The University of Illinois Urbana Champaign requires all incoming freshmen to take the ALEKS Placement, Preparation, and Learning (PPL) Mathematics Assessment Exam to assess students' mathematical knowledge for advising and course placement.

ALEKS PPL uses adaptive, open response questioning to assess students’ current mathematical knowledge. Students are advised and placed into an Illinois math course—and given the opportunity to improve their placement through targeted learning with up to 12 months of access to preparation and learning modules.

Policies regarding placement and proficiency testing can be found via the CITL website.

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Course placement requirements ALEKS PPL Rules and Information About your ALEKS PPL score ALEKS PPL Accessibility Info & Technical Support FAQs about ALEKS PPL

Course placement requirements


ALEKS PPL scores are used alongside other measures to determine a student’s preparedness for a given mathematics course. Some courses require students to meet or exceed a given score; for other courses certain score thresholds are recommended.

The following ALEKS PPL score requirements/recommendations are in effect for all students:

Course ALEKS PPL score needed to enroll
MATH 112 40% required
MATH 115 or MATH 234 65% required
MATH 220, 221 80% required
MATH 101 20% recommended
MATH 103, 112, 114, 117, 119, 181 50% recommended
MATH 124, 125 65% recommended

To enroll in MATH 112, 115, 220, 221, or 234, students must obtain the minimum required ALEKS PPL placement score (as shown in the preceding table). 

When to take the ALEKS PPL

Placement windows open prior to each semester or session that students can enroll in required math courses. Upcoming placement windows are as follows:

  • For Summer (S2) 2025 session: February 17, 2025 – June 20, 2025
  • For Fall 2025 semester:  April 14, 2025 – August 29, 2025

ALEKS PPL scores are valid only if obtained during these placement windows. 


Taking the ALEKS PPL Mathematics Assessment Exam


ALEKS PPL is a fully automated, adaptive system that covers a broad spectrum of pre-calculus material. Average completion time for the ALEKS PPL is 90 minutes, though your time may be longer or shorter. Please plan accordingly.

ALEKS PPL Rules and Information

  • The exam contains approximately 30 questions.
  • We recommend having pencil and paper on hand during the exam.
  • A calculator will be provided by ALEKS PPL when needed; do not use your own.
  • You have 3 hours to complete the assessment exam.
  • You must complete the assessment exam within 24 hours of starting.
  • You may take up to one assessment exam per day. There is a 24-hour cooling off period between placement assessments.
  • After taking the second assessment, all students must engage in a minimum of 5 hours in the learning module between each assessment.
  • Incoming students may take up to 3 assessments for fall semester course enrollment and up to 2 assessments for spring semester enrollment.
  • ALEKS PPL includes 5 assessment exams and access to the learning module in a 12-month period.
  • ALEKS PPL exam scores are only valid if obtained during placement windows. See “When to take the ALEKS PPL” in the previous section.

ALEKS PPL Expectations

You should complete the exam entirely on your own. Do not use books, other materials, the Internet, or consult with anyone during the exam.

A dishonest score will misrepresent your mathematical background and significantly decrease your chances of success.

Remember to keep your eye on the goal: preparing yourself for mathematics coursework at the University of Illinois. Placement in a course does not guarantee success, but by being honest about your level of acquisition, you will be helping our advising team place you in appropriate courses; with suitable course placement, you may significantly increase your chances of success in college-level math coursework and reduce your exposure to common obstacles along your path to a degree.

When you are ready to take the test, you can click on the following button.

Take the ALEKS PPL Mathematics Assessment Exam


About your ALEKS PPL Score


After you complete the ALEKS PPL assessments, you can view your score and the math course(s) you qualify for via the ALEKS PPL Assessment Score Viewer. Please note that scores are loaded daily, so there may be a 24-hour delay before you see your course placement.

You can always see your score immediately by reentering the ALEKS PPL application. Once you know your score, you can compare it to current cutoffs for course placement.

NOTE: ALEKS PPL exam scores are only valid if obtained during placement windows. See “When to take the ALEKS PPL.”


Accessibility & Technical Support for ALEKS PPL


If you experience issues with the ALEKS PPL application, please contact McGraw-Hill, the company who distributes the exam. McGraw-Hill offers technical support for ALEKS PPL via phone, email, and live chat. Find more information, including hours of operation, on the ALEKS Support contact page.

Individuals who require special assistance or accommodations to complete the ALEKS PPL math assessment exam should visit the Office of Disability Resources and Educational Services (DRES) website to see information about available accommodations and how to apply for services. You can also email for more information.

For questions about course enrollment options, contact the Department of Mathematics advising team at


Will I be required to take the ALEKS PPL Mathematics Assessment Exam?

All incoming first-year students to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign are required to take the ALEKS PPL Math Assessment Exam prior to registration. There are no exceptions, even if you are expecting advanced placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) course proficiency credit.

All transfer students who intend to enroll in a Calculus I or lower-level math class are also required to take the ALEKS PPL Math Placement Exam. If you are transferring to Illinois with math credit earned elsewhere, you should check with your college to verify what other math courses, if any, your program requires.

Why does the University of Illinois require me to take a math placement exam?

Proper course placement is critical. Research suggests that college student success in their first math course is indicative of success in degree completion. Students placed in academically appropriate courses can increase their chances of successful college careers; it also helps bridge opportunity gaps between students who have had varying levels of access to mathematical learning opportunities.

How much does it cost to take the ALEKS PPL Mathematics Assessment Exam?

For incoming freshmen and transfer students, ALEKS PPL is offered free of charge.

Students who might take a second placement course in the spring of their first year of enrollment will need to use one of the 5 included assessment exams or pay for an additional assessment fee. The cost per issuance of ALEKS PPL to current students is $11.01.

How can I find out what my ALEKS PPL score is?

After you complete the ALEKS PPL assessments, you can view your score and the math course(s) you qualify for via the ALEKS PPL Assessment Score Viewer. Please note that scores are loaded daily, so there may be a 24-hour delay before you see your course placement.

Your score is also automatically added to your Proficiency and Placement (PNP) Student Profile. That’s where your advisor can view both your best math score and your math course placement.

What if I do not obtain the required minimum score for the math course I am enrolled in?

Students wishing to enroll in MATH 112, 115, 220, 221, or 234 are required to obtain a minimum ALEKS PPL assessment score before registering for their desired course. Passing scores are 80% for Math 220 and 221, 65% for Math 115 and 234, and 40% for Math 112.

If you do not reach the minimum score, you have the following options:

  • Retake the ALEKS PPL assessment exam and/or use the learning module to attempt to improve your score
  • Enroll in a prerequisite course:
    • MATH 112 is the prerequisite course for MATH 115 and MATH 234.

MATH 115 is the prerequisite course for MATH 220 and MATH 221.

How long will my ALEKS PPL score remain valid?

For the purposes of course placement in a math course at UIUC, an ALEKS PPL scores are valid only if obtained during the placement window. Please see the established placement windows to ensure your score will be valid for the semester you wish to enroll.

Why can’t I access some of my assessment exams?

ALEKS PPL includes 5 assessment exams and access to the learning module within a 12-month period. For incoming students, assessments 4 and 5 are initially password protected; these two assessments will become available prior to spring semester registration.

If your first ALEKS PPL account has expired or if you need to make additional attempts, you may need to purchase a second account. Visit the ALEKS PPL math placement portal to purchase a second ALEKS PPL account.