergeometric Functions Carmichael, Robert D. University of Arizona (?)
Huber, C. M. 5/15/1926 On complete systems of irrational invariants of associated point sets Coble, A. B.  
Bennett, Therese L. 2/15/1926 Mapping by means of curves invariant under Cremona Involutions Coble, A. B. Southern Connecticut State University, New Haven, CT
Hurst, J. W. 2/15/1926 The classification of ternary algebras Shaw, James B.  
Bailey, H. W. 1/15/1926 The Summability of Single and Multiple Fourier Series Carmichael, Robert D.  
Black, H. L. 1/15/1926 A Cremona group isomorphic with the group of the twenty seven lines on a cubic surface Coble, A. B.  
Conkwright, N. B. 1/15/1926 The Summability of Birkoff Series Carmichael, Robert D. University of Iowa (?)
Hosford, Hemphill M. 1/15/1926 On the Summability of Fourier-Bessel and Dine Expansions Carmichael, Robert D. Southern Methodist University, Texas
Johnston, F. E. 1/15/1926 Transitive substitution groups containing regular subgroups of lower degree Miller, George A.  
Mathews, R. M. 5/15/1925 Cubic curves and desmic surfaces Coble, A. B.  
Carman, M. G. 1/15/1925 Expansion problems in connection with homogeneous Linear difference equations Carmichael, Robert D. Murray State Teachers College
Hoover, B. P. 1/15/1925 Expansions in terms of certain polynomials connected with the gamma-function Carmichael, Robert D.  
Reinsch, B. P. 6/15/1924 Expansion problems in connection with the hypergeometric differential equations Carmichael, Robert D. Florida Southern College (United Methodist College)
Bender, H. A. 1/15/1923 Sylow subgroups in the group of isomorphisms of prime power Abelian groups Miller, George A. University of Akron
Pettit, H. P. 6/15/1922 A general cyclide with special reference to the quintic cyclide Emch, Arnold Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI
Udinski, W. P. 6/15/1922 On a series of rational functions formally analogous to Fourier's series Carmichael, Robert D. University of Texas
Armstrong, Beulah May 5/15/1921 Mathematical Induction in Group Theory Miller, George A.  
Edington, W. F. 1/15/1921 Abstract group definitions and applications Miller, George A.  
Steimley, Leonard Leo 6/15/1920 On a General Class of Series of the Form [SIGMA] c (subscript n) g(nx) Carmichael, Robert D. University of Illinois
Woods, Roscoe 6/15/1920 The Elliptic Modular Functions Associated with the Elliptic Norm Curve 7-E Coble, A. B. University of Iowa
Green, Charles Francis 5/15/1920 On the Summability and Regions of Summability of a General Class of Series of the Form [SIGMA] c(subscript n) g(x + n) Carmichael, Robert D.



Name PhD Date Dissertation Title Dissertation Director Job Information
Jacobs, Jessie Marie 1/15/1919 The Trilinear Binary Form as a Cubic Surface Coble, A. B. Instructor, University of Texas
Smith, M. G. 6/15/1918 Laplace transform theory Carmichael, Robert D. Mathematics Department, Sir John Cass College London (?)
Frary, Hobart Dickinson 5/15/1918 The Green's Function for a Plane Contour Shaw, James B. University of Wisconsin (?)
Borden, R. F. 1/15/1918 On the Laplace-Poisson mixed equation Carmichael, Robert D. George Washington University
Smith, G. W. 6/15/1917 Nilpotent algebras generated by two units, i and j, such that i^2 is not an independent unit Shaw, James B.  
Wilson, W. H. 6/15/1917 On a certain general class of functional equations Carmichael, Robert D.  
Hebbert, Clarence Mark 1/15/1917 Some Circular Curves Generated by Pencils of Stelloids and Their Polars Emch, Arnold  
Rutledge, George 6/15/1915 The Number of Abelian Subgroups of Groups Whose Orders are the Powers of Primes Miller, George A. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Kircher, E. A. T. 5/15/1914 Group properties of the residue classes of certain Kronecker modular systems and some related generalizations in number theory Miller, George A.  
Mathewson, L. C. 1/15/1914 Theorems on the groups of isomorphisms of certain groups Miller, George A.  
Burns, Josephine E. 1/15/1913 The Abstract definitions of Groups of degree 8 Miller, George A. University of Wisconsin
Denton, W. W. 5/15/1912 Projective differential geometry of developable surfaces Townsend, E. J.  
Stouffer, E. B. 6/15/1911 Invariants of linear differential equations, with applications to ruled surfaces in 5 dimensional spaces. Wilczynski, Ernest Assistant Prof., University of Kansas
Bennett, Elizabeth R. 1/15/1910 Primitive groups with a Determination of the primitive groups of degree 20 Miller, George A. Instructor, University of Nebraska, Lincoln



Name PhD Date Dissertation Title Dissertation Director
Coar, Henry Livingston 1/15/1903 Functions of Three Independent Variables Townsend, E. J.